ceph 命令行手册

General usage: ==============usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--setuser SETUSER] [--setgroup SETGROUP] [--id CLIENT_ID] [--name CLIENT_NAME]...
 General usage:
usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
            [--setuser SETUSER] [--setgroup SETGROUP] [--id CLIENT_ID]
            [--name CLIENT_NAME] [--cluster CLUSTER]
            [--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET] [-s] [-w] [--watch-debug]
            [--watch-info] [--watch-sec] [--watch-warn] [--watch-error]
            [--watch-channel WATCH_CHANNEL] [--version] [--verbose]
            [--concise] [-f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}]
            [--connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT]

Ceph administration tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            request mon help
                        ceph configuration file
  -i INPUT_FILE, --in-file INPUT_FILE
                        input file, or "-" for stdin
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --out-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        output file, or "-" for stdout
  --setuser SETUSER     set user file permission
  --setgroup SETGROUP   set group file permission
  --id CLIENT_ID, --user CLIENT_ID
                        client id for authentication
                        client name for authentication
  --cluster CLUSTER     cluster name
  --admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET
                        submit admin-socket commands ("help" for help
  -s, --status          show cluster status
  -w, --watch           watch live cluster changes
  --watch-debug         watch debug events
  --watch-info          watch info events
  --watch-sec           watch security events
  --watch-warn          watch warn events
  --watch-error         watch error events
  --watch-channel WATCH_CHANNEL
                        which log channel to follow when using -w/--watch. One
                        of ['cluster', 'audit', '*'
  --version, -v         display version
  --verbose             make verbose
  --concise             make less verbose
  -f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}, --format {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}
  --connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT
                        set a timeout for connecting to the cluster

 Local commands:

ping <mon.id>           Send simple presence/life test to a mon
                        <mon.id> may be 'mon.*' for all mons
daemon {type.id|path} <cmd>
                        Same as --admin-daemon, but auto-find admin socket
daemonperf {type.id | path} [stat-pats] [priority] [<interval>] [<count>]
daemonperf {type.id | path} list|ls [stat-pats] [priority]
                        Get selected perf stats from daemon/admin socket
                        Optional shell-glob comma-delim match string stat-pats
                        Optional selection priority (can abbreviate name):
                         critical, interesting, useful, noninteresting, debug
                        List shows a table of all available stats
                        Run <count> times (default forever),
                         once per <interval> seconds (default 1)

 Monitor commands:
auth add <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}                                                                                add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input is given, and/or any caps specified in the
auth caps <entity> <caps> [<caps>...]                                                                                 update caps for <name> from caps specified in the command
auth export {<entity>}                                                                                                write keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if none given
auth get <entity>                                                                                                     write keyring file with requested key
auth get-key <entity>                                                                                                 display requested key
auth get-or-create <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}                                                                      add auth info for <entity> from input file, or random key if no input given, and/or any caps specified in the command
auth get-or-create-key <entity> {<caps> [<caps>...]}                                                                  get, or add, key for <name> from system/caps pairs specified in the command.  If key already exists, any given caps
                                                                                                                       must match the existing caps for that key.
auth import                                                                                                           auth import: read keyring file from -i <file>
auth ls                                                                                                               list authentication state
auth print-key <entity>                                                                                               display requested key
auth print_key <entity>                                                                                               display requested key
auth rm <entity>                                                                                                      remove all caps for <name>
balancer dump <plan>                                                                                                  Show an optimization plan
balancer eval {<option>}                                                                                              Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific pool or specific plan
balancer eval-verbose {<option>}                                                                                      Evaluate data distribution for the current cluster or specific pool or specific plan (verbosely)
balancer execute <plan>                                                                                               Execute an optimization plan
balancer ls                                                                                                           List all plans
balancer mode none|crush-compat|upmap                                                                                 Set balancer mode
balancer off                                                                                                          Disable automatic balancing
balancer on                                                                                                           Enable automatic balancing
balancer optimize <plan> {<pools> [<pools>...]}                                                                       Run optimizer to create a new plan
balancer pool add <pools> [<pools>...]                                                                                Enable automatic balancing for specific pools
balancer pool ls                                                                                                      List automatic balancing pools. Note that empty list means all existing pools will be automatic balancing targets,
                                                                                                                       which is the default behaviour of balancer.
balancer pool rm <pools> [<pools>...]                                                                                 Disable automatic balancing for specific pools
balancer reset                                                                                                        Discard all optimization plans
balancer rm <plan>                                                                                                    Discard an optimization plan
balancer show <plan>                                                                                                  Show details of an optimization plan
balancer status                                                                                                       Show balancer status
config assimilate-conf                                                                                                Assimilate options from a conf, and return a new, minimal conf file
config dump                                                                                                           Show all configuration option(s)
config generate-minimal-conf                                                                                          Generate a minimal ceph.conf file
config get <who> {<key>}                                                                                              Show configuration option(s) for an entity
config help <key>                                                                                                     Describe a configuration option
config log {<int>}                                                                                                    Show recent history of config changes
config ls                                                                                                             List available configuration options
config reset <int>                                                                                                    Revert configuration to previous state
config rm <who> <name>                                                                                                Clear a configuration option for one or more entities
config set <who> <name> <value> {--force}                                                                             Set a configuration option for one or more entities
config show <who> {<key>}                                                                                             Show running configuration
config show-with-defaults <who>                                                                                       Show running configuration (including compiled-in defaults)
config-key dump {<key>}                                                                                               dump keys and values (with optional prefix)
config-key exists <key>                                                                                               check for <key>'s existence
config-key get <key>                                                                                                  get <key>
config-key ls                                                                                                         list keys
config-key rm <key>                                                                                                   rm <key>
config-key set <key> {<val>}                                                                                          set <key> to value <val>
crash info <id>                                                                                                       show crash dump metadata
crash json_report <hours>                                                                                             Crashes in the last <hours> hours
crash ls                                                                                                              Show saved crash dumps
crash post                                                                                                            Add a crash dump (use -i <jsonfile>)
crash prune <keep>                                                                                                    Remove crashes older than <keep> days
crash rm <id>                                                                                                         Remove a saved crash <id>
crash stat                                                                                                            Summarize recorded crashes
deepsea config-set <key> <value>                                                                                      Set a configuration value
deepsea config-show                                                                                                   Show current configuration
device check-health                                                                                                   Check life expectancy of devices
device get-health-metrics <devid> {<sample>}                                                                          Show stored device metrics for the device
device info <devid>                                                                                                   Show information about a device
device ls                                                                                                             Show devices
device ls-by-daemon <who>                                                                                             Show devices associated with a daemon
device ls-by-host <host>                                                                                              Show devices on a host
device monitoring off                                                                                                 Disable device health monitoring
device monitoring on                                                                                                  Enable device health monitoring
device predict-life-expectancy {<devid>}                                                                              Predict life expectancy with local predictor
device query-daemon-health-metrics <who>                                                                              Get device health metrics for a given daemon
device rm-life-expectancy <devid>                                                   
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