Database Technologies

Text A

A database -management system (DBMS) consists of a coletor of irelad data anda set of programs to aces those data. The clecto of data, usually,rerred to as the database, cotin Momstn ao o prtotn mepre The pimany gol ofa DBMS is 10 povide a evioment that is both convenien and efint to use in etrieving and storing databaseinformation.


Datbse systems are dsigned to manage large bodies of iformation. The management of data involves both the definition of structures for the storage of information and the provision of mechanisms for the manipulation of information. In addition, the database system must provide for the safety of the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized acess.. If data are to be shared among several users, the system must avoid possible anomalous results. The importance of information in most organizations which determines the value ofthe dlabase has led to the dvelopont ofa large body of conceps and tehniquesfor the eficient management of data.


The storage structure and access methods used by the database system are specified by a set of definitions in a special of DDL called a data storage and definition language. The result of compilation of these definitions is a set of instructions to specify the implementation details of the database schemas-details are usually hidden from the users. A database schema is also specified by DDL. The result of compilation of DDL statements is a set of tables that is stored in a special file called data dictionary, or data directory. A data dictionary is a file that contains metadata -that is, data about data. This file is consulted before actual data are read or modified inthe database system.

Transaction Management


A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database application. Each transaction is a unit of both atomicity and consistency. Thus, we require that transactions do not violate any database-consistency constraints. That is, if the database was consistent when a transaction started, the database must be consistent when the transaction successfully terminates. However, during the execution of a transaction, it may be necessarytemporarily to allow inconsistency. This temporary inconsistency, although necessary, may lead to difficulty if a failure occurs.


Storage Management


Database typically requires a large amount of storage space. Corporate databases are usually measured in terms of gigabytes or, for the largest datbases, terabytes of data. A gigabyteis 10000 megabytes or (1 bllion bytes), and a terabyte is 1 million megabytes (1 tllin bytes). Since the main memory of computers cannot store this much information, the information is stored on disks. Data are moved between disk storage and main memory as needed. Since the movement of data to and from disk is slow relative to the speed of the central processing unit, it is impetrative that the database system structures the data so as to minimize the need to movedata between disk and main memory.


The goal of a database system is to simplify and facilitate access to data.! BI High-level views help to achieve this goal. Users of the system should not be burdened unnecessarily with the physical details of the implementation of the system. Nevertheless, a major factor in a user's satisfaction or lack thereof with a database system is that system's performance. If the response time for a request is too long, the value of the system is diminished. The performance of a system depends on what the fficiency is of the data structures used to represent the data in the database, and on how efficiently the system is able to operate on these data structures. As is thecase elsewhere in computer systems, a tradeoff must be made not only between spac and time,but also between the efficiency of one kind of operation and that of another.



A storage manager is a program module that provides the interface between the low-leveldata stored in the database and the application programs and queries submitted to the system. The storage manager is responsible for the interaction with the file manager. The raw data are stored on the disk using the file system, which is usually provided by a conventional operating system. The storage manager translates the various DML statements into low-level file-system commands. Thus, the storage manager is responsible for storing, retrieving, and updating of data in the database.


















 Text B

 A data warehouse is a repository (or archive) of information gathered from multiple sources,stored under a unified schema, at a single site. Once gatered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user a single consolidated interface to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that on-linetransaction-processing systems are not ffected by the decision-support workload.

 Figure 2-1 shows the architecture of a typical data warehouse, and ilustrates the gathering of data, the storage of data, and the querying and data analysis support. Among the ises to beaddressed in building a warehouse are the following:

When and how to gather data. In a soure diven achitetere for ftbering dala, the data sourcs tansmit new iformatio, either cninallyy as tansction pocssgs takes plac, or priodically, such as each night. In a destination. driven achiteture, the data warehouseperiodically sends requests for new data to the sources.

Unless updates at the sources are replicated at the warehouse via two-phase commit, the warehouse will never be quite up to date with the sources. Two phase commit is usually far toexpensive to be an option, so data warehouses typically have slightly out-of-date data. That,however, is usually not a problem for decision support systems.

What schema to use. Data sources that have been constructed independently are likely to have different schemas. In fact, they may even use different data models. Part of the task of a warchouse is to perform schema integration, and to convert data to the integrated schema before they are stored. As a result, the data stored in the warehouse are not just a copy of the data at the sources. Instead, they can be thought of as a stored view (or materialized view) of the data at thesources.


●How to propagate updates. Updates on relations at the data sources must be propagated to the data warehouse. If the relations at : he ata warbto are exacly the same as those at the data source, the propagation is straightforward.


How to propagate updates. Updates on relations at the data sources must be propagaeato the data warehouse. If the relations at the data warehuse are exactly the same as those at thedata source, the propagation is straightforward.

What data to summarize. The raw data generated by a transaction-processing system may be too large to store on-line. However, we can answer many queries by maintaining justsummary data obtained by aggregation on a relation, rather than maintaining the entire relation.For example, instead of storing data about every sale of clothing, we can store total sales ofclothing by category.









如何传播更新。数据源上关系的更新必须传播到数据仓库。如果:he ata warbto的关系与数据源的关系完全相同,那么传播就很简单。










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