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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0注册是否是集团律师律师验证用户名密码填写集团内律师权限相关操作快速注册外部律师相关权限yesno

2015-12-27 08:18:15 315

翻译 setup

Required Imports and Basic SetupI strongly encourage you to read this entire page. There are a few things you need to know about integrating jsPlumb with your UI.Browser Compatibility SetupRequired

2015-12-18 15:02:01 532

翻译 connections

ConnectionsProgrammatic Connections Drag and Drop Connections Elements as sources and targetsSources Specifying drag source areaEndpoint optionsTargets Preventing Loopback ConnectionsU

2015-12-18 14:49:53 978

翻译 interceptors

InterceptorsInterceptors are basically event handlers from which you can return a value that tells jsPlumb to abort what it is that it was doing. There are four interceptors supported - beforeDrop, wh

2015-12-18 14:42:17 323

翻译 types

Connection and Endpoint TypesIntroduction Connection TypesParameterized Connection TypesEndpoint TypesParameterized Endpoint TypesReapplying TypesFluid InterfaceIntroductionA Type is a collecti

2015-12-18 14:41:15 405

翻译 utilities

Utility FunctionsThis page contains a summary of some common scenarios you may find when using jsPlumb, and what functions jsPlumb offers to help you.Repainting an element or elementsAssuming you use j

2015-12-18 14:40:27 303

翻译 events 事件

Events 事件jsPlumb supports binding to several different events on Connections, Endpoints and Overlays, and also on the jsPlumb object itself. jsPlumb Events [connection](#evt-connection) [c

2015-12-18 13:49:34 1033

翻译 removing-删除

Removing NodesRemoving ConnectionsRemoving EndpointsRemoving NodesIf you have configured a DOM element with jsPlumb in any way you should use jsPlumb to remove the element from the DOM (as opposed t

2015-12-17 15:23:57 1062

翻译 endpoints

EndpointsAn Endpoint models the appearance and behaviour of one end of a Connection; it delegates its location to an underlying Anchor. jsPlumb comes with four Endpoint implementations - Dot, Rectangle

2015-12-17 14:52:16 945

翻译 dragging

Element DraggingA common feature of interfaces using jsPlumb is that the elements are draggable. You should use the draggable method on a jsPlumbInstance to configure this:myInstanceOfJsPlumb.draggable

2015-12-17 14:51:47 837

翻译 draggable-connections-examples

Draggable Connections ExamplesA note on dragOptions and dropOptionsdragOptionsThere are two methods in jsPlumb that allow you to configure an element from which Connections can be dragged - addEndpoint

2015-12-17 14:50:55 422

翻译 development

jsPlumb DevelopmentBuilding jsPlumbInstructions for running a build can be found here.Pluggable Library SupportOut of the box, jsPlumb can be run standalone, or on top of jQuery. This is achieved by d

2015-12-17 14:49:55 294

翻译 defaults

Configuring DefaultsThe easiest way to set a look and feel for your plumbing is to override the defaults that jsPlumb uses. If you do not do this you are forced to provide your overridden values on eve

2015-12-17 14:49:18 1263

翻译 connect-examples

jsPlumb.connect ExamplesThis section provides various examples of how to use the programmatic API to establish Connections. The basic syntax of a call is that you execute ‘connect’, providing a source

2015-12-17 14:47:50 333

翻译 boilerplate

BoilerplateHere’s a simple page that you can copy in order to get going. A few basic things are illustrated here:Nodes (with class w) are positioned absolute.CSS is used to set the z-index of nodes

2015-12-17 14:44:42 346

翻译 basic-concepts

Basic ConceptsIntroduction Connector, Endpoint, Anchor & Overlay DefinitionsIntroductionjsPlumb is all about connecting things together, so the core abstraction in jsPlumb is the Connection object,

2015-12-17 14:43:33 395

翻译 animation

AnimationjsPlumb offers an animate function, which wraps the underlying animation engine for whichever library you happen to be using, and inserts a callback for jsPlumb to repaint whatever it needs to

2015-12-17 14:43:02 264

翻译 anchors

AnchorsIntroduction Static AnchorsDynamic AnchorsDefault Dynamic AnchorLocation SelectionPerimeter AnchorsPerimeter Anchor RotationContinuous AnchorsContinuous Anchor FacesAssociating CSS cla

2015-12-17 14:42:27 1292

原创 thinkphp整合ueditor上传功能

<?php// +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | UploaderController // +----------------------------------------------------------------------// | Copyright

2015-12-09 14:36:43 642





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