SlickEdit 2011 版本的新特性


Slickedit 2011的新特性我最关心如下几点:

1.  终于有了64位版本

2.  Context Tagging 支持多线程了

3.  对Visual Studio 2010 支持更加完美了




      Here is a list of new features for this release. I have also attached the readme notes for more complete details and a list of key bug fixes.
You'll probably notice that the list of new features is shorter than years past. Many have commented that they don't want new features, that they just want the existing features to work better. That's what we've tried to do in this release. We've spend most of our time on improving the core of SlickEdit, like the work to make things multithreaded. That should result in fewer interruptions and better utilization of computing resources. We still have more work to do along these lines, but we think we've made good progress this year. We hope you'll agree.
64-bit Versions for Windows and Linux
Native 64-bit versions of SlickEdit are now available for Windows and Linux. These allow you to run on 64-bit platforms without the use of 32-bit libraries. SlickEdit still retains the 2 gigabyte file size limit.
Much of our energy this year has been spent on reengineering parts of SlickEdit to be multithreaded. This will allow us to make better use of available CPU resources and reduce the waiting time for affected operations. The Context Tagging engine has been the focus of this work, so that we can update and read the tag database using multiple threads. Many of the parsers for supported languages have been updated to run on a thread.
Support for Ruby Debugging
Added support for debugging Ruby programs.
Support for the Git Version Control System
Added support for the Git version control system. The basic operations supported are: add, remove, commit, revert, push, and pull. We have also built a basic status tree showing the result of comparing the workspace to the repository.
Auto-Reload Performed on a Thread
Auto-reload now uses a thread to access files, preventing SlickEdit from hanging due to unavailable resources. Auto-reload is still performed when you switch applications. A future modification may involve periodically checking for modified files, but that has not yet been implemented.
Dynamic Debugger Enhancements
This includes the following changes:

  • Added support for Python 3.
  • Corrected display of Python special values: True, False, and None.
  • Added a column to display the Value Type.
  • Added the capability to change values while debugging
  • Improved the display of Perl values. Previously, all values were displayed as scalars.

Updated Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Support
This includes the following changes:
  • Improved workspace and project folder handling.
  • Added ability to read project property sheets.
  • Improved support for project dependencies.

Updated JUnit Support
The JUnit support was updated to support version 4.6 and later. Earlier versions are not supported.

SlickEdit License Manager
SlickEdit no longer uses the FlexNet licensing system. We have developed our own licensing system that provides the same convenience as the previous system, while providing us greater latitude to license our products as needed. Both Named User and Concurrent licenses are supports, as before. Named User licenses continue to use a license file that is stored in the same locations as before. For more information see Licensing.



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SlickEdit 16 是一个集成开发环境(IDE)工具,它为开发者提供了丰富的功能和工具来提高他们的软件开发效率。 首先,SlickEdit 16 提供了多种编程语言的支持,如C、C++、Java、Python和JavaScript等,使开发人员可以在一个统一的界面中开发不同的应用程序。这样,开发者可以轻松地切换和跳转到不同的源代码文件,并且可以在代码编辑过程中获得自动补全、代码提示和语法高亮等功能,从而减少了开发中的错误和提高了他们的工作效率。 此外,SlickEdit 16 还提供了强大的代码导航功能。开发者可以使用快捷键或通过简单的搜索来查找代码中的特定函数、变量或类等。这个功能使得开发人员可以快速地定位和跳转到他们需要的代码区域,从而节省了他们的时间和精力。 除了基本的代码编辑和导航功能外,SlickEdit 16 还提供了一些高级功能来改善开发过程。例如,开发者可以使用内置的调试器来调试他们的代码,并查看变量的值、设置断点等。此外,SlickEdit 16 还支持版本控制系统,如Git和SVN,使开发者可以轻松地管理和协作他们的代码。 总的来说,SlickEdit 16 是一个功能强大的集成开发环境工具,它提供了丰富的功能和工具以提高开发者的软件开发效率。无论是代码编辑、导航还是调试和版本控制,SlickEdit 16 都可以帮助开发者更好地完成他们的工作。


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