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转载 46 Simple Python Exercises-Higher order functions and list comprehensions
26.Using the higher order functionreduce(), write a functionmax_in_list()that takes alistof numbers and returns the largest one. Then ask yourself: why define and call a new function, when ...
2017-05-28 14:38:00 157
转载 IDEA一些设置
1. 设置字体为Consolas,Size:16, Line spacing: 1.12. 设置智能提示大小写不敏感在设置中搜索sense, 找到配置节点 Editor->General->Code Completion,然后把Case sensitive completions设置为None转载于:https://www.cnblogs.co...
2017-05-03 09:13:00 146
转载 DDD建模案例----“视频课程”场景
接触领域驱动设计DDD有一年多的时间了,中间看过不少书,参与过一些讨论(ENode QQ群)。目前对DDD的认知还停留在理论阶段,所以对领域建模非常感兴趣,这里说的建模是指以DDD的思想为指导再加上DDD的工具,比如聚合、实体、值对象等等。 昨天有群友分享了一个建模的案例,我想在这儿记录下来,有两个目的:1、为自己学习DDD储存素材 2、锻炼自己写文章的能力 关于DDD...
2016-09-21 23:28:00 457
转载 数据结构与算法-单向链表
2016-07-12 00:12:00 148
转载 Normalization
In creating adatabase, normalization is the process of organizing it into tables in such a way that the results of using the database are always unambiguous and as intended. Normalization may ha...
2016-05-30 11:33:00 149
转载 Denormalization 2
In arelational database, denormalization is an approach to speeding up read performance (data retrieval) in which the administrator selectively adds back specific instances of redundant dataaft...
2016-05-30 11:33:00 108
转载 Denormalization
DenormalizationIn computing, denormalization is the process of attempting to optimize the read performance of a database by adding redundant data or by grouping data. In some cases, denorma...
2016-05-30 11:24:00 153
转载 C# 通过反射获取扩展方法
注意,扩展方法本质上是静态方法,所以拿到MethodInfo时,应该这么调用 methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[]{params}) 1 static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetExtensionMethods(Assembly assembly, Type extendedType) 2 ...
2015-09-06 16:14:00 928
转载 从ord()中对Unicode编码的理解
刚开始学习编程的时候,老对字符串编码的理解模模糊糊。也一直看这方便的资料,今天在看Dive in python时,突然有了新的理解(不知道是否正确)。Python有个built-in函数ord(),返回一个字符的unicode值。这个函数并没有其他参数,那就是说,给定一个字符,就会有一个特定值对应。跟具体编码(utf-8,utf-16,gb2312)无关。我之前错误的理解是:每套...
2015-04-10 09:32:00 403
转载 python访问MS SqlServer(通过pyodbc)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 4 5 import pyodbc 6 7 8 class MSSQL: 9 """10 封装pyodbc11 """12 13 def __init__(self,host,user,pwd...
2015-01-13 09:32:00 196
转载 How to use *args and **kwargs in Python
Or,How to use variable length argument lists in Python.The special syntax,*argsand**kwargsin function definitions is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. The single a...
2014-08-13 23:14:00 87
转载 Python,ElementTree模块处理XML时注释无法读取和保存的问题
from xml.etree import ElementTreeclass CommentedTreeBuilder ( ElementTree.XMLTreeBuilder ): def __init__ ( self, html = 0, target = None ): ElementTree.XMLTreeBuilder.__in...
2014-06-05 00:33:00 930
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