Exps on March 25th


What's your time there? What time is it over there? 在你那里,现在是几点啊?
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 格林威治时间,0时区,伦敦标准时间
China is located in the 8th time zone east of Greenwich. 中国处于东八区
美国:Pacific time太平洋时区 Mountain time山地时区 Central time中部时间 Easten time东部时间 Now it's 11:15 eastern time.
宣战:declare war
倒时差 n. jet lag, a. jet-lagged, 
Every time I fly to the States, I get really bad jet lag.
现在是北京时间5点整。Now it's 5 o'clock sharp Beijing time.
北京时间和Greenwich时间的时差是多少?What's the difference between Beijing time and Greenwich Mean Time? There is a time difference of 8 hours.
你们那里用的是什么时间?What's the time you use there? We are on Beijing time. It's the standard time for the whole country.


What day is today? 今天周几?
What's the date today? 今天几号? It's March,25,2003.美式  It's 25,March,2003.英式
What time did you have your pills? 几点吃的药?
When were you born? I was born in 1980 / in May / on May,1,1980 / on the morning of May,1,1980 / at 2 o'clock on the morning of May,1,1980 / at 2 o'clock in the morning / in the morning. (in泛泛的范围 on某一天 at某个时间点)
What month is this? It's March. What month was last month? What month is next month?


1999 nineteen ninety-nine
1905 nineteen o five
1900 nineteen handred
2000 two thousand
2008 two thousand and eight


national holiday 全国性假日
legal holiday=paid holiday 法定假日
holiday economy 假日经济
May day=International Labor Day 国际劳动节
National Day 国庆节
New Year's Day 元旦
the Lantern Festival 元宵节
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
Mid-autumn Festival=Moon Festival 中秋节


A: Hello, this is wal-mart. Can I help you?
B: Hello, what time do you close, please?
A: We close at 10pm every day. And we open at 9am.
B: All right. Are you open on the weekends?
A: The same hours as on the weekdays.
B: You guys never take a break! I want to come in and have a look at your sale(打折品). Your sale is still on, isn't it?
A: Yes, it runs till the end of the month. But things are clearing out(清楚清仓) fast. / They are selling like hot dogs. / They are selling well.


A: Traffic Department.
B: Hello, I need to come in and take the test for my driver's license(考驾照). When are your office hours? / What hours are you open? 你们的服务时间是多少?
A: We are open from 9am to 3pm. You can take the test any time in between. 我们从早上9点到下午三点,在这个时间段你都可以来。
B: And it isn't possible to do it on the weekend, is it?
A: No, I'm sorry. We are off on the weekends. 周末我们休息。


办公时间 office hours
开放时间 opening hours
你能挤出时间吗? Could you make the time? 
放假 make holidays / go on holiday / go on vacation 
平时的休息 take days off / be off 
请病假 take a sick leave 
时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.
一寸光阴一寸金 Time is gold.
岁月无情 Father Time(时间老人) hasn't been kind to his looks.
时光飞逝 How time flies. Time is flying. Time has passed by so quickly. Time has gone by so quickly.
时间差不多就结束了 Time is running out.
时间抚平所有创伤 Time heals all wounds.
与时俱进 Progress with the times(时代).
只有这一次 only this time
准时 punctual=on time






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


