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转载 [Software Engineering]Responsibility-based pattern language..TBC

[Software Engineering]Responsibility-based pattern language..TBC HCI, HCI and iVirtualWorld, outline of the paper with 10 papers read...

2019-09-24 14:28:45 118

转载 Assignment

Assignment Machine Learning:(try to make it fun.)1 page: information description of course project, due on Tue before class(May 11)...

2019-09-24 14:28:41 191

转载 [Machine Learning]Markov chain and Hidden Markov Models(HMMs)

[Machine Learning]Markov chain and Hidden Markov Models(HMMs) 隐马尔可夫模型HMM快速入门:http://homepage3.nifty.com/myinfo/HMM.pdf如果例子再具体一点就好...

2019-09-24 14:28:38 145

转载 [Machine Learning]关于核方法和最近邻算法

[Machine Learning]关于核方法和最近邻算法 [1]张瑞民,郭海刚,李培峦. 基于核的k最近邻算法.华北水利水电学院学报. 2007年12月核方法的核心是采用非线性映射将原始数据由数据空间映射到特征空间,进而在特征空间中进行对应的线性操作。KNN(...

2019-09-24 14:28:38 697

转载 关于GIT

关于GIT 有些命令总结一下:获得最新的内核源代码树:$git clone更新本地GIT仓库:$git pull从仓库中导出文件:$git checkout覆盖本地修改: $git checkout -f提交修改: $git commit查看...

2019-09-24 14:28:36 54

转载 下载Webkit

下载Webkit http://webkit.org/building/checkout.html1.获得Webkithttp://nightly.webkit.org/2.在线浏览代码http://trac.webkit.org/browser...

2019-09-24 14:28:34 715

转载 Literature review

Literature review what's the literature review for?what's the limited literatue revies:no synthesis; only summaries;not comprehen...

2019-09-24 14:28:31 266

转载 [Machine Learning]2007 Adi Machine Learning and its applications to biology(to be continue)

[Machine Learning]2007 Adi Machine Learning and its applications to biology(to be continue) http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%...

2019-09-24 14:28:30 80

转载 [Machine Learning]Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data

[Machine Learning]Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data [1]Joachims, T. 2002. Optimizing search engines using clickthroug...

2019-09-24 14:28:29 311

转载 [Software Engineering]人月神话

[Software Engineering]人月神话 又是囫囵吞枣地看完了这本书,只到了这几件事:软件工程的关键的/主要的问题是如何准确地表达复杂的概念结构。增量开发很好用。一个简单的示例演示能极大的鼓舞人心。团队分小,自治,能极大地激发创造力。...

2019-09-24 14:28:28 57

转载 早上被敬爱的老板的电话叫醒

早上被敬爱的老板的电话叫醒 He asked, what's your plan for next week?I said, I need to read at least 10 papers about the relationship between HCI...

2019-09-24 14:28:27 74

转载 chapter 12 iPhone Web Apps

chapter 12 iPhone Web Apps Mobile Design and Development, 1st EditionBy: Brian FlingPublisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.Pub.Date: Aug...

2019-09-24 14:28:26 46

转载 [Machine Learning]Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence

[Machine Learning]Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence [1]Dunning, T. 1993. Accurate methods for the stati...

2019-09-24 14:28:25 117

转载 chapter 4: A literature review(re-read papers to gain fresh understanding)

chapter 4: A literature review(re-read papers to gain fresh understanding) [1]Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentati...

2019-09-24 14:28:24 99

转载 [Software Engineering]An Introduction to Software Architecture

[Software Engineering]An Introduction to Software Architecture David Garlan and Mary Shaw, “An Introduction to Software Architecture,...

2019-09-24 14:28:24 74

转载 [Machine Learning]filter methods

[Machine Learning]filter methods It is common that datasets have thousands of features. However, processing thousands of features dur...

2019-09-24 14:28:22 154

转载 [Software Engineering]Achieving Usability Through Software Architecture/Pattern Lagnguages in HCI: A...

[Software Engineering]Achieving Usability Through Software Architecture/Pattern Lagnguages in HCI: Acritical review [1]BASS, L., JOH...

2019-09-24 14:28:22 74

转载 建筑的永恒之道

建筑的永恒之道 囫囵吞枣地看完了这本书,体会到了一些东西,开始感受无名特质:生气,完整,舒适,自由,准确,无我,永恒。希望能在软件设计的过程中发现好的模式,顺应模式,忘却模式,创造模式。遵循道却不囿于道。 ...

2019-09-24 14:28:20 64

转载 Decision Tree learning

Decision Tree learning Target output is discrete(i.e. binary, or multiple classes)...What decision trees:The expression is:...

2019-09-24 14:28:19 102

转载 Tutorial: Building a website for the iPhone

Tutorial: Building a website for the iPhone [reference 1]http://www.engageinteractive.co.uk/blog/2008/06/19/tutorial-building-a-websi...

2019-09-24 14:28:18 62

转载 How to revising your document, based on Silyn-Roberts, ch. 16

How to revising your document, based on Silyn-Roberts, ch. 16 Five stage process:1. Structure and content onlyHave you followed...

2019-09-24 14:28:17 88

转载 [Software Engineering]Achieving Usability Through Software Architecture

[Software Engineering]Achieving Usability Through Software Architecture [1]BASS, L., JOHN, B. E. & KATES, J. 2001, Achieving Usab...

2019-09-24 14:28:16 67

转载 今天看了一下cocos2d

今天看了一下cocos2d 首先下载cocos2d./install_templates.sh关于cocos2d的几个基本概念:Scenes: can have a number of LayersDirector:Layers: nodes b...

2019-09-24 14:28:15 44



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