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转载 Value Categories
Value categoriesThree primary categoriesprimary categoriesmixedspecialEach C++ expression (an operator with its operands, a literal, a variable name, etc.) is characterized by two independ...
2016-02-23 20:44:00 199
转载 Main function
Main functionA program shall contain a global function named main, which is the designated start of the program.int main () { body } (1) int main (in...
2016-02-23 20:43:00 210
转载 Phases of translation
Phases of translation--翻译阶段The C++ source file is processed by the compiler as if the following phases take place, in this exact order:Phase 1 --96个basic source character setThe individual by...
2016-02-23 20:42:00 185
转载 Memory model
Memory modelByteMemory locatiionThread and data racesMemory orderDefines the semantics of computer memory storage for the purpose of the C++ abstract machine.The memory available to a C++...
2016-02-01 17:35:00 140
转载 Unqualified name lookup
Unqualified name lookupFile scopeNamespace scopeFor an qualified name, that is a name that does not appear to the right of a scope resolution operator::, name lookup examines the scopes as d...
2016-02-01 17:32:00 177
转载 Qualified name lookup
Qualified name lookupQualified name lookupEnumerationsClass membersNamespace membersUnqualified identifiers(omitted)Besides suitably declared identifiers, the following can be used in e...
2016-02-01 17:28:00 175
转载 Name lookup
Name lookupTypes of lookupArgument-dependent lookupTemplate argument deductionoverload resolutionName lookup is the procedure by which a name, when encountered in a program, is associate...
2016-01-29 14:23:00 272
转载 Definitions
Definitions and ODRDefinitions are declarations that fully define the entity introduced by the declaration. Every declaration is a definition, except for the following:下面都是declaration而不是definit...
2016-01-29 09:50:00 219
转载 Object lifetime
Object lifetimeTemporary object lifetimeStorage reuseAccess outside of lifetimeEvery object has a lifetime, which is a runtime property: for any object, there is a moment during the executio...
2016-01-28 18:12:00 177
转载 Objects
ObejectObjectObject representation and value representationSubobjectsPolyomrphic objecetsAlignmentObjectC++ programs create, destroy, refer to, access, and manipulate object.An object, ...
2016-01-28 14:32:00 194
转载 Fundamental types
Fundamental typesvoid typeboolean typecharacter typesinteger typesModifierssignednesssizePropertiesData ModelsFloating-point typesFloating-point propertiesVoid typevoid-type w...
2016-01-28 12:02:00 142
转载 Type
TypeType ClassificationStatic typeDynamic typeIncomplete typeType ClassificationThe C++ type system consists of the following types:fundamental types (see also std::is_fundamental)vo...
2016-01-27 15:30:00 88
转载 Identifiers
IdentifierAnidentifieris an arbitrarily long sequence of digits, underscores, lowercase and uppercase Latin letters, and most Unicode characters (disallowed are control characters and char...
2016-01-26 16:00:00 166
转载 写在前面
在看STL源码时发现对Template argument deduction理解不是很到位,就Google了一下,结果发现有很多东西,如Argument-dependent lookup-ADL,overloading等,其实那个个ADL就是对应当初学C语言是的域空间,定义了一些变量名、函数名、类型名的查找规则,这样才不至于引用到错误的变量,于是产生了将这些C++的部分从头到尾地将概念重...
2016-01-25 11:28:00 98
转载 你应该知道的 RPC 原理
2015-10-22 09:52:00 78
转载 虚函数 继承 多态
单继承与Data Members在C++的继承模型中,base class members和derived class members的排列顺序并为强制规定。不同的编译器可能有不同的布局安排。大部分情况下,base class members会安排在derived class members的前面,但base class是virtual base class(base class存在...
2015-07-07 11:15:00 129
转载 指针 函数指针 指针数组
指针变量的分析原则:从变量名起,根据运算符优先级结合,一步一步分析。(从p开始后要把小括号去掉)指针,指向什么(X),X是什么类型的Int *p; //首先从P处开始,先与*结合,说明P是一个指针,然后再与int结合,说明指针所指向的内容的类型为int型,所以P是一个返回整形数据的指针Int *p[3]; //首先从P处开始,先与[]结合所以P是一个数组,然后再与*结合,...
2015-07-07 11:03:00 78
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