66. pg_partman
66.1. 插件pg_partman简介
66.1.1. 功能和发展
partman是pg的一个扩展,可帮助使用者更轻松地管理基于time或serialid的分区表。partman只需要几个选项,就可以设置分区。目前,触发器函数仅处理对父表的插入。仅在PG 11 本地分区中支持将值从一个分区移动到另一个分区的update。
partman从版本3.0.1开始,支持PG10中引入的本地分区的方法。在本地分区中不再需要触发器函数,但自动子表创建本地分区不处理,partman会做子表自动创建。partman版本4.0.0 增加了对 PG11 中引入本地分区功能(更简单的index/fk继承、默认分区)的更多支持。
66.1.2. 插入数据机制解释
check_default()函数提供对插入到父默认表中的数据的监视,如果数据是有效数据,则 partition_data_* 函数集可以轻松地为该数据分区。这比必须清理可能数百或数千个不需要的分区要容易得多,而且也比抛出错误并丢失数据更好!
对于本地分区,插入没有相关子分区的数据会导致PG 10 中出现错误。本地的默认分区仅在PG 11 +中可用。
66.1.3. 插入数据的策略
66.1.4. partman的设计约束和特性 子分区属性继承
Feature | Parent Inheritance | Template Inheritance |
non-partition column primary key | All | |
non-partition column unique index | All | |
non-partition column unique index tablespace | All | |
unlogged table state* | All | |
non-unique indexes | 11, 12 | 10 |
foreign keys | 11, 12 | 10 |
tablespaces | 12 | 10, 11 |
privileges/ownership | All | |
constraints | All | |
defaults | All |
PG10中引入的新IDENTITY功能仅在本地分区表中受支持,并且仅当数据通过父表插入而不是直接插入子表时,才支持使用此功能自动生成新序列值。 时区
强烈建议在 UTC时间内运行数据库系统,以解决由于夏令时更改而无法解决的问题。然后,还要确保将创建分区集和运行维护调用的客户端也设置为UTC。 子分区
对可以执行的子分区级别没有设置限制,但要明智,并牢记在单个继承集中管理多个表时的性能注意事项。此外,如果单个分区集中的表数变得非常大,则可能必须将max_locks_per_transactionpostgresql.conf 设置调整到默认值 64以上。否则,你可能会遇到共享内存问题,甚至是群集崩溃问题。
如果在调用run_maintenance()对所有分区集进行常规维护时遇到竞争问题,可以将part_config表中的automatic_maintenance 列设置为false。但是,你必须调用run_maintenance(parent_table),并且必须足够频繁地调用将来的分区。
如果你使用的是PG11+,则可以使用新的run_maintenance_proc()过程来减少竞争问题,因为它在每个分区集的维护后会自动提交。本地子分区不支持逻辑复制的发布者/预订者机制。 Retention
对于基于id 的分区,整数值将设置 id 值小于当前最大 id值减去保留值的任何分区。例如,如果当前最大 id 为 100,保留值为 30,则 id值小于 70 的任何分区都将被删除。drop函数运行始终参考的当前最大 id值。
请记住,对于子分区集,当父表删除了子表时,如果该子表又被分区,则该删除是级联,在这个继承树下面的子表都将被删除。另请注意,由pg_partman管理的分区集必须始终至少有一个子级,因此保留机制永远不会删除集中的最后一个子表。 约束排除
因此,如果你只插入新数据,这可能非常有用,但如果在整个分区集中定期插入/更新数据,则作用有限。如果数据最终必须在那些较旧的分区中进行编辑,partman还提供了轻松创建约束的功能。 自定义时间间隔注意事项
首次运行 create_parent函数创建分区集时,在确定要创建的第一个分区时,小于一天的会向小时舍入。例如小于24 小时但大于 1 分钟的间隔舍入的最近小时。小于 1分钟的间隔使用舍入的最接近的分钟。
当运行 create_parent时,可能创建的分区多于预期,并且可能不会创建所有的分区。第一次运行run_maintenance将修复缺少的分区,发生这种情况是由于partman支持自定义时间间隔的特性造成的。
对于等于或大于100年的间隔,partman将使用千年的实际开始来确定分区名称和约束规则。例如,21世纪和第3个千禧年开始于2001年1月1日(不是2000年)。 命名长度限制
请注意,如果表的名称很长,名称相似,则当它们是单独分区集的一部分时,可能会遇到命名冲突。使用基于串行的分区时,请注意,随着时间的推移,表名将被越来越多地截断,以适应更长的分区后缀。因此,建议保留将分区的表名尽可能短。 唯一约束和更新
重要说明:自 4.6.0 版和 PG 11+起,pg_partman不再支持本地分区的更新插入。请使用PG自带的INSERT...ONCONFLICT功能。
对于非本地分区和 PG10 本地分区,INSERT ...ONCONFLICT(upsert)在分区触发器和本地分区中都受支持,但都是受限制的。主要限制是,上面提到的,触发ON CONFLICT子句的约束冲突仅发生在实际包含数据的单个子表上。
比数据重复更大的问题是ONCONFLICT DOUPDATE从句,它可能不会触发并导致数据非常不一致。对于仅插入新数据的情况,upsert可以提供显著的性能改进。
但是,如果你依赖较旧分区中的数据来导致upsert 通常会处理的约束冲突,则它可能不起作用。此外,如果生成的 UPDATE最终违反了该子表的分区约束,它将失败。
pg_partman和 PG10本地分区目前都不支持需要将行从一个子表移动到另一个子表的 UPDATES。这仅在PG11以上的版本中支持。
pg_partman的更新插入功能是可选的,默认情况下关闭,并且仅包含在没有PG支持的版本上。目前,如果你尚未实现此功能,强烈建议你升级到PG11。 日志记录/监控
PG的Jobmon插件是可选的,允许审核和监视分区维护。如果 jobmon安装并配置正确,partman将自动使用它,无需额外设置。还可以通过使用part_config表中的 jobmon列或在初始设置期间选择create_parent() 来为每个分区集单独打开或关闭Jobmon。
请注意,如果你尝试对使用pg_jobmon的表进行分区,则必须将create_parent() 中的 jobmon 选项设置为false,否则它将被放入永久死锁,因为pg_jobmon将尝试写入时,就会分区。默认情况下,任何连续3次无法成功运行的函数都会导致 jobmon引发警报。
这就是为什么默认的预做值设置为4,以便及时引发警报以进行干预,而无需对 jobmon进行额外配置。当然,如果需要,你可以将 jobmon 配置为在 3次故障之前(或之后)发出警报。
如果你在生产环境中运行partman,强烈建议你安装jobmon并配置某种第三方监控(Nagios,Circonus等),以便在分区失败时发出警报。 后台进程
在PG 9.4中,引入了创建自定义后台工作线程并在运行时动态加载它们的功能。pg_partman的BGW基本上只是一个调度程序,它为你运行run_maintenance()函数,因此你不必使用外部调度程序(cron等)。
现在,它与直接调用run_maintenance()没有任何不同,但将来可能会改变。如果需要直接在任何特定分区集上调用run_maintenance(),则仍需要使用外部调度程序手动执行此操作。这仅将part_config 中的automatic_maintenance设置为 true的分区集。
66.2. 插件pg_partman加载方式
KingbaseES数据库默认不加载pg_partman, 如果用户需要使用pg_partman的相关功能,请人为手动使用以下命令加载pg_partman插件。
create extension pg_partman;
66.3. 插件pg_partman的参数配置
66.4. 插件pg_partman的使用方法
从 4.4.0 开始,SECURITY DEFINER 已从 pg_partman中的所有函数中删除。现在,要求超级用户使用pg_partman对于本地分区是可选的。
66.4.1. 函数 create函数
create_parent(p_parent_table text, p_control text, p_type text, p_interval text, p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL, p_premake int DEFAULT 4, p_automatic_maintenance text DEFAULT 'on', p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL, p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true, p_epoch text DEFAULT 'none', p_upsert text DEFAULT '', p_publications text[] DEFAULT NULL, p_trigger_return_null boolean DEFAULT true, p_template_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_date_trunc_interval text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS boolean
create_sub_parent(p_top_parent text, p_control text, p_type text, p_interval text, p_native_check text DEFAULT NULL, p_constraint_cols text[] DEFAULT NULL, p_premake int DEFAULT 4, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL, p_inherit_fk boolean DEFAULT true, p_epoch text DEFAULT 'none', p_upsert text DEFAULT '', p_trigger_return_null boolean DEFAULT true, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true, p_date_trunc_interval text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS boolean 对在将父表设置为基于时间的分区集之前可能存在的数据进行分区。
partition_data_time(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval interval DEFAULT NULL, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC', p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS bigint
在将父表设置为serial id 分区集之前可能存在的分区数据。
partition_data_id(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC', p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS bigint
partition_data_proc(p_parent_table text, p_interval text DEFAULT NULL, p_batch int DEFAULT NULL, p_wait int DEFAULT 1, p_source_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC', p_lock_wait int DEFAULT 0, p_lock_wait_tries int DEFAULT 10, p_quiet boolean DEFAULT false, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL)
create_partition_time(p_parent_table text, p_partition_times timestamptz[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS boolean
为给定的基于serial id父表创建子分区。
create_partition_id(p_parent_table text, p_partition_ids bigint[], p_analyze boolean DEFAULT true, p_start_partition text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS boolean
create_function_time(p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void
为非本地基于serial id的分区创建触发器函数
create_function_id(p_parent_table text, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void 维护函数
run_maintenance(p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS void
对于PG11以上,这是运行分区维护与直接调用 run_maintenance()函数的首选方法
run_maintenance_proc(p_wait int DEFAULT 0, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true)
check_default(p_exact_count boolean DEFAULT true)
show_partitions (p_parent_table text, p_order text DEFAULT 'ASC', p_include_default boolean DEFAULT false) RETURNS TABLE (partition_schemaname text, partition_tablename text)
show_partition_name (p_parent_table text, p_value text, OUT partition_table text, OUT suffix_timestamp timestamp, OUT suffix_id bigint, OUT table_exists boolean)
@extschema@.show_partition_info (p_child_table text, p_partition_interval text DEFAULT NULL, p_parent_table text DEFAULT NULL, OUT child_start_time timestamptz, OUT child_end_time timestamptz, OUT child_start_id bigint, OUT child_end_id bigint, OUT suffix text) RETURNS record
@extschema@.dump_partitioned_table_definition(p_parent_table text, p_ignore_template_table boolean default false) RETURNS text
partition_gap_fill(p_parent_table text) RETURNS integer
apply_constraints(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_analyze boolean DEFAULT FALSE, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS void
drop_constraints(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false)
reapply_constraints_proc(p_parent_table text, p_drop_constraints boolean DEFAULT false, p_apply_constraints boolean DEFAULT false, p_wait int DEFAULT 0, p_dryrun boolean DEFAULT false)
reapply_privileges(p_parent_table text)
apply_foreign_keys(p_parent_table text, p_child_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_job_id bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_debug boolean DEFAULT false)
stop_sub_partition(p_parent_table text, p_jobmon boolean DEFAULT true) RETURNS boolean 销毁函数
undo_partition(p_parent_table text, p_batch_count int DEFAULT 1, p_batch_interval text DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait numeric DEFAULT 0, p_target_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL, p_drop_cascade boolean DEFAULT false, OUT partitions_undone int, OUT rows_undone bigint) RETURNS record
undo_partition_proc(p_parent_table text, p_interval text DEFAULT NULL, p_batch int DEFAULT NULL, p_wait int DEFAULT 1, p_target_table text DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT true, p_lock_wait int DEFAULT 0, p_lock_wait_tries int DEFAULT 10, p_quiet boolean DEFAULT false, p_ignored_columns text[] DEFAULT NULL, p_drop_cascade boolean DEFAULT false)
drop_partition_time(p_parent_table text, p_retention interval DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS int
从基于serial id的分区集中删除子表
drop_partition_id(p_parent_table text, p_retention bigint DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_table boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_keep_index boolean DEFAULT NULL, p_retention_schema text DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS int
drop_partition_column(p_parent_table text, p_column text) RETURNS void 脚本
check_unique_constraints.py 编译
在KingbaseES编译之前需要确保contrib目录的makefile已经添加了pg_partman,可以随KingbaseES编译。 配置
在KingbaseES中,无需以上操作。 示例 创建本地分区
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS partman; CREATE TABLE partman.time_taptest_table (col1 int, col2 text default 'stuff', col3 timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()) PARTITION BY RANGE (col3); CREATE INDEX ON partman.time_taptest_table (col3);
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table Partitioned table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "time_taptest_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Number of partitions: 0
CREATE TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_template (LIKE partman.time_taptest_table); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_template ADD PRIMARY KEY (col1);
\d partman.time_taptest_table_template Table "partman.time_taptest_table_template" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | integer | | not null | col2 | text | | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | Indexes: "time_taptest_table_template_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1)
SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.time_taptest_table', 'col3', 'native', 'daily', p_template_table := 'partman.time_taptest_table_template'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row)
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table Partitioned table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "time_taptest_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_26 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-26 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-27 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_27 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-27 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-28 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_28 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-28 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-29 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_29 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-29 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-30 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_30 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-30 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-31 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_31 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-31 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-11-01 00:00:00-04'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_11_01 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-11-01 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-11-02 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_11_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-11-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-11-03 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_11_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-11-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-11-04 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_default DEFAULT
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_26 Table "partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_10_26" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Partition of: partman.time_taptest_table FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-26 00:00:00-04') TO ('2020-10-27 00:00:00-04') Partition constraint: ((col3 IS NOT NULL) AND (col3 >= '2020-10-26 00:00:00-04'::timestamp with time zone) AND (col3 < '2020-10-27 00:00:00-04'::timestamp with time zone)) Indexes: "time_taptest_table_p2020_10_26_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) "time_taptest_table_p2020_10_26_col3_idx" btree (col3) Access method: heap 10个id值一个分区
CREATE TABLE partman.id_taptest_table ( col1 bigint , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() , col4 text) PARTITION BY RANGE (col1); CREATE INDEX ON partman.id_taptest_table (col1);
\d+ partman.id_taptest_table Partitioned table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col1) Indexes: "id_taptest_table_col1_idx" btree (col1) Number of partitions: 0
SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'native', '10'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row)
\d+ partman.id_taptest_table Partitioned table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col1) Indexes: "id_taptest_table_col1_idx" btree (col1) Partitions: partman.id_taptest_table_p0 FOR VALUES FROM ('0') TO ('10'), partman.id_taptest_table_p10 FOR VALUES FROM ('10') TO ('20'), partman.id_taptest_table_p20 FOR VALUES FROM ('20') TO ('30'), partman.id_taptest_table_p30 FOR VALUES FROM ('30') TO ('40'), partman.id_taptest_table_p40 FOR VALUES FROM ('40') TO ('50'), partman.id_taptest_table_default DEFAULT
select template_table from partman.part_config where parent_table = 'partman.id_taptest_table'; template_table ------------------------------------------------ partman.template_partman_id_taptest_table
ALTER TABLE partman.template_partman_id_taptest_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2);
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table (col1, col2) VALUES (generate_series(1,20), generate_series(1,20)::text||'stuff'::text);
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table (col1, col2) VALUES (generate_series(1,20), generate_series(1,20)::text||'stuff'::text); CALL partman.run_maintenance_proc(); \d+ partman.id_taptest_table Partitioned table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col1) Indexes: "id_taptest_table_col1_idx" btree (col1) Partitions: partman.id_taptest_table_p0 FOR VALUES FROM ('0') TO ('10'), partman.id_taptest_table_p10 FOR VALUES FROM ('10') TO ('20'), partman.id_taptest_table_p20 FOR VALUES FROM ('20') TO ('30'), partman.id_taptest_table_p30 FOR VALUES FROM ('30') TO ('40'), partman.id_taptest_table_p40 FOR VALUES FROM ('40') TO ('50'), partman.id_taptest_table_p50 FOR VALUES FROM ('50') TO ('60'), partman.id_taptest_table_p60 FOR VALUES FROM ('60') TO ('70'), partman.id_taptest_table_default DEFAULT
\d partman.id_taptest_table_p40 Table "partman.id_taptest_table_p40" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | bigint | | | col2 | text | | not null | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() col4 | text | | | Partition of: partman.id_taptest_table FOR VALUES FROM ('40') TO ('50') Indexes: "id_taptest_table_p40_col1_idx" btree (col1) \d partman.id_taptest_table_p50 Table "partman.id_taptest_table_p50" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | bigint | | | col2 | text | | not null | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() col4 | text | | | Partition of: partman.id_taptest_table FOR VALUES FROM ('50') TO ('60') Indexes: "id_taptest_table_p50_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col2) "id_taptest_table_p50_col1_idx" btree (col1) \d partman.id_taptest_table_p60 Table "partman.id_taptest_table_p60" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | bigint | | | col2 | text | | not null | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() col4 | text | | | Partition of: partman.id_taptest_table FOR VALUES FROM ('60') TO ('70') Indexes: "id_taptest_table_p60_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col2) "id_taptest_table_p60_col1_idx" btree (col1)
ALTER TABLE partman.id_taptest_table_p0 ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2); ALTER TABLE partman.id_taptest_table_p10 ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2); ALTER TABLE partman.id_taptest_table_p20 ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2); ALTER TABLE partman.id_taptest_table_p30 ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2); ALTER TABLE partman.id_taptest_table_p40 ADD PRIMARY KEY (col2); 分区一个已经存在的表 离线分区
CREATE TABLE public.original_table ( col1 bigint not null , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() , col4 text); CREATE INDEX ON public.original_table (col1); INSERT INTO public.original_table (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (generate_series(1,100000), 'stuff'||generate_series(1,100000), now(), 'stuff');
ALTER TABLE public.original_table RENAME to old_nonpartitioned_table;
CREATE TABLE public.original_table ( col1 bigint not null , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() , col4 text) PARTITION BY RANGE (col1); CREATE INDEX ON public.original_table (col1); SELECT partman.create_parent('public.original_table', 'col1', 'native', '10000');
\d+ original_table; Partitioned table "public.original_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col1) Indexes: "original_table_col1_idx1" btree (col1) Partitions: original_table_p0 FOR VALUES FROM ('0') TO ('10000'), original_table_p10000 FOR VALUES FROM ('10000') TO ('20000'), original_table_p20000 FOR VALUES FROM ('20000') TO ('30000'), original_table_p30000 FOR VALUES FROM ('30000') TO ('40000'), original_table_p40000 FOR VALUES FROM ('40000') TO ('50000'), original_table_default DEFAULT
CALL partman.partition_data_proc('public.original_table', p_interval := '1000', p_batch := 200, p_source_table := 'public.old_nonpartitioned_table'); NOTICE: Batch: 1, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 2, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 3, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 4, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 5, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 6, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 7, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 8, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 9, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 10, Rows moved: 999 NOTICE: Batch: 11, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 12, Rows moved: 1000 [...] NOTICE: Batch: 100, Rows moved: 1000 NOTICE: Batch: 101, Rows moved: 1 NOTICE: Total rows moved: 100000 NOTICE: Ensure to VACUUM ANALYZE the parent (and source table if used) after partitioning data CALL Time: 103206.205 ms (01:43.206) VACUUM ANALYZE public.original_table; VACUUM Time: 352.973 ms
SELECT count(*) FROM old_nonpartitioned_table ; count ------- 0 (1 row)
SELECT count(*) FROM original_table; count -------- 100000 (1 row) \d+ public.original_table Partitioned table "public.original_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col1) Indexes: "original_table_col1_idx1" btree (col1) Partitions: original_table_p0 FOR VALUES FROM ('0') TO ('10000'), original_table_p10000 FOR VALUES FROM ('10000') TO ('20000'), original_table_p100000 FOR VALUES FROM ('100000') TO ('110000'), original_table_p20000 FOR VALUES FROM ('20000') TO ('30000'), original_table_p30000 FOR VALUES FROM ('30000') TO ('40000'), original_table_p40000 FOR VALUES FROM ('40000') TO ('50000'), original_table_p50000 FOR VALUES FROM ('50000') TO ('60000'), original_table_p60000 FOR VALUES FROM ('60000') TO ('70000'), original_table_p70000 FOR VALUES FROM ('70000') TO ('80000'), original_table_p80000 FOR VALUES FROM ('80000') TO ('90000'), original_table_p90000 FOR VALUES FROM ('90000') TO ('100000'), original_table_default DEFAULT SELECT count(*) FROM original_table_p10000; count ------- 10000 (1 row) 在线分区
CREATE TABLE public.original_table ( col1 bigint not null PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() not null , col4 text); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ON public.original_table (col3); INSERT INTO public.original_table (col2, col3, col4) VALUES ('stuff', generate_series(now() - '1 week'::interval, now(), '5 minutes'::interval), 'stuff');
CREATE TABLE public.new_partitioned_table ( col1 bigint not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() not null , col4 text) PARTITION BY RANGE (col3); CREATE INDEX ON public.new_partitioned_table (col3);
CREATE TABLE public.new_partitioned_table ( col1 bigint not null PRIMARY KEY GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() not null , col4 text) PARTITION BY RANGE (col3);
CREATE TABLE public.original_table_template (LIKE public.original_table); ALTER TABLE public.original_table_template ADD PRIMARY KEY (col1);
select min(col3), max(col3) from original_table; min | max -------------------------------+------------------------------- 2020-12-02 19:04:08.559646-05 | 2020-12-09 19:04:08.559646-05 (1 row) SELECT partman.create_parent('public.new_partitioned_table', 'col3', 'native', 'daily', p_template_table:= 'public.original_table_template', p_premake := 1, p_start_partition := (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP+'2 days'::interval)::text);
DROP TABLE public.new_partitioned_table_default;
SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; current_timestamp ------------------------------- 2020-12-09 19:05:15.358796-05 \d+ new_partitioned_table; Partitioned table "public.new_partitioned_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | generated by default as identity | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "new_partitioned_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: new_partitioned_table_p2020_12_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05')
UPDATE partman.part_config SET parent_table = 'public.original_table', premake = 4 WHERE parent_table = 'public.new_partitioned_table'; UPDATE 1
BEGIN; LOCK TABLE public.original_table IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; LOCK TABLE public.new_partitioned_table IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE; SELECT max(col1) FROM public.original_table; ALTER TABLE public.original_table RENAME TO original_table_default; -- IF using an IDENTITY column ALTER TABLE public.original_table_default ALTER col1 DROP IDENTITY; ALTER TABLE public.new_partitioned_table RENAME TO original_table; ALTER TABLE public.new_partitioned_table_p2020_12_11 RENAME TO original_table_p2020_12_11; -- IF using an IDENTITY column ALTER SEQUENCE public.new_partitioned_table_col1_seq RENAME TO original_table_col1_seq; -- IF using an IDENTITY column ALTER TABLE public.original_table ALTER col1 RESTART WITH <<<VALUE OBTAINED ABOVE>>>; ALTER TABLE public.original_table ATTACH PARTITION public.original_table_default DEFAULT;
CALL partman.partition_data_proc('public.original_table', p_batch := 200); NOTICE: Batch: 1, Rows moved: 60 NOTICE: Batch: 2, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 3, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 4, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 5, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 6, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 7, Rows moved: 288 NOTICE: Batch: 8, Rows moved: 229 NOTICE: Total rows moved: 2017 NOTICE: Ensure to VACUUM ANALYZE the parent (and source table if used) after partitioning data CALL Time: 8432.725 ms (00:08.433) VACUUM ANALYZE original_table; VACUUM Time: 60.690 ms
ALTER TABLE public.original_table ALTER col1 SET GENERATED ALWAYS;
\d+ original_table; Partitioned table "public.original_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | generated by default as identity | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "new_partitioned_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: original_table_p2020_12_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_05 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_06 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_08 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_09 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-10 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05'),
SELECT partman.run_maintenance('public.original_table'); \d+ original_table; Partitioned table "public.original_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | generated by default as identity | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "new_partitioned_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: original_table_p2020_12_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_05 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_06 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_08 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_09 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-10 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_12 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-13 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_13 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-13 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-14 00:00:00-05'), original_table_default DEFAULT
SELECT * FROM partman.check_default(p_exact_count := true);
SELECT * FROM partman.partition_gap_fill('public.original_table'); partition_gap_fill -------------------- 1 (1 row) \d+ original_table; Partitioned table "public.original_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | bigint | | not null | generated by default as identity | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | col4 | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "new_partitioned_table_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: original_table_p2020_12_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-04 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_05 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-05 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_06 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-06 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-07 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_08 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-08 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_09 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-09 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-10 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_10 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-10 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-11 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_12 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-12 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-13 00:00:00-05'), original_table_p2020_12_13 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-13 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-12-14 00:00:00-05'), original_table_default DEFAULT
INSERT INTO original_table (col2, col3, col4) VALUES ('newstuff', now(), 'newstuff'); INSERT INTO original_table (col2, col3, col4) VALUES ('newstuff', now(), 'newstuff'); SELECT * FROM original_table ORDER BY col1 DESC limit 5; 撤销本地分区
CREATE TABLE public.new_regular_table ( col1 bigint not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , col2 text not null , col3 timestamptz DEFAULT now() not null , col4 text); CREATE INDEX ON public.new_regular_table (col3);
CALL partman.undo_partition_proc('public.original_table', p_interval := '1 hour'::text, p_batch := 500, p_target_table := 'public.new_regular_table', p_keep_table := false); NOTICE: Moved 13 row(s) to the target table. Removed 1 partitions. NOTICE: Batch: 1, Partitions undone this batch: 1, Rows undone this batch: 13 NOTICE: Moved 13 row(s) to the target table. Removed 0 partitions. NOTICE: Batch: 2, Partitions undone this batch: 0, Rows undone this batch: 13 NOTICE: Moved 13 row(s) to the target table. Removed 0 partitions. NOTICE: Batch: 3, Partitions undone this batch: 0, Rows undone this batch: 13 [...] NOTICE: Batch: 160, Partitions undone this batch: 0, Rows undone this batch: 13 NOTICE: Moved 5 row(s) to the target table. Removed 1 partitions. NOTICE: Batch: 161, Partitions undone this batch: 1, Rows undone this batch: 5 NOTICE: Moved 0 row(s) to the target table. Removed 4 partitions. NOTICE: Total partitions undone: 13, Total rows moved: 2017 NOTICE: Ensure to VACUUM ANALYZE the old parent & target table after undo has finished CALL Time: 163465.195 ms (02:43.465) VACUUM ANALYZE original_table; VACUUM Time: 20.706 ms VACUUM ANALYZE new_regular_table; VACUUM Time: 20.375 ms
SELECT max(col1) FROM public.original_table; ALTER TABLE original_table RENAME TO old_partitioned_table; ALTER SEQUENCE original_table_col1_seq RENAME TO old_partitioned_table_col1_seq; ALTER TABLE new_regular_table RENAME TO original_table; ALTER SEQUENCE new_regular_table_col1_seq RENAME TO original_table_col1_seq; ALTER TABLE public.original_table ALTER col1 RESTART WITH <<<VALUE OBTAINED ABOVE>>>; ALTER TABLE public.original_table ALTER col1 SET GENERATED ALWAYS;
INSERT INTO original_table (col2, col3, col4) VALUES ('newstuff', now(), 'newstuff'); INSERT INTO original_table (col2, col3, col4) VALUES ('newstuff', now(), 'newstuff'); SELECT * FROM original_table ORDER BY col1 DESC limit 2; 设置触发分区 每天一个分区
\d partman.time_taptest_table Table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | integer | | not null | col2 | text | | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() Indexes: "time_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.time_taptest_table', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row) \d+ partman.time_taptest_table Table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Indexes: "time_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: time_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.time_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partman.time_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Child tables: partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_23, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_24, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_25, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_26, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_27, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_28, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_29, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_30, partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_31
\sf partman.time_taptest_table_part_trig_func CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partman.time_taptest_table_part_trig_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE v_count int; v_partition_name text; v_partition_timestamp timestamptz; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN v_partition_timestamp := date_trunc('day', NEW.col3); IF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-27 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-28 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_27 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-26 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-27 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_26 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-28 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-29 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_28 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-25 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-26 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_25 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-29 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-30 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_29 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-24 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-25 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_24 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-30 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-31 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_30 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-23 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-03-24 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_23 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col3 >= '2017-03-31 00:00:00-04' AND NEW.col3 < '2017-04-01 00:00:00-04' THEN INSERT INTO partman.time_taptest_table_p2017_03_31 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSE v_partition_name := partman.check_name_length('time_taptest_table', to_char(v_partition_timestamp, 'YYYY_MM_DD'), TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman'::name AND tablename = v_partition_name::name; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES($1.*) ', 'partman', v_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $function$ 10个数一个分区
\d partman.id_taptest_table Table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+--------------------------+-------------------------------- col1 | integer | not null col2 | text | not null default 'stuff'::text col3 | timestamp with time zone | default now() Indexes: "id_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) SELECT create_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'partman', '10'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row) \d+ partman.id_taptest_table Table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+--------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | not null | plain | | col2 | text | not null default 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | default now() | plain | | Indexes: "id_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: id_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.id_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Child tables: partman.id_taptest_table_p0, partman.id_taptest_table_p10, partman.id_taptest_table_p20, partman.id_taptest_table_p30, partman.id_taptest_table_p40
\sf partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE v_count int; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_name text; v_id_position int; v_last_partition text := 'id_taptest_table_p40'; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_name text; v_partition_created boolean; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF NEW.col1 >= 0 AND NEW.col1 < 10 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p0 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 10 AND NEW.col1 < 20 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p10 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 20 AND NEW.col1 < 30 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p20 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 30 AND NEW.col1 < 40 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p30 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 40 AND NEW.col1 < 50 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p40 VALUES (NEW.*) ; ELSE v_current_partition_id := NEW.col1 - (NEW.col1 % 10); v_current_partition_name := partman.check_name_length('id_taptest_table', v_current_partition_id::text, TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman'::name AND tablename = v_current_partition_name::n ame; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES($1.*) ', 'partman', v_current_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $function$
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert1'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 4.876 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------- 1 | insert1 | 2017-03-27 14:23:02.769999-04 (1 row)
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert2'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 1.583 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------- 1 | insert1 | 2017-03-27 14:23:02.769999-04 (1 row) 10个数一个分区创建的空表使用upsert丢弃行冲突
Uses same example table as above SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'partman', '10', p_upsert := 'ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row) \d+ partman.id_taptest_table Table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | Indexes: "id_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: id_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.id_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Child tables: partman.id_taptest_table_p0, partman.id_taptest_table_p10, partman.id_taptest_table_p20, partman.id_taptest_table_p30, partman.id_taptest_table_p40
\sf partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE v_count int; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_name text; v_id_position int; v_last_partition text := 'id_taptest_table_p40'; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_name text; v_partition_created boolean; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF NEW.col1 >= 0 AND NEW.col1 < 10 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p0 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 10 AND NEW.col1 < 20 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p10 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 20 AND NEW.col1 < 30 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p20 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 30 AND NEW.col1 < 40 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p30 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 40 AND NEW.col1 < 50 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p40 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING; ELSE v_current_partition_id := NEW.col1 - (NEW.col1 % 10); v_current_partition_name := partman.check_name_length('id_taptest_table', v_current_partition_id::text, TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman'::name AND tablename = v_current_partition_name::n ame; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES($1.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO NOTHING', 'partman', v_current_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $function$
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert1'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 4.876 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------- 1 | insert1 | 2017-03-27 14:23:02.769999-04 (1 row)
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert2'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 1.583 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------- 1 | insert1 | 2017-03-27 14:23:02.769999-04 (1 row) 用upsert更新行冲突
Uses same example table as above SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'partman', '10', p_upsert := 'ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3'); create_parent --------------- t (1 row) \d+ partman.id_taptest_table Table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | not null | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() | plain | | Indexes: "id_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: id_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.id_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Child tables: partman.id_taptest_table_p0, partman.id_taptest_table_p10, partman.id_taptest_table_p20, partman.id_taptest_table_p30, partman.id_taptest_table_p40
\sf partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partman.id_taptest_table_part_trig_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE v_count int; v_current_partition_id bigint; v_current_partition_name text; v_id_position int; v_last_partition text := 'id_taptest_table_p40'; v_next_partition_id bigint; v_next_partition_name text; v_partition_created boolean; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF NEW.col1 >= 0 AND NEW.col1 < 10 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p0 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 10 AND NEW.col1 < 20 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p10 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 20 AND NEW.col1 < 30 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p20 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 30 AND NEW.col1 < 40 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p30 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3; ELSIF NEW.col1 >= 40 AND NEW.col1 < 50 THEN INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table_p40 VALUES (NEW.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3; ELSE v_current_partition_id := NEW.col1 - (NEW.col1 % 10); v_current_partition_name := partman.check_name_length('id_taptest_table', v_current_partition_id::text, TRUE); SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman'::name AND tablename = v_current_partition_name::n ame; IF v_count > 0 THEN EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %I.%I VALUES($1.*) ON CONFLICT (col1) DO UPDATE SET col2=EXCLUDED.col2, col3=EXCLUDED.col3', 'partman ', v_current_partition_name) USING NEW; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $function$
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert1'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 6.012 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------ 1 | insert1 | 2017-03-27 14:32:26.59552-04 (1 row)
INSERT INTO partman.id_taptest_table(col1,col2) VALUES(1,'insert2'); INSERT 0 0 Time: 4.235 ms SELECT * FROM partman.id_taptest_table; col1 | col2 | col3 ------+---------+------------------------------- 1 | insert2 | 2017-03-27 14:33:00.949928-04 (1 row) 创建多级子分区 时间多级子分区
\d partman.time_taptest_table Table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- col1 | integer | | not null | col2 | text | | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() Indexes: "time_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1)
SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.time_taptest_table', 'col3', 'partman', 'yearly', p_premake := 2); create_parent --------------- t (1 row)
SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table', 'col3', 'partman', 'monthly', p_premake := 2); create_sub_parent ------------------- t (1 row) SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename ----------------------------------- time_taptest_table time_taptest_table_p2015 time_taptest_table_p2015_p2015_01 time_taptest_table_p2016 time_taptest_table_p2016_p2016_01 time_taptest_table_p2017 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_01 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_02 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_04 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_05 time_taptest_table_p2018 time_taptest_table_p2018_p2018_01 time_taptest_table_p2019 time_taptest_table_p2019_p2019_01 (15 rows)
SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table_p2015', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily', p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table_p2016', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily', p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table_p2017', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily', p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table_p2018', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily', p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.time_taptest_table_p2019', 'col3', 'partman', 'daily', p_premake := 2); SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename ----------------------------------------------- time_taptest_table time_taptest_table_p2015 time_taptest_table_p2015_p2015_01 time_taptest_table_p2015_p2015_01_p2015_01_01 time_taptest_table_p2016 time_taptest_table_p2016_p2016_01 time_taptest_table_p2016_p2016_01_p2016_01_01 time_taptest_table_p2017 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_01 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_01_p2017_01_01 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_02 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_02_p2017_02_01 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03_p2017_03_25 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03_p2017_03_26 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03_p2017_03_27 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03_p2017_03_28 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_03_p2017_03_29 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_04 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_04_p2017_04_01 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_05 time_taptest_table_p2017_p2017_05_p2017_05_01 time_taptest_table_p2018 time_taptest_table_p2018_p2018_01 time_taptest_table_p2018_p2018_01_p2018_01_01 time_taptest_table_p2019 time_taptest_table_p2019_p2019_01 time_taptest_table_p2019_p2019_01_p2019_01_01 (28 rows)
\d partman.id_taptest_table Table "partman.id_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------------- col1 | integer | | not null | col2 | text | | not null | 'stuff'::text col3 | timestamp with time zone | | | now() Indexes: "id_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) SELECT count(*) FROM partman.id_taptest_table ; count -------- 100000 (1 row) SELECT min(col1), max(col1) FROM partman.id_taptest_table ; min | max -----+-------- 1 | 100000 (1 row)
SELECT partman.create_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'partman', '10000', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); --------------- t (1 row) SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename -------------------------- id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p100000 id_taptest_table_p110000 id_taptest_table_p120000 id_taptest_table_p80000 id_taptest_table_p90000 (6 rows)
$ python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table -t id -i 100 Attempting to turn off autovacuum for partition set... ... Success! Rows moved: 100 Rows moved: 100 ... Rows moved: 99 ... Rows moved: 100 Rows moved: 1 Total rows moved: 100000 Running vacuum analyze on parent table... Attempting to reset autovacuum for old parent table and all child tables... ... Success!
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename -------------------------- id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p0 id_taptest_table_p10000 id_taptest_table_p100000 id_taptest_table_p110000 id_taptest_table_p120000 id_taptest_table_p20000 id_taptest_table_p30000 id_taptest_table_p40000 id_taptest_table_p50000 id_taptest_table_p60000 id_taptest_table_p70000 id_taptest_table_p80000 id_taptest_table_p90000 (14 rows)
SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table', 'col1', 'partman', '1000', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); create_sub_parent ------------------- t (1 row)
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename ---------------------------------- id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p10000 id_taptest_table_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p101000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p102000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p10000 id_taptest_table_p110000 id_taptest_table_p110000_p110000 id_taptest_table_p120000 id_taptest_table_p120000_p120000 id_taptest_table_p20000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p20000 id_taptest_table_p30000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p30000 id_taptest_table_p40000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p40000 id_taptest_table_p50000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p50000 id_taptest_table_p60000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p60000 id_taptest_table_p70000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p70000 id_taptest_table_p80000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p80000 id_taptest_table_p90000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000 (30 rows)
SELECT * FROM partman.check_parent() ORDER BY 1; parent_table | count ---------------------------------------+------- partman.id_taptest_table_p0 | 9999 partman.id_taptest_table_p10000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p100000 | 1 partman.id_taptest_table_p20000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p30000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p40000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p50000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p60000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p70000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p80000 | 10000 partman.id_taptest_table_p90000 | 10000 (11 rows)
python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p0 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p10000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p20000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p30000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p40000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p50000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p60000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p70000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p80000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p90000 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p100000 -t id -i 100
SELECT * FROM partman.check_parent() ORDER BY 1; parent_table | count --------------+------- (0 rows)
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' ORDER BY tablename; tablename ---------------------------------- id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000 id_taptest_table_p0_p3000 id_taptest_table_p0_p4000 id_taptest_table_p0_p5000 id_taptest_table_p0_p6000 id_taptest_table_p0_p7000 id_taptest_table_p0_p8000 id_taptest_table_p0_p9000 id_taptest_table_p10000 id_taptest_table_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p101000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p102000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p10000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p11000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p12000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p13000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p14000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p15000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p16000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p17000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p18000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p19000 id_taptest_table_p110000 id_taptest_table_p110000_p110000 id_taptest_table_p120000 id_taptest_table_p120000_p120000 id_taptest_table_p20000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p20000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p21000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p22000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p23000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p24000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p25000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p26000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p27000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p28000 id_taptest_table_p20000_p29000 id_taptest_table_p30000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p30000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p31000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p32000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p33000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p34000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p35000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p36000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p37000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p38000 id_taptest_table_p30000_p39000 id_taptest_table_p40000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p40000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p41000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p42000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p43000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p44000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p45000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p46000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p47000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p48000 id_taptest_table_p40000_p49000 id_taptest_table_p50000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p50000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p51000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p52000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p53000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p54000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p55000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p56000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p57000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p58000 id_taptest_table_p50000_p59000 id_taptest_table_p60000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p60000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p61000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p62000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p63000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p64000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p65000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p66000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p67000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p68000 id_taptest_table_p60000_p69000 id_taptest_table_p70000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p70000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p71000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p72000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p73000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p74000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p75000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p76000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p77000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p78000 id_taptest_table_p70000_p79000 id_taptest_table_p80000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p80000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p81000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p82000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p83000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p84000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p85000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p86000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p87000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p88000 id_taptest_table_p80000_p89000 id_taptest_table_p90000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p90000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p91000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p92000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p93000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p94000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p95000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p96000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p97000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000 (119 rows)
SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p0', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p10000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p20000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p30000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p40000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p50000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p60000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p70000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p80000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p90000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2); SELECT partman.create_sub_parent('partman.id_taptest_table_p100000', 'col1', 'partman', '100', p_jobmon := false, p_premake := 2);
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' order by tablename; tablename ------------------------------------------ id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1000 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000_p2000 ... id_taptest_table_p10000 id_taptest_table_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000_p100000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000_p100100 id_taptest_table_p100000_p100000_p100200 id_taptest_table_p100000_p101000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p101000_p101000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p102000 id_taptest_table_p100000_p102000_p102000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p10000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p10000_p10000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p11000 id_taptest_table_p10000_p11000_p11000 ... id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000_p98000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99800 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99900 (225 rows)
SELECT 'python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p '||parent_table||' -t id -i 100' FROM partman.part_config ORDER BY parent_table; ?column? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p0 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p0_p0 -t id -i 100 python partition_data.py -c host=localhost -p partman.id_taptest_table_p0_p1000 -t id -i 100 ...
SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'partman' order by tablename; tablename ----------------------------------------- id_taptest_table id_taptest_table_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p0 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p100 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p200 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p300 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p400 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p500 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p600 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p700 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p800 id_taptest_table_p0_p0_p900 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1000 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1100 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1200 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1300 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1400 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1500 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1600 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1700 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1800 id_taptest_table_p0_p1000_p1900 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000_p2000 id_taptest_table_p0_p2000_p2100 ... id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000_p98800 id_taptest_table_p90000_p98000_p98900 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99000 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99100 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99200 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99300 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99400 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99500 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99600 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99700 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99800 id_taptest_table_p90000_p99000_p99900 (1124 rows) 从触发分区迁移到本地
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table Table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Indexes: "time_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: time_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.time_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION partman.time_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Child tables: partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_27, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_28, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_29, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_30, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_31, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_01, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_02, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_03, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_04, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_05, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_06, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_07, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_08, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_09, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_10, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_11, partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_12 Access method: heap
UPDATE partman.part_config SET automatic_maintenance = 'off' WHERE parent_table = 'partman.time_taptest_table';
UPDATE partman.part_config_sub SET sub_automatic_maintenance = 'off' WHERE sub_parent = 'partman.time_taptest_table'; UPDATE partman.part_config_sub SET sub_automatic_maintenance = 'off' WHERE sub_parent = 'partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_08'; [...]
CREATE TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native (col1 int, col2 text default 'stuff', col3 timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()) PARTITION BY RANGE (col3); CREATE INDEX ON partman.time_taptest_table_native (col3);
\dt partman.time_taptest_table List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------------+--------------------+-------+--------------- partman | time_taptest_table | table | partman_owner (1 row) \dp+ partman.time_taptest_table Access privileges Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies --------------+--------------------+-------+-------------------------------------+-------------------+---------- partman | time_taptest_table | table | partman_owner=arwdDxt/partman_owner+| | | | | partman_basic=arwd/partman_owner +| | | | | testing=r/partman_owner | | (1 row)
ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native OWNER TO partman_owner; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON partman.time_taptest_table_native TO partman_basic; GRANT SELECT ON partman.time_taptest_table_native TO testing;
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE '||inhrelid::regclass||' NO INHERIT '||inhparent::regclass||';' FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent::regclass = 'partman.time_taptest_table'::regclass; ?column? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_08 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_09 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_10 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_11 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_12 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_13 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_14 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_15 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_16 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_17 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_18 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_19 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_20 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_21 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_22 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_23 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_p2019_12_24 NO INHERIT partman.time_taptest_table;
SELECT ( SELECT 'ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION '||x.child_tablename||' FOR VALUES FROM ('||quote_literal(y.child_start_time)||') TO ('||quote_literal(y.child_end_time)||');' FROM partman.show_partition_info(x.child_tablename, p_parent_table := 'partman.time_taptest_table') y ) FROM (SELECT inhrelid::regclass::text AS child_tablename FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent::regclass = 'partman.time_taptest_table'::regclass) x; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_27 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-27 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-28 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_28 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-28 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-29 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_29 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-29 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-30 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_30 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-30 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-31 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_31 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-31 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-01 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_01 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-01 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-02 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-03 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-04 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-04 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-05 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_05 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-05 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-06 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_06 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-06 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-07 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-07 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-08 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_08 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-08 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-09 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_09 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-09 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-10 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_10 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-10 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-11 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-12 00:00:00-05'); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_12 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-12 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-13 00:00:00-05');
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table Table "partman.time_taptest_table" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | not null | | plain | | col2 | text | | | | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Indexes: "time_taptest_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (col1) Triggers: time_taptest_table_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON partman.time_taptest_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION partman.time_taptest_table_part_trig_func() Access method: heap
\d+ partman.time_taptest_table_native Partitioned table "partman.time_taptest_table_native" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+----------+--------------+------------- col1 | integer | | | | plain | | col2 | text | | | 'stuff'::text | extended | | col3 | timestamp with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | | Partition key: RANGE (col3) Indexes: "time_taptest_table_native_col3_idx" btree (col3) Partitions: partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_27 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-27 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-28 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_28 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-28 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-29 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_29 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-29 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-30 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_30 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-30 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-01-31 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_01_31 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-31 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-01 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_01 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-01 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-02 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-02 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-03 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-03 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-04 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-04 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-05 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_05 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-05 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-06 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_06 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-06 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-07 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_07 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-07 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-08 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_08 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-08 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-09 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_09 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-09 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-10 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_10 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-10 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-11 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_11 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-11 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-12 00:00:00-05'), partman.time_taptest_table_p2020_02_12 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-12 00:00:00-05') TO ('2020-02-13 00:00:00-05')
ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table RENAME TO time_taptest_table_old; ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_native RENAME TO time_taptest_table;
CREATE TABLE partman.time_taptest_table_default (LIKE partman.time_taptest_table INCLUDING ALL); ALTER TABLE partman.time_taptest_table ATTACH PARTITION partman.time_taptest_table_default DEFAULT;
CREATE TABLE partman.partman_time_taptest_table (LIKE partman.time_taptest_table); ALTER TABLE partman.partman_time_taptest_table OWNER TO partman_owner;
ALTER TABLE partman.partman_time_taptest_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (col1);
UPDATE partman.part_config SET partition_type = 'native', template_table = 'partman.partman_time_taptest_table' WHERE parent_table = 'partman.time_taptest_table';
COMMIT; 迁移已有数据表到partman
-- 将表改为和时间相关的名字 select 'ALTER TABLE '||n.nspname||'.'||c.relname||' RENAME TO '||substring(c.relname from 1 for 4)||'_p'||to_char(to_timestamp(substring(c.relname from 5), 'YYYYMMDD'), 'IYYY')||'w'||to_char(to_timestamp(substring(c.relname from 5), 'YYYYMMDD'), 'IW')||';' from pg_inherits h join pg_class c on h.inhrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where h.inhparent::regclass = 'tracking.hits'::regclass order by c.relname;
-- 命名方式与所包含的相关数据不同 insert into tracking.hits_aa values (1, generate_series('2016-01-03 01:00:00'::timestamptz, '2016-01-09 23:00:00'::timestamptz, '1 hour'::interval)); insert into tracking.hits_bb values (2, generate_series('2016-01-10 01:00:00'::timestamptz, '2016-01-16 23:00:00'::timestamptz, '1 hour'::interval)); insert into tracking.hits_cc values (3, generate_series('2016-01-17 01:00:00'::timestamptz, '2016-01-23 23:00:00'::timestamptz, '1 hour'::interval));
DO $rename$ DECLARE v_min_val bigint; v_row record; v_sql text; BEGIN -- Adjust your parent table name in the for loop query FOR v_row IN SELECT n.nspname AS child_schema, c.relname AS child_table FROM pg_inherits h JOIN pg_class c ON h.inhrelid = c.oid JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE h.inhparent::regclass = 'tracking.hits'::regclass ORDER BY c.relname LOOP -- Substitute your control column's name here in the min() function v_sql := format('SELECT min(id) FROM %I.%I', v_row.child_schema, v_row.child_table); EXECUTE v_sql INTO v_min_val; -- Adjust the numerical value after the % to account for whatever your partitioning interval is. v_min_val := v_min_val - (v_min_val % 1000); -- Build the sql statement to rename the child table v_sql := format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I RENAME TO %I' , v_row.child_schema , v_row.child_table , substring(v_row.child_table from 1 for 4)||'_p'||v_min_val::text); -- I just have it outputing the ALTER statement for review. If you'd like this code to actually run it, uncomment the EXECUTE below. RAISE NOTICE '%', v_sql; -- EXECUTE v_sql; END LOOP; END $rename$;
BEGIN; DROP TRIGGER myoldtrigger ON tracking.hits; SELECT partman.create_parent('tracking.hits', 'start', 'partman', 'weekly'); COMMIT; \d+ tracking.hits Table "tracking.hits" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+-----------------------------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | start | timestamp without time zone | not null | plain | | Triggers: hits_part_trig BEFORE INSERT ON tracking.hits FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tracking.hits_part_trig_func() Child tables: tracking.hits_p2015w53, tracking.hits_p2016w01, tracking.hits_p2016w02, tracking.hits_p2016w03, tracking.hits_p2016w04, tracking.hits_p2016w05, tracking.hits_p2016w06, tracking.hits_p2016w07, tracking.hits_p2016w08, tracking.hits_p2016w09
66.5. 插件pg_partman卸载方法
用户在不需要使用pg_partman插件的时候,可以使用DROP EXTENSION命令将pg_partman插件卸载。
drop extension pg_partman;
66.6. 插件pg_partman升级方法