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原创 Stack frame omission (FPO) optimization part2
Frame pointer omission (FPO) optimization and consequences when debugging, part 2This series is about frame pointer omission (FPO) optimization and how it impacts the debugging experience.
2007-05-25 09:47:00 1122
转载 Stack frame omission (FPO) optimization part1
Stack frame omission (FPO) optimization and consequences when debugging, part 1During the course of debugging programs, you’ve probably ran into the term “FPO” once or twice. FPO refers to a speci
2007-05-25 09:45:00 1204 1
原创 Security check diff between Everett and Whidbey
Security _Checks in EverettFunction prolog:sub esp, 24hmov eax, dword ptr =>[security_cookie (408040h)]mov dword ptr[esp+20h], eaxAttacks Everett couldnt preventAttacks using parameters
2007-05-25 09:40:00 798 1
原创 OpenMP support in Whidbey
Among those in the parallel computation field, a common joke is "Parallel computing is the wave of the future…and always will be." This little joke has held true for decades. A similar sentiment was
2007-05-25 09:11:00 1020 1
转载 How VS support non-compile-browsing
If youre wondering where Stan Lippman is, were happy to report that he has graciously granted us the use of his column this month to talk about some of the recent work the Visual C++ team has be
2007-05-25 09:10:00 756
转载 Call stack and stack frame
Call stackJump to: navigation, searchIn computer science, a call stack is a special stack which stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program. (The active subroutines a
2007-05-25 08:59:00 1292
2006-11-17 15:46:00 1628
原创 Debugging COM server (.EXE Server and Active Document)
Starting to debug the out of prcocess server application is a three-step process Start debugging the server as a normal application. Set breakpoints as desired. Start the container
2006-09-15 16:40:00 848
原创 句柄
我举例来说明一下句柄是什么比如说HGDIOBJ1. 结构:它是一个32的数值,它的结构是:8bits unknown | 1 bit stock object marker |7 bits object type| 4 bits unused| 12 bits index. 看到12bits的索引了吗?2. object handle table.我们刚才看到了索引,索引是指向哪里的呢,就是指向这
2004-07-31 15:43:00 887
原创 stack frame
最近有朋友问stack frame是什么。 我整理了一下,供大家参考。 Stack frame is created by prolog assembly code,and its a an area of memory that temporarily holds the arguments to the function as well as any variables that are d
2004-07-31 15:41:00 1281 1
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