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原创 Oracle Commands

1. select   table_name   from   user_tables;     //当前用户的表       select   table_name   from   all_tables;     //所有用户的表    select   table_name   from   dba_tables;       //包括系统表    select   table_name  

2007-04-19 00:37:00 708

原创 hashcode

Java 理论与实践: 哈希 有效和正确定义hashCode()和equals()  

2007-04-17 22:22:00 760 2

原创 log4j.properties

## LOGGERS ###define a logger named helloAppLogger log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,console,file## APPENDERS ### define an appender named console, which is set to be a ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.console=org.

2007-04-12 18:06:00 525

原创 Can you explain the result of the following example? Oh, my!

class Base { public boolean foo(Base b) { return true; } } class Sub extends Base { public boolean foo(Sub s) { return false; } } public class Test { public static void main(St

2007-04-05 16:30:00 654

原创 How to redirect Sysout.out?

Use System.setOut()package io;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.PrintStream;public class Redirection {    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOExcept

2007-04-04 13:52:00 624

原创 Can we put a continue in a switch-case statement?

// Guess the print out, then run it.// A good IQ testpublic class A { public static void main(String args[]) { int x = 0; while (x System.out.print(" " + x);

2007-04-04 13:19:00 638

原创 Degester

                        mysql            oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver            com.mysql.jdbc.Driver                            See JDBC documentation for detail.            -->            jdbc:m

2007-04-03 23:13:00 868

原创 JMail

package com.asran.jmail;import java.util.*;import javax.mail.*;import javax.mail.internet.*;public class Email {    protected String to = null;    protected String subject = "Email Test";    protected

2007-04-03 23:07:00 642

原创 Chat Room

package cy;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.io.*;import java.net.*;public class ChatRoomServer extends Frame implements Runnable {    Panel panel;    ScrollPane sPanel;    TextAre

2007-04-03 22:34:00 981

原创 non-static inner class

By default, an inner class is non-static: public class A{ int y; public class B { int x; void f () {} }}This fragment defines the class A which contains a non-static inner class B.

2007-04-03 13:38:00 1858

原创 static inner class

Consider the following Java code fragment: public class A{ int y; public static class B { int x; void f () {} }}This fragment defines the class A which contains an static inner class

2007-04-03 13:09:00 723

原创 SCJP基本概念

chapter 1 声明和访问控制target 1 数组1.我们不能改变一个数组的大小,可以通过new一个新的数组,然后把值赋过去来得一个内容和原来一样而大小不一样的数组。2.当数组越界时,可以编译,但在运行时会报ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException的异常。3.length是数组的一个属性,而不是方法。4.数组初始化的方法:  int[] i = {

2007-04-02 12:42:00 646

原创 Integer, Long, Double expressions

        Integer i = new Integer(42);        Long l = new Long(42);        Double d = new Double(42.0);        System.out.println(i == 42);        System.out.println(i.equals(42));        System.out.pr

2007-04-01 22:01:00 961

转载 关于匿名内部类

12.   Which   statement   is   true?         A.   An   anonymous   inner   class   may   be   declared   as   final     B.   An   anonymous   inner   class   can   be   declared   as   private  

2007-04-01 21:46:00 750

转载 default constructor and no-parameter constructor

http://topic.csdn.net/t/20020203/10/516235.html125.   Which   two   statements   are   true   regarding   the   creation   of   a   default   constructor?   (Choose   Two)       A.   The   default  

2007-04-01 21:40:00 1287

转载 关于Runable接口和Thread的构造器

//在注释的地方选择合适的选项填入,以保证程序可以从1记数到100         class   Counter     {         public   int   startHere=1;         public   int   endHere=100;         public   static   void   main(String[]   ar

2007-04-01 21:03:00 1911

转载 empty string and null

Which   correctly   create   an   array   of   five   empty   Strings?     A.   String   a[]=new   String[5];           for   (int   i=0;i       B.String   a[]={"","","","",""};         C.  

2007-04-01 20:57:00 683

原创 关于如何访问interface中定义的变量

http://topic.csdn.net/t/20011024/13/337598.htmlinterface   Foo{           int   k=0;     }     public   static   void   main(String   args[]){           int   i;           Test   test  

2007-04-01 20:51:00 6068

转载 是否在任何方法中都能使用super和this?

http://topic.csdn.net/t/20021031/11/1136699.html原题如下:     Which   of   the   following   statements   are   true?         1)   Constructors   are   not   inherited     2)   Constructors   can   b

2007-04-01 20:43:00 1506





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