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原创 11-散列4 Hashing - Hard Version

//这个代码并不能完美通过,只能得26分,有一个测试点过不了//总之我还没调试出来,如果有人看见了能指出问题欢迎评论留言#include #include #define Max 1000#define MinData -100000001int Graph[Max][Max];typedef struct HeapStruct *MinHeap;struct HeapStru

2015-10-03 16:39:13 933 2

原创 11-散列3 QQ帐户的申请与登陆

#include #include #include typedef struct ListNode *Position;typedef struct ListNode{ char account[11], password[17]; Position Next;} *List;typedef struct HashTbl{ int TableSize; List *The

2015-10-03 16:38:28 1394

原创 11-散列2 Hashing

#include #include typedef struct HashTbl{ int TableSize; int *Elements; int *Staus;} *HashTable;int NextPrime(int x);HashTable InitializeTable(int TableSize);void DestroyTable(HashTable H);

2015-10-03 16:37:33 891

原创 11-散列1 电话聊天狂人

#include #include #include typedef struct ListNode *Position;typedef struct ListNode{ char PhoneNum[12]; int cnt; Position Next;} *List;typedef struct HashTbl{ int TableSize; List *TheLis

2015-10-03 16:36:41 1722 1

原创 10-排序6 Sort with Swap(0, i)

#include void swap(int *a, int *b){ int tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;}// int findNotOk(int A[], int N)int findNotOk(int A[], int begin, int N)// 要从begin开始,从1开始会超时{ for (int i = begin; i < N;

2015-10-02 17:03:39 1311 1

原创 10-排序5 PAT Judge

#include #include typedef struct stu{ int id; int s[6];//各题分数 int score;//总分 int pass;//完全正确的题目数 int ns;//无提交或无任何通过编译标志,0代表没有通过} Stu;void sort(Stu stu[], int N);int compare(const Stu *s1,

2015-10-02 15:04:30 661 1

原创 10-排序4 统计工龄

#include #define Bucket_Nums 51void Bucket_Sort(int A[], int N);int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ // freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin); int N; scanf("%d", &N); int A[N], tmp; for (int

2015-10-02 11:10:31 1195

原创 09-排序3 Insertion or Heap Sort

#include #include void Insertion_Sort(int A[], int N);void PercDown(int A[], int i, int N);int compare(int a[], int b[], int N){ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ if (a[i] != b[i]) return 0;

2015-10-02 10:35:42 485

原创 09-排序2 Insert or Merge

#include #include void Insertion_Sort(int A[], int N);void Merge_pass(int A[], int tmpA[], int N, int length);void Merge(int A[], int tmpA[], int L, int R, int RightEnd);int compare(int a[], in

2015-10-02 10:34:59 730

原创 09-排序1 排序

#include #include void Bubble_Sort(long long int A[], int N);void Insertion_Sort(long long int A[], int N);void Shell_Sort(long long int A[], int N);void Heap_Sort(long long int A[], int N);

2015-10-02 10:34:02 548

原创 08-图9 关键活动

#include #define MAXINT 0x7fffffff#define Max 101int Graph[Max][Max], Indegree[Max], Outdegree[Max], Earliest[Max], Latest[Max];int max(int a, int b){ if (a > b) return a; else return b;

2015-10-02 10:33:08 971 2

原创 08-图8 How Long Does It Take

#include #define Max 100int Graph[Max][Max], Indegree[Max], Outdegree[Max], Earliest[Max];int max(int a, int b){ if (a > b) return a; else return b; }int Earliest_Time(int N);int main

2015-10-02 10:32:21 841

原创 08-图7 公路村村通

#include #define MAXINT 0x7fffffff#define Max 1001int Graph[Max][Max];int Prim(int N);void DFS(int N, int i, int *Visited);int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ // freopen("test.txt", "r"

2015-10-02 10:31:30 1490 1

原创 07-图6 旅游规划

#include #define Max 505int Graph[Max][Max], Cost[Max][Max];void Dijkstra(int S, int N, int *dist, int *cost);int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){// freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin); int N

2015-10-02 10:30:35 643

原创 07-图5 Saving James Bond - Hard Version

#include #include typedef struct { int x, y; int pre; int escape;} Vertex;typedef struct Node { int value; struct Node *next;} Table;int Abs(int a) //求a的绝对值{ if (a < 0) a = -a; retu

2015-10-02 10:29:40 564

原创 07-图4 哈利·波特的考试

#include int Min(int a, int b);int Max(int a, int b);int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ // freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin); int N, M; scanf("%d %d", &N, &M); int graph[N+1][N+1]; for (

2015-10-02 10:28:28 1867

原创 06-图3 六度空间

有借鉴http://blog.csdn.net/xkzju2010/article/details/46503251#include #include #define MaxVertexNum 10000int *Visited;typedef struct QNode{ int Data[MaxVertexNum]; int rear; int front;} QNode,

2015-09-27 16:37:49 966

原创 06-图2 Saving James Bond - Easy Version

#include #include #define Island_Diameter 15int Visited[105];int FirstJump(int *a, int i, int D);int IsSafe(int *a, int i, int D);int Jump(int *a, int i, int j, int D);int DFS(int *a, int i,

2015-09-27 16:36:41 487

原创 06-图1 列出连通集

#include #include #define MaxVertexNum 10int Visited[MaxVertexNum];typedef struct MGraph{ int Vertices[MaxVertexNum]; int Edges[MaxVertexNum][MaxVertexNum]; int n, e;} MGraph;typedef struc

2015-09-27 16:35:48 1914 1

原创 05-树9 Huffman Codes

#include #include #define MinData 0typedef struct TreeNode* HuffmanTree;struct TreeNode{ int weight; HuffmanTree Left; HuffmanTree Right;};typedef struct HeapStruct *MinHeap;struct HeapS

2015-09-27 16:34:46 1116

原创 05-树8 File Transfer

#include #include int Find(int x, int s[]);void Union(int c1, int c2, int s[]);int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ int *s; int N, c1, c2; char ch; scanf("%d", &N); s = (int*)malloc(siz

2015-09-27 16:33:56 1098 1

原创 05-树7 堆中的路径

#include #include #define MinData -10001typedef struct HeapStruct *MinHeap;struct HeapStruct{ int *elements; int size; int capacity;};MinHeap Creats(int MaxSize);void Min_Insert(MinHeap H

2015-09-27 16:33:07 548

原创 04-树6 Complete Binary Search Tree

#include #include int compare(const void *a, const void *b);void Solve(int ALeft, int ARight, int TRoot, int A[], int T[]);int Get_Left_Nodes(int n);int Min(int a, int b);int main(int argc, ch

2015-09-27 16:31:32 425

原创 04-树5 Root of AVL Tree

#include #include typedef int ElementType;typedef struct AVLNode *AVLTree; /* AVL树类型 */typedef struct AVLNode{ ElementType Data; /* 结点数据 */ AVLTree Left; /* 指向左子树 */ AVLTree Righ

2015-09-23 23:14:05 547

原创 04-树4 是否同一棵二叉搜索树

#include #include typedef struct TreeNode{ int data; struct TreeNode* Left; struct TreeNode* Right; int flag;}TreeNode, *Tree;Tree MakeTree(int N);Tree NewTreeNode(int tmp);Tree Insert(T

2015-09-23 23:12:12 2243

原创 03-树3 Tree Traversals Again

#include #include #include #define MAXSIZE 30typedef struct node{ int top; int cap; int data[MAXSIZE];} Stack;int preOrder[MAXSIZE];int inOrder[MAXSIZE];int postOrder[MAXSIZE];Stack* C

2015-09-22 17:18:14 742

原创 03-树2 List Leaves

#include #include #define MaxTree 10typedef struct TreeNode{ int number; int left; int right;} BinTree;BinTree T[MaxTree];typedef struct QNode{ int Data[MaxTree]; int rear; int front;}

2015-09-22 17:17:40 471

原创 03-树1 树的同构

#include #define MaxTree 10typedef struct TreeNode{ char element; int left; int right;} BinTree;BinTree BT1[MaxTree], BT2[MaxTree];int BuildTree(BinTree T[]);int Isomorphic(int root1, int

2015-09-22 17:16:35 705

原创 02-线性结构3 Pop Sequence

#include #include #define MaxSize 1001typedef struct node{ int top; int cap; int data[MaxSize];} Stack;Stack* CreateStack();void Push(Stack *PtrS, int e);void Pop(Stack *PtrS);int CheckS

2015-09-22 17:15:00 493

原创 02-线性结构2 Reversing Linked List

#include #define MAX_SIZE 100001typedef struct node{ int address; int data; int next_address; struct node * next;} Node; Node * ListReverse(Node * L, int k);void PrintList(Node * L);

2015-09-22 17:13:01 1076

原创 02-线性结构1 一元多项式的乘法与加法运算

#include #include typedef struct node{ int coefficient; int exponent; struct node * next;} PolyNode, *Polynomial;Polynomial ReadPoly();void Attach(int c, int e, Polynomial * Rear);Polynomi

2015-09-17 15:00:07 5282 3

原创 01-复杂度2 Maximum Subsequence Sum

#include int MaxSubseqSum(const int A[], int* p, int* q, int N){ int ThisSum = 0, MaxSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ ThisSum += A[i]; if (ThisSum > MaxSum) MaxSum = ThisSum; el

2015-09-17 14:58:38 521

原创 01-复杂度1 最大子列和问题

#include int MaxSubseqSum(const int A[], int N){int ThisSum = 0, MaxSum = 0;for (int i = 0; i ThisSum += A[i];if (ThisSum > MaxSum)MaxSum = ThisSum;else if(ThisSum ThisSum = 0;}

2015-09-17 14:55:27 408

原创 PAT (Basic Level) Practise 1002

#include #include int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){char num[101] = {0};char *res[3]; char *pinyin[10] = {"ling","yi","er","san","si","wu","liu","qi","ba","jiu"};int sum = 0, cn

2015-04-18 10:31:40 384

原创 PAT (Basic Level) Practise 1001

#include int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){int n;int cnt = 0;scanf("%d", &n);while(n!=1){if(n%2==0){n/=2;cnt++;}else{n=(3*n+1)/2;cnt++;}}printf("%d", cnt);re

2015-04-18 10:30:26 383

原创 05-3. 求a的连续和(15)

#include #define MAXN 10int b[MAXN];int main(){    int sum, a, n;    scanf("%d %d", &a, &n);    b[0] = a;    sum = a;    if(n>1)    {        for( int i=1; i        {

2015-03-28 14:25:59 373



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