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转载 python for list generate content

1 content = [ii for ii in range(50)]This can generate a list content转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/p/4108952.html

2014-11-19 18:53:00 172

转载 django学习笔记——基于类的通用视图(reference)

Class-based generic viewsNew in Django 1.3:Please, see the release notesNotePrior to Django 1.3, generic views were implemented as functions. The function-based implementation has been deprecate...

2012-02-01 22:29:00 186

转载 转:怎样高效的使用RiProcedure

http://cid-a6597afda81373ba.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!A6597AFDA81373BA!295.entry如何更加高效的使用RiProcedureA traditional procedural primitive calls Subdivide() function to create RIB stream as soon as...

2011-03-30 23:07:00 93

转载 rifilter in python discussed in 3delight


2010-05-20 23:10:00 120

转载 3delight linear work flow

some resource:linear research in 3delight forum:http://www.3delight.com/en/modules/PunBB/search.php?search_id=1523564967some interest forum:  http://www.3delight.com/en/modules/PunBB/viewtopi...

2010-05-20 22:59:00 137

转载 pixar stereo rendering doc


2010-01-12 08:25:00 90

转载 3delight stereo rendering black edge,

just turn of "Double Sided"the black (or white)edge will fix.ok, thats not the solver转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2010/01/11/1644459.html

2010-01-11 22:28:00 66

转载 ubuntu 安装rpm

先安装rpm alien:sudo apt-get install rpm alien把rpm包转换成deb包:alien -d 要转换的rpm包然后在文件夹中双击用 gdebi安装程序安装转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2010/01/10/1643509.html...

2010-01-10 15:13:00 108

转载 ubuntu 加载iso

mount -o loop *.iso /yourpathunmout /media/相应文件夹转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2010/01/10/1643438.html

2010-01-10 12:03:00 146

转载 st render 3delight 思路

block :: <camera>  先手动转换<camera>然后再用3delight自有脚本进行转换可以避免左右两个<camera>重复的问题转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2010/01/08/1641873.html...

2010-01-08 08:42:00 91

转载 maya 处理 linux 鼠标变"X"

Linux and GNOME The following are some issues that you might encounter when using Linux and GNOME with Maya. Mouse pointer appears as a black “X”...

2010-01-02 01:59:00 296

转载 renderman 笔记3

fov = field of view focal length =( screen width/screenheight)/( tan(fov/2)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- option "bucket" "string orde...

2009-12-22 10:57:00 97

转载 3delight stereo rendering

http://www.3delight.com/en/modules/PunBB/viewtopic.php?pid=9708#p9708that is thread in 3delight official forumthe main idea is use mel binding in 3delight to do the stereo rendering,but there a...

2009-12-20 15:10:00 87

转载 3delight ptc workflow from 3delight forum

volume ptc_surface_bake( string ptc_file = ""; string ptc_coordsys = "world"; float i_Ci=3; float bleeding_intensity = 0.25; ) ...

2009-12-19 12:25:00 90

转载 writing renderman shaders NOTE2

types of pattens  texture files  regular patten  pure stochastic patten  perturbed regular patten  random placement patten  perturbed access to texture file     texture files : 直接使用贴图 最简单,容易出现重复...

2009-12-07 22:06:00 91

转载 向量点乘叉乘

点乘 dot product  点乘,也叫向量的内积、数量积。顾名思义,求下来的结果是一个数。  向量a·向量b=|a||b|cos<a,b>  在物理学中,已知力与位移求功,实际上就是求向量F与向量s的内积,即要用点乘。  将向量用坐标表示(三维向量),  若向量a=(a1,b1,c1),向量b=(a2,b2,c2),  则  向量a·向量b=a1a2+b1b2...

2009-12-03 21:05:00 183

转载 writing renderman shaders NOTE1

in fact the real goal is not to make a perfect shader, but rather to make a successful shader~~~~~~~~~~yessssss~转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2009/12/03/1616512.html

2009-12-03 21:05:00 105

转载 3delight deadline shader rib generate path~~


2009-12-01 21:30:00 90

转载 在renderman中使用raytrace 计算fur的项目


2009-11-22 12:39:00 70

转载 shave Hair fake occ

the hair fake occ code from http://mattrm.blogs.3dvf.com/Hello,It’s really easier, it’s really a big fake. I just used the “v direction” that drive the mix of root and tips color to drive a bla...

2009-11-20 11:33:00 112

转载 pyqt signal slot

Now let’s look at the general syntax for connections. We assume that the PyQtmodules have been imported using the from …import * syntax, and that s andw are QObjects, normally widgets, with s usu...

2009-11-18 00:17:00 85

转载 dicing camera

7.11 Dicing CamerasAs we already know, 3Delight renders geometry by tessellating it into micro-polygons. This way of doing things makes running displacement shaders straightforward and efficien...

2009-11-07 23:48:00 116

转载 生成Ptc文件时候使用top camera比较好

从http://www.3delight.com/en/modules/PunBB/viewtopic.php?id=1738得到的启发3) set the top camera to render with double size of my finall render size但是需要把是final render size的两倍么 ????????还找不到原因转载于:http...

2009-11-06 20:10:00 105

转载 3delight 上关于ptex的讨论,3delight的开发者最后说ptex的内存表现并不比普通的贴图差,不知道是不是因为3delight不支持而故意说的...

http://www.3delight.com/en/modules/PunBB/viewtopic.php?id=1742tijude wrote:Ptex are really efficient in memory footprint with big texture map and nice to implement in a pipeline. SO I agree wit...

2009-11-06 20:02:00 90

转载 ptc ao image pipline

Point Cloud CreationConverting a scene into a point cloud representation is a straightforward task but care must be taken to ensure the correctness and the optimality of the operation. One s...

2009-11-02 22:56:00 88

转载 ptc 与 raytrace比较

Main benefits are summarized below:Due to the nature of the point-based approach, the resulting ambient occlusion effect is smooth.Displacements, a costly operation in the ray-tracing case, come ...

2009-11-01 22:46:00 115

转载 Point-Based Occlusion and Color Bleeding 与 Occlusion Baking 的区别

The "baking" in the point-based method is nothing more than a simple conversion of scene's geometry into a point cloud file最大的区别就是ptc 方法仅仅是讲场景几何体转换为ptc文件所以非常快,不需要任何bake来自3delight 文档7.7 Point-...

2009-11-01 22:37:00 130

转载 shaderop的定义

wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadeop Shadeop is a term used in computer graphics rendering to refer to an atomic, built-in function used in ashader. shadeop 的意思是 计算机图形渲染领域,其实就是renderman, sha...

2009-10-30 00:11:00 76

转载 测试windows live writer

测试windows live writer转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/rdRoad/archive/2009/10/30/1592665.html

2009-10-30 00:10:00 88

转载 cgkit

cgkit 是Python Computer Graphics Kit 其module 主要分两个部分, 1. 与3d相关的一些python module 例如the vector, matrix and quaternion types, the RenderMan bindings, noise functions 这些模块可以在maya houdini nuke blender 等...

2009-10-30 00:06:00 247

转载 测试随笔


2009-10-30 00:05:00 67



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