Vert.x 3 core:
Vert.x core主要提供了一下功能:
- Writing TCP clients and servers(TCP 客户端和服务端)
- Writing HTTP clients and servers including support for WebSockets(HTTP客户端和服务端,提供WebSocket的支持)
- The Event bus(事件总线)
- Shared data - local maps and clustered distributed maps(共享数据,本地map和集群map)
- Periodic and delayed actions(定期和延迟的动作)
- Deploying and undeploying Verticles(部署和卸载Verticles)
- Datagram Sockets(数据报)
- DNS client
- File system access
- High availability(高可用)
- Clustering(可集群化)
Vert.x 3提供多种语言编程,支持java、ruby、goovy、JavaScript、Ceylon。提供了原生的API支持。
Maven (in your pom.xml):
Gradle (in your build.gradle file):
compile io.vertx:vertx-core:3.2.1