In the following example, the table from which that data is selected consists of just these attributes: parent and child. We make sure (by means of a unique constraint) that the child is uniqe within the table. This is just like in the real life where (as of yet) a child cannot have two different mothers.
The data filled into the table is such that a the sum over the children with the same parent is the value of the parent:
set feedback off create table test_connect_by ( parent number, child number, constraint uq_tcb unique (child) );
5 = 2+3
insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 2); insert into test_connect_by values ( 5, 3);
18 = 11+7
insert into test_connect_by values (18,11); insert into test_connect_by values (18, 7);
17 = 9+8
insert into test_connect_by values (17, 9); insert into test_connect_by values (17, 8);
26 = 13+1+12
insert into test_connect_by values (26,13); insert into test_connect_by values (26, 1); insert into test_connect_by values (26,12);
insert into test_connect_by values (15,10); insert into test_connect_by values (15, 5);
insert into test_connect_by values (38,15); insert into test_connect_by values (38,17); insert into test_connect_by values (38, 6);
38, 26 and 18 have no parents (the parent is
insert into test_connect_by values (null, 38); insert into test_connect_by values (null, 26); insert into test_connect_by values (null, 18);
Now, let's select the data hierarchically:
select lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(child) s from test_connect_by start with parent is null connect by prior child = parent;
This select statement results in:
38 15 10 5 2 3 17 9 8 6 26 13 1 12 18 11 7
connect by 是结构化查询中用到的,其基本语法是:
select ... from tablename start with 条件1
connect by 条件2
where 条件3;
条件1 是根结点的限定语句,当然可以放宽限定条件,以取得多个根结点,实际就是多棵树。 也可以以叶节点为起始节点。
条件2 是连接条件,其中用PRIOR表示上一条记录,比如 CONNECT BY PRIOR org_id = parent_id就是说上一条记录的org_id 是本条记录的parent_id,即本记录的父亲是上一条记录。
条件3 是过滤条件,用于对返回的所有记录进行过滤。
以上边的example为例,start with parent is null, 首先检索出parent为null,child为38的记录,connect by prior child = parent,表示上一条的child为当前的parent,所以检索出parent为38,child为15,再检索出以15为parent的记录parent为15,child为10,由于记录中没有以10为parent的记录,继续找以10的parent(即15)为parent的记录,找到parent为15,child为5的记录,记录中没有以5为parent的记录,继续着以5的parent(即15)为parent的记录,也没有以15为parent的记录了,就继续找以15的parent(即38)为parent的记录,找到parent为38,child为17的记录,接着找以17为parent的记录......以此类推。