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原创 MA214 Python/C++

E′ = {(s,?):?,r): (?,r) ∈ G,?,r) with?L.

2024-07-12 09:15:43 300

原创 Marking criteria for COMP9444 projectSPSS


2024-07-11 13:30:24 745

原创 COMP9444 Project SummaryR

Java Python COMP9444 Project SummaryI. Introduction<Write introduction of the project here. You should describe the aim of the paper, the importance of the problem addressed, its applications, and your contribution towards improving current practice using

2024-07-11 13:26:06 336

原创 CSE 13S Fall 2023 2 HangmanPython

••boolc)boolstchar*secret)Phrase:' _Phrase: d-ha_dedYou lose!You win!•••••。

2024-07-11 13:21:47 554

原创 ME - UY 4983: Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics Midterm 2024R

Java Python ME - UY 4983: Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid DynamicsExam MidtermMode Take-home – Deadline: 02/29/2024Notes Submit your work and other supporting materials on BrightspaceQ1 (10 pts) A furnace wall consists of two l

2024-07-11 13:17:28 394

原创 Final Historicism Project | CSFRST 2374 |

VogueVoguesubtitleTime, 135, 28-31.

2024-07-11 13:13:04 611

原创 BGP Measurements (BGPM): Main Thread #422Python


2024-07-11 11:11:29 327

原创 CS6250 BGP Measurements Project – Summer 2024Python

liveanBGPdataanalysis,supportingscientificresearch,andpost-theand theBGParepartofa BGPstreamBGPrecordandBGP elemwill notpurposes:updateA|route-views.eqix|None|None|11666|206.126.

2024-07-11 11:08:11 290

原创 FINS5510 Personal Financial Planning Financial Plan SQL

FinancialPlanDate*AssignmentDueDate1pmRelease ofResults5pm14 (30Aug 2024)FINS5537FinancialPlanningAdviceandEthics,WeightnotnotnotarenotareareTemplateSoftwaredownloadableFormattingFile NameWord Limitnot。

2024-07-11 11:04:51 381

原创 ECON 100C Midterm #1: Multiple Choice Questions – Version AJava

question.a. A.c. A +B.d. B.e. AK.a. Ak.d. Bk.e. A.k>0) :b. Neverwandrw, andkrk.)____7.h theUSstylizedfactforlaborandcapitalshares:a.Yk1/3L2/3b.Y= A ×k+B×Lc.Y= A×k×L/(k+ L)

2024-07-11 11:01:32 305

原创 International Traditions – Final Subject Assessment taskR

same eventinonecountry.a minimumof 3 days.o You needat least 8Criteria:

2024-07-11 10:58:12 314

原创 Theories of Computation: Summative 1

Java Python Theories of Computation: Summative Assignment 1due on Mon 12 Feb, 15:00Exercise 1. Consider the following εNFA:(A) Give the NFA that is achieved by removing the above εNFA’s ε-transitions (using the algorithm taught),[2 points](B) Give the DFA

2024-07-10 10:55:38 386

原创 Market Anomalies Exercise Spring 2024Python

Java Python Market Anomalies ExerciseSpring 2024Fama-French 3-Factor ModelE[ri ] − rf = bi(E[rM] − rf ) + siE[SMB] + hiE[HML](a) SMB is ‘small minus big’ factor, defined by the average return on the three small portfolios minus the average return on the th

2024-07-10 10:52:20 145

原创 MA214 Algorithms and Data Structures 2023/24 Exercises 10R


2024-07-10 10:49:01 1711

原创 MAT A22 Homework # 6 – Linear Maps Kernels and Images Winter 2024Statistics

Q3. On Homework #1 you proved that (R+ , 田, ⊡) was a vector space. Recall that,R+ = {x : x > 0} x 田 y = xy c ⊡ x = xc.

2024-07-10 10:45:42 501

原创 CSE 13S Assignmnent 0: Testing Software 2024Java

the code.calc1926> calc 3> echo $?01c1< 7---> 8•-ne 0 ];thenrm 8 .txtexit 1fiif [ $?-eq 0 ];thenrm 8 .txtexit 1firm 8 .txtexit 0•••••••• Calc••••• TheThat’s it!4. design。

2024-07-10 10:42:24 625

原创 MARK5826 Product Analytics Term 2 2024

Java Python MARK5826Product AnalyticsTerm 2, 2024Assessment 1: QuizzesDescription of assessment taskONLINE QUIZ 1 (5%)Description: This is an online multiple-choice test, consisting of 10 questions covering content in week 1-3. Timing: The Online Quiz will

2024-07-10 08:14:35 555

原创 Earth Sciences 1086F/G Scientific Report

1086F/GScientificReportFE ON MARS1.Choose2.Scrutinize3.Recognize4.Summarize5.SynthesizetwiceOUTLINE:ItisexpectthisoutlineTWOpastformatandcontentComponent:MarksComments-5Nomarksaregivenfor。

2024-07-10 08:11:16 1260

原创 SIT120 Introduction to Responsive Web Apps Trimester 2 2024Processing

ULOULO1networkingprotocols andGLO1:ificGLO5:ULO2Applyskills tocreateplan.GLO1:ificGLO5:ULO3Applytoresponsive webapp.GLO1:ificULO4Develop aemergingskillsinpractice.GLO1:ifichurdleRationale。

2024-07-10 08:07:57 1368

原创 INFS3604 Java/Python


2024-07-10 08:04:38 731

原创 program c/c++,Python

Grading:Deadline:TemplateYour Taskmatrix.this;

2024-07-10 08:01:19 633 1



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