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原创 silverlight wcf This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy i

这段时间,利用业余时间,一直想开发一套内嵌于Web 页,支持点对点通信的即时通信系统。 随着应用软件逐渐趋于Web化,这方面的应用以及需求会与日俱增。  同时,基于Internet及时通信方面的技术方向,Jabber/XMPP 是值得我们关注。  根据我的时间需求,我想使用WCF作为服务,实现业务逻辑;对于UI,考虑都不同的客户,使用的浏览器可能会不尽相同,Silv

2009-06-14 17:10:00 880

转载 Regular Expression (RegExp) in JavaScript Javascript 中的正则式

 JavaScript的RegExp对象 正则表达式是一个描述字符模式的对象。JavaScript的RegExp对象和String对象定义了使用正则表达式来执行强大的模式匹配和文本检索与替换函数的方法.*********************** javascript***********************在JavaScrip

2009-03-27 11:58:00 933 1

原创 Robert Vollman 's blog

 http://rpc.blogrolling.com/redirect.php?r=48e3686981be65d6ead4f27013a58a07&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthinkoracle.blogspot.com%2F I love data. Collecting, storing, manipulating, studying and using data. Or

2009-03-27 11:22:00 387

转载 如何在Oracle中重载存储过程 Overloading Procedures in PL/SQL http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/oracle-guide/overloading-procedures-in-plsql-1439

An Experts Guide to Oracle Technology by LewisC (Senior Datawarehouse and BI Consultant) Lewis Cunningham is an Oracle ACE, Database Architect and self-professed database geek. Lewis

2009-03-27 11:07:00 1002

转载 [Joe 原创] 对 Web Control 开发系列 的杰作: http://www.cnblogs.com/joeliu/archive/2008/11/13/1240206.html

   Page是WebForm编程基本元素,它从TemplateControl派生,而TemplateControl又从Control派生,所以Page实际就是一个Control。同时Page也实现了IHttpHandler接口,所以它可以接受Http请求,进行处理。    可以认为一个Page是由很多的Control按照树形结构组织的,而树的根就是Page(一个实现了IHttphandler的C

2009-03-12 18:01:00 690

转载 Global.asax and the HttpApplication class

Global.asax and the HttpApplication class Posted by scott on 2004年1月24日 The Global class derived from HttpApplication has many uses, including managing application and request state. The

2009-03-12 12:00:00 623

原创 Oracle 中的左连和右连

An Oracle SQL outer join differs from a natural join because it includes non-matching rows.  Oracle SQL has several joins syntax variations for outer joins.Outer join (+) syntax examplesThe most c

2009-03-12 10:42:00 558

转载 如何再XP/2000中使用命令重启或关机

If you getting tired of everytime have to clicking Start menu, and then click on Turn Off Computer, and then still have to click on Turn Off or Restart or Log Off in order to log off, restart or shut

2009-03-12 09:29:00 482

原创 以dll形式部署ASP.NET需要注意的地方

我有一个userControl ,动态加载后,编译没错,部署后,access 页面是,总是报找不到class错. For example, the name of the user control is AA.ascx So its behind code class file name is AA.ascx.cs. The exception result w

2009-03-06 17:42:00 448

原创 sql server 数据脚本生成工具

使用: SqlDataToScript 吧.  可对SQL SERVER2000数据库中的某个表中的特定(或全部)记录生成SQL脚本,在适当的时候进行还原。用于小数据量情况下的数据备份或制作数据库更新脚本。运行环境:  Windows 2000/Windows XP/Win2003 + .net框架1.1版 + MDAC2.6及以上版本 + Sql Server 2000   

2009-02-28 10:58:00 382

原创 RESTORE 无法处理数据库 '***',因为它正由此会话使用。建议在执行此操作时使用 master 数据库。


2009-02-28 10:55:00 2461 3

转载 XSLT 1.0:用call-template还是apply-templates?


2009-02-18 15:32:00 1114

转载 Bind variables - The key to application performance | comes from: http://www.akadia.com/services/ora_bind_variables.html

If youve been developing applications on Oracle for a while, youve no doubt come across the concept of «Bind Variables». Bind variables are one of those Oracle concepts that experts freque

2009-01-20 11:02:00 540

原创 asp.net 中的认证

 IIS authentication includes two steps.The first step is by IIS itself. Thats to say, when a user access the web site, window will createthe token for this user.IIS 5.0(Windows 2000) will use ASPNE

2009-01-12 18:16:00 369

原创 support papers from Syncfusion web site.

http://www.syncfusion.com/products/Tools/Windows/Codesamples/default.aspx http://www.syncfusion.com/products/tools/windows/default.aspx

2009-01-12 18:04:00 294

原创 Transactions in Sybase

if exists (select 1            from  sysobjects            where  id = object_id(tA2)            and    type = U)   drop table tA2gobegin transaction tA2LOCK TABLE tA2 IN SHARE MODEcommit transa

2009-01-09 18:18:00 644

原创 synbase 中的十五

if exists (select 1            from  sysobjects            where  id = object_id(tA2)            and    type = U)   drop table tA2gobegin transaction tA2LOCK TABLE tA2 IN SHARE MODEcommit transa

2009-01-09 18:17:00 459

原创 The left confustions that I need to talk with Michael @ 1/2/2008

 1. for ajax conditional update?2.mechancis for ajax toll kit - how different is ajax and webservice in the xml prespective- is the filter txt box validation done locally - js?- while calling a ajax b

2009-01-02 19:14:00 463

原创 Ajax Update Panel -- Conditional Update Mode

The Text of the lable still updated even though we had commented the update method of the "UpdatePanel".Because we made the mistake listed as the third one. Refreshing UpdatePanel Content  (Co

2009-01-02 19:11:00 551

原创 .net 中使用InvokeMember, 反射来调用 成员及成员函数。

  using System;using System.Reflection;// This sample class has a field, constructor, method, and property.class MyType{Int32 myField;public MyType(ref Int32 x) { x *= 5; }public overr

2008-12-30 21:18:00 2370 1

转载 ASP.NET Case Study: Lost session variables and appdomain recycles

 Last night I got a question from one of the readers of the blog that went like this:  “We are facing a problem that i cannot understand, every now and than i see that my app domain is recycle

2008-12-30 20:26:00 599

转载 IIS and ASP.NET: The Application Pool

 In this part, we will take a look at one of the new features in IIS 6.0, named Application Pool, and demonstrate the use of application pools in isolating ASP.NET Web applications, thereby increasi

2008-12-30 20:23:00 1080

转载 You receive a "Service Unavailable" error message when you browse a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web site

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823552 When you browse a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Web site, you may receive the following error message: Service Unavailable CAUSE This issue

2008-12-30 20:20:00 488

原创 如何解决asp.net : Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired.

 ------------------------ PROBLEM ---------------------------------I see the warning msg that "Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired..........." in

2008-12-30 20:06:00 1705

原创 刚买的HP电脑居然光盘里没有驱动,只好自己找

http://www.9ihp.cn/viewthread.php?tid=28261&highlight=6535  Subject: RE: http://www.9ihp.cn/thread-29885-1-1.html   Subject: http://www.9ihp.cn/thread-29885-1-1.html

2008-12-29 20:14:00 356

转载 微软张亚勤:分享读《孙子兵法》体会和领导力培养

 ——在微软中国研发集团领导力拓展峰会上的发言 张亚勤 感谢人力资源部同事的精心安排,使得我们的高层领导团队每半年就可以象今天这样聚在一起,回顾年初制订的规划和目标,共同探讨领导力的问题,在互动交流中学习提升。对任何一个组织而言,特别对微软这样的智力密集型企业,核心管理团队是成功的关键。今天在坐的近100位同仁,你们就是微软中国研发集团的中流砥柱;正是在你们的激情领导和引领下,集合了300

2008-12-29 13:09:00 340

原创 Very good websites to learn financial knowledge

 Thanks for your sharing, Leibo.- http://www2.goldmansachs.com/hkchina/dictionary/ec/dictionary_ec_t.html-----Original Message-----From: Wen, Leibo [CMB-IT]Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008

2008-12-29 12:59:00 340

原创 Mailx

This looks almost good except that your subject was treated as address: "[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]"It sh

2008-12-29 12:57:00 342

原创 good html template 1.

 .ewiHeading {FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: #000066; FONT-FAMILY: Arial}.ewiTable {BORDER-RIGHT: #000066 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; BORDER-TOP: #000066 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 10px;

2008-12-29 12:55:00 455

原创 Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise

 Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprisehttp://www.3ddown.com/soft/33189.htm

2008-12-26 17:41:00 330

原创 Design a stunning Alert Box using MooTools

THIS IS A VERY GOOD ARTICLE FROM : http://woork.blogspot.com/2008/08/design-stunning-alert-box-using.htmlTHANKS TO EDUARDO SADA.Design a stunning Alert Box using MooTools The ScriptThis tutori

2008-12-26 17:39:00 421

原创 Introducing System.Transactions in the .NET Framework 2.0

IntroductionDevelopers on the Microsoft Windows platform traditionally choose between two transactional programming models: explicit transaction management or declarative transaction flow and manage

2008-12-22 22:48:00 928

原创 Plug & play architecture using policy application blocks

IntroductionIn this section we will discuss how we can make plug & play architecture using policy application blocks. What we will do is we will take a practical scenario where we want to enable log

2008-12-21 00:06:00 341

原创 Application block, MS official site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/practices/default.aspx

Application block, MS official site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/practices/default.aspx some video: http://www.questpondvd.com/EnterpriseApplicationBlock/Introduction/Introduction.html  

2008-12-20 23:43:00 434

转载 Policy Injection Application Block Validation and Logging Examples - Aspect Oriented Programming in Enterprise Library 3.0

 This good article comes from : http://davidhayden.com/blog/dave/archive/2007/03/25/PolicyInjectionApplicationBlockOrlandoCodeCamp.aspx,where we can get lots of papers. I had a blast presentin

2008-12-20 23:23:00 409

原创 use MARQUEE in HTML page.

 Usage Recommendationuse it, but dont rely on itWIDTH: how wide the marquee is HEIGHT: how tall the marquee is DIRECTION: which direction the marquee should scroll

2008-12-01 09:33:00 320

转载 如何让asp.net的页面(类)定时运行 http://blog.csdn.net/chenguang79/archive/2008/11/28/3400652.aspx


2008-11-29 00:20:00 367

转载 Multithreading in VB.NET

Synchronization, Interlocked, SyncLock and Monitor ClassesSo what is thread synchronization? Imagine the following lines of code:Dim X as IntegerX = 1X = X + 1To a programmer the line X = X

2008-11-29 00:17:00 385

原创 .Net线程同步 come from: http://hi.baidu.com/lieyu063/blog/item/76713f466583cb086a63e53c.html

Lock关键字 说明:1, Lock关键字将语句块标记为临界区,方法是获取给定对象的互斥锁,执行语句,然后释放该锁。            2, 通常,应避免锁定 public 类型,否则实例将超出代码的控制范围。常见的结构 lock (this)、lock (typeof (MyType)) 和 lock ("myLock") 违反此准则。最佳做法是定义 private 对象来锁定。

2008-11-29 00:09:00 1552

原创 浅析.NET开发中代理模式的使用

当我们需要使用的对象很复杂或者需要很长时间去构造,这时就可以使用代理模式(Proxy)。例如:如果构建一个对象很耗费时间和计算机资源,代理模式(Proxy)允许我们控制这种情况,直到我们需要使用实际的对象。一个代理(Proxy)通常包含和将要使用的对象同样的方法,一旦开始使用这个对象,这些方法将通过代理(Proxy)传递给实际的对象。  一些可以使用代理模式(Proxy)的情况:  1、一

2008-11-28 23:46:00 383



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