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2009-10-21 14:25:00 1077 1


1. Boost.Accumulators Preface User's Guide Acknowledgements Reference 2. Boost.Any Introduction Examples Reference Acknowledgements 3. Boost.Array Introduction Reference Design Rationale For more information... Acknowledgements 4. Boost.Concept_Check Concept reference 5. Boost.Date_Time Conceptual General Usage Examples Gregorian Posix Time Local Time Date Time Input/Output Serialization Details Examples Library Reference 6. Boost.Foreach Introduction Extensibility Portability Pitfalls History and Acknowledgements 7. Boost.Function Introduction History & Compatibility Notes Tutorial Reference Frequently Asked Questions Miscellaneous Notes Testsuite 8. Boost.Functional/Hash Introduction Tutorial Extending boost::hash for a custom data type Combining hash values Portability Disabling The Extensions Change Log Reference Links Acknowledgements 9. Boost.Interprocess Introduction Quick Guide for the Impatient Some basic explanations Sharing memory between processes Mapping Address Independent Pointer: offset_ptr Synchronization mechanisms Managed Memory Segments Allocators, containers and memory allocation algorithms Direct iostream formatting: vectorstream and bufferstream Ownership smart pointers Architecture and internals Customizing Boost.Interprocess Acknowledgements, notes and links Boost.Interprocess Reference 10. Boost.Intrusive Introduction Intrusive and non-intrusive containers How to use Boost.Intrusive When to use? Concept summary Presenting Boost.Intrusive containers Safe hooks Auto-unlink hooks Intrusive singly linked list: slist Intrusive doubly linked list: list Intrusive associative containers: set, multiset, rbtree Semi-Intrusive unordered associative containers: unordered_set, unordered_multiset Intrusive splay tree based associative containers: splay_set, splay_multiset and , splay_tree Intrusive avl tree based associative containers: avl_set, avl_multiset and avltree Intrusive scapegoat tree based associative containers: sg_set, sg_multiset and sgtree Intrusive treap based associative containers: treap_set, treap_multiset and treap Advanced lookup and insertion functions for associative containers Erasing and disposing values from Boost.Intrusive containers Cloning Boost.Intrusive containers Using smart pointers with Boost.Intrusive containers Obtaining iterators from values Any Hooks: A single hook for any Intrusive container Concepts explained Node algorithms with custom NodeTraits Containers with custom ValueTraits Thread safety guarantees Obtaining the same types and reducing symbol length Design Notes Performance Release Notes Tested compilers References Acknowledgements Reference License notices 11. Boost.Lambda In a nutshell Getting Started Introduction Using the library Lambda expressions in details Extending return type deduction system Practical considerations Relation to other Boost libraries Contributors Rationale for some of the design decisions Bibliography 12. Boost.MPI Introduction Getting started Tutorial Reference Python Bindings Design Philosophy Performance Evaluation Revision History Acknowledgments 13. Boost.Program_options Introduction Tutorial Library Overview How To Design Discussion Acknowledgements Reference 14. Boost.PropertyTree What is Property Tree? Five Minute Tutorial Property Tree as a Container Property Tree Synopsis How to Populate a Property Tree How to Access Data in a Property Tree Appendices Reference 15. Boost.Proto Preface Users' Guide Reference Appendices 16. Boost.Ref Introduction Reference Acknowledgements 17. Boost.Signals Introduction Tutorial Reference Frequently Asked Questions Design Overview Design Rationale Testsuite 18. Boost.Signals2 Introduction Tutorial Example programs Reference Thread-Safety Frequently Asked Questions Design Rationale Signals2 API Changes Testsuite 19. Boost.StaticAssert Overview and Tutorial How it works Test Programs 20. Boost String Algorithms Library Introduction Release Notes Usage Quick Reference Design Topics Concepts Reference Rationale Environment Credits 21. Thread Overview Changes since boost 1.40 Thread Management Synchronization Thread Local Storage Date and Time Requirements Acknowledgments 22. Boost.TR1 Introduction Usage Configuration TR1 By Subject TR1 By Header Implementation Testing 23. Boost.Tribool Introduction Tutorial Reference Testsuite 24. Boost.Typeof Motivation Tutorial Reference Other considerations and tips Contributed By: Acknowledgements 25. Boost.Units 1.0.0 Introduction Quick Start Dimensional Analysis Units Quantities Examples Utilities Reference Installation FAQ Acknowledgements Help Wanted Release Notes TODO 26. Boost.Unordered Introduction The Data Structure Equality Predicates and Hash Functions Comparison with Associative Containers Implementation Rationale Change Log Reference Bibliography 27. Boost.Variant Introduction Tutorial Reference Design Overview Miscellaneous Notes References 28. Boost.Xpressive Preface User's Guide Reference Acknowledgments Appendices



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