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原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]06-JNI编程基础

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训个人笔记,培训链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/521. JNI基础概念    JNI是Java Native Interface的缩写,中文为Java本地调用。从Java 1.1开始,Java Native Interface(JNI)标准成为Java平台的一部分,它允许Java代码和其他语言写的代码进行交互。

2013-12-31 00:03:57 3715

原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]05-HDFS详细分析(二)

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训个人笔记,培训链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/52

2013-12-26 12:28:22 3648

原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]04-HDFS详细分析(一)

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训个人笔记,培训链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/52Q&A:1)搭建HDFS集群的时候,NameNode和DataNode这两个进程会挂掉?      查看Log,查看相关的异常信息。      a、如果namenode没有正常启动,原因是在启动之前没有格式化。我们需要format      b、如果datano

2013-12-25 22:56:20 4675 1

转载 在CentOS Redhat里设置FQDN和Hostname

http://extr3metech.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/changing-hostname-in-centos-red-hat-linux/http://www.chenshake.com/linux-foundation-set-fqdn-hostname/To change host name in Linux from command line, type:v

2013-12-15 13:59:41 5827

转载 CentOS 6 VirtualBox 配置网络(截图)

http://extr3metech.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/configuring-network-in-centos-6-3-virtual-box-screenshots/This is a guide on configuring network in CentOS in Virtual Box with screenshots (using terminal).

2013-12-15 13:54:37 3503

转载 如何添加 GNOME 到 CentOS Minimal

by Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database Administrator Contents Introduction CentOS 6 About the Author Introduction In most instances, the Linux servers I setup are used to host the

2013-12-15 13:50:25 1661

转载 xxx is not in the sudoers file解决方法

用sudo时提示"xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.其中XXX是你的用户名,也就是你的用户名没有权限使用sudo,我们只要修改一下/etc/sudoers文件就行了。下面是修改方法:1)进入超级用户模式。也就是输入"su -",系统会让你输入超级用户密码,输入密码后就进入了超级用户模式。(当然,你也可以直接

2013-12-15 13:49:28 1679 1

转载 云计算服务与水电服务的异同


2013-12-11 10:36:58 1960

原创 从命令行启动和停止GNOME


2013-12-05 22:55:05 41921 3

原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]03-MapReduce集群的安装与部署

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训,链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/52  个人笔记,不具参考性。

2013-12-05 19:36:31 1832

转载 解决 VirtualBox里Ubuntu的共享文件夹无法访问 之问题

原文标题:You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of ‘shared_folder’原文链接:http://darrenma.wordpress.com/2012/07/18/you-do-not-have-the-permissions-necessary-to-view-the-contents-of-sh

2013-12-04 18:44:19 16484 1

原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]02-HDFS集群的安装与部署

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训,链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/52  个人笔记,不具参考性。

2013-12-04 11:13:06 2163

原创 无法从 Virtualbox GUI界面删除"Inaccessible" virtual machines

如题,无法从VirtualBox界面上删除“无法访问”的VM(哪怕VM已经从硬盘上删除,界面上点remove也没有反应),这时只能用命令行来操作了。Windows下的安装地址为:C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox,从中找到“VBoxManage.exe”文件执行:VBoxManage list vms无法被访问的VM会有类似如下的显示:"" {52a91e62-0

2013-12-03 16:40:09 2236

原创 [Hadoop培训笔记]01-Hadoop开源软件及其生态系统介绍

注:开源力量Hadoop Development网络培训,链接:http://new.osforce.cn/course/52  个人笔记,不具参考性。Hadoop实际用途主要是:运维、开发Hadoop组件:common、HDFS、MapReduce(mrv1,mrv2)Google核心技术(分四类,括号里是Hadoop对应组件)​分布式基础设施:GFS(HDFS)、Chubby(Zookeepe

2013-12-03 11:35:06 2953

Host Your Web Site In The Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy

Host Your Web Site On The Cloud is your step-by-step guide to this revolutionary approach to hosting and managing your web applications. Cloud computing gives you the tools you need to prepare and cope with a traffic onslaught. You'll have the confidence to withstand a traffic surge without melting your servers or sending you into bankruptcy. There are a number of ways to use the cloud to host existing applications, build creative new ones, and improve the cost-effectiveness and efficiency or organizations large and small. You'll learn how to: - gain a thorough understanding of cloud computing - master the fundamentals of Amazon Web Services - install and configure visual and command line tools - store, retrieve, and distribute data quickly and easily - build applications that scale - manage the monitoring, load balancing, and scaling capabilities of cloud computing As a developer, you need room & flexibility to be innovative. Why waste time worrying about the technical aspects of server capacity? AWS handles security, load balancing, and server resources virtually so you're not restricted to one physical server. Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: SitePoint; 1 edition (September 28, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0980576830 ISBN-13: 978-0980576832



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