Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible,3rd,Part II

Part II Shell Scripting Basics


Chapter 11 Basic Script Building

Section : Using Multiple Commands

If you want to run two commands together, you can enter them on the same prompt line, separated with a semicolon:
$ date ; who

Section : Creating a Script File

When creating a shell script file, you must specify the shell you are using in the first line of the file.
Here’s the format for this:


In a normal shell script line, the pound sign (#) is used as a comment line.
However, the first line of a shell script file is
a special case, and the pound sign followed by the exclamation point tells the shell what shell to run the script under.

After indicating the shell, commands are entered onto each line of the file, followed by a carriage return. 

$ ./test1
$ ls -l test1
$ chmod u+x test1

Section : Displaying Messages

$ echo This is a test
$ echo "This is a test to see if you're paying attention"
$ echo 'Rich says "scripting is easy".'

The echo command uses either double or single quotes to delineate text strings.
If you use them within your string, you need to use one type of quote within the text and the other type to delineate the string.

echo -n "The time and date are: "
echo a text string on the same line as a command output

Section  :  Using Variables

Environment variables:

echo "User info for userid: $USER"
echo UID: $UID

Using the envi- ronment variable’s name preceded by a dollar sign.

$ echo "The cost of the item is \$15"
To display an actual dollar sign, you must precede it with a backslash character.

User variables

1.can be any text string of up to 20 letters, digits, or an underscore character. sensitive
3.No spaces can appear between the variable, the equal sign, and the value
4.user variables can be referenced using the dollar sign

Command substitution
Command substitution allows you to assign the output of a shell command to a variable.

two ways to assign the output of a command to a variable:

■ The backtick character (`)

■ The $() format

# copy the /usr/bin directory listing to a log file 
today=$(date +%y%m%d)
ls /usr/bin -al > log.$today

The +%y%m%d format instructs the date command to display the date as a two-digit year, month, and day:
$ date +%y%m%d 

Command substitution creates what’s called a subshell to run the enclosed command.
Because of that, any variables you create in the script aren’t available to the subshell command.

Subshells are also created if you run a command from the command prompt using the ./ path,
but they aren’t cre- ated if you just run the command without a path.

Section : Redirecting Input and Output

Output redirection
sending output from a command to a file:
command > outputfile

$ date > test6
$ date >> test6

Input redirection
takes the content of a file and redi- rects it to a command:
  command < inputfile

$ wc < test6

The wc command provides a count of text in the data. By default, it produces three values:
■ The number of lines in the text
■ The number of words in the text
■ The number of bytes in the text

inline input redirection:
  Another method of input redirection,
  This method allows you to specify the data for input redirection on the command line instead of in a file.
  1.must specify a text marker that delineates the beginning and end of the data
  2.use any string value for the text marker
command << marker 

$ wc << EOF
> test string 1
> test string 2
> test string 3 
3 9 42 

Section : Pipes

$ rpm -qa > rpm.list
$ sort < rpm.list

That was useful, but again,Instead of redirecting the output of a command to a file,
you can redirect the output to another command. This process is called piping.

command1 | command2
The pipe is put between the commands to redirect the output from one to the other
The Linux system actually runs both commands at the same time, linking them together internally in the system.
As the first command produces output, it’s sent immediately to the second command. 
No inter- mediate files or buffer areas are used to transfer the data.

$ rpm -qa | sort
$ rpm -qa | sort | more

you can use one of the text paging commands (such as less or more) to force the output to stop at every screen of data.

$ rpm -qa | sort > rpm.list
$ more rpm.list

Section : Performing Math

There are two different ways to perform mathematical operations in your shell scripts.

The expr command:
The expr command recognizes a few different mathematical and string operators

$ expr 5 * 2
expr: syntax error 


$ expr 5 \* 2 

To solve this problem, you need to use the shell escape character (the backslash) to identify any characters that may be misinterpreted by the shell before being passed to the expr command.

Using brackets:
Using brackets makes shell math much easier than with the expr command.

In bash, when assigning a mathematical value to a variable, 
you can enclose the mathematical equa- tion 
using a dollar sign and square brackets ($[ operation ])。

var4=$[$var1 * ($var2 - $var3)] 
echo The final result is $var4

A  floating-point solution:
uses the built-in bash calculator, called bc.

You can access the bash calculator from the shell prompt using the bc command:
$ bc

To exit the bash calculator, you must enter quit.
The floating-point arithmetic is controlled by a built-in variable called scale. 

$ bc -q 
var1 * 4 40
var2 = var1 / 5 
print var2

Yes, you can use the command substitution character to run a bc command and assign the output to a vari- able! 
The basic format to use is this:

variable=$(echo "options; expression" | bc)

options, allows you to set variables.more than one variable, separate them using the semicolon.

The bc command recognizes input redirection, allowing you to redirect a file to the bc command for processing.

The best method is to use inline input redirection, which allows you to redirect data directly from the command line. 
In the shell script, you assign the output to a variable:

variable=$(bc << EOF 

The EOF text string indicates the beginning and end of the inline redirection data.

$ cat test12
var5=$(bc << EOF 
scale = 4
a1 = ( $var1 * $var2) 
b1 = ($var3 * $var4) 
a1 + b1
echo The final answer for this mess is $var5 

Section : Exiting the Script

Every command that runs in the shell uses an exit status to indicate to the shell that it’s finished processing.

Checking the exit status:
Linux provides the $? special variable that holds the exit status value from the last com- mand that executed.
You must view or use the $? variable immediately after the command you want to check. 

$ echo $?

The exit command:


Chapter  12 Using Structured Commands


Section :  Working with the if-then Statement

 if command 
 if command  ; then

 The bash shell if statement runs the command defined on the if line. 
  If the exit status of the command (see Chapter 11) is zero (the command completed successfully),
  the commands listed under the then section are executed. 
  If the exit status of the command is anything else, 
  the then commands aren’t executed, 
  and the bash shell moves on to the next com- mand in the script. 

$ cat
# testing multiple commands in the then section #
if grep $testuser /etc/passwd
echo "This is my first command"
echo "This is my second command"
echo "I can even put in other commands besides echo:" 
ls -a /home/$testuser/.b*

Section : Exploring the if-then-else Statement

if command ; then 
commands #When the command in the if statement line returns with a zero exit status code

Section : Nesting ifs

if command1 ; then
elif command2 ; then
more commands 

Section: Trying the test Command

test condition

The test command provides a way to test different conditions in an if-then statement. 
If the condition listed in the test command evaluates to TRUE, the test command exits with a zero exit status code.
If the condition is FALSE, the test command exits with a non-zero exit status code

The bash shell provides an alternative way of testing a condition without declaring the test command in an if-then statement:
The square brackets define the test condition.
 Be careful; you must have a space after the first bracket and a space before the last bracket, or you’ll get an error message.

if [space condition space]

The test command and test conditions can evaluate three classes of conditions:
■ Numeric comparisons
if [ $value1 -gt 5 ]

■ String comparisons
The test String Comparisons:
str1 = str2 Checks if str1 is the same as string str2
str1 != str2 Checks if str1 is not the same as str2
str1 < str2 Checks if str1 is less than str2
-n str1 Checks if str1 has a length greater than zero
-z str1 Checks if str1 has a length of zero

if [ $USER = $testuser ]

if [ $val1 \> $val2 ]

Test comparisons use standard ASCII ordering, using each character’s ASCII numeric value to determine the sort order. 
The sort command uses the sorting order defined for the system locale language settings. 
For the English language, the locale settings specify that lowercase letters appear before uppercase letters in sorted order.

The -n and -z comparisons are handy when trying to evaluate whether a variable contains data:

if [ -n $val1 ]

■ File comparisons
The test File Comparisons:
-d file ,Checks if file exists and is a directory
-e file, Checksiffileexists
-f file ,Checks if file exists and is a file
  -r file,Checks if file exists and is readable
-s file,
-w file,
-x file,
-O file,
-G file,
file1 -nt file2,Checks if file1 is newer than file2
file1 -ot file2,

if [ -d $jump_directory ]

Section : Considering Compound Testing

■ [ condition1 ] && [ condition2 ] 

if [ -d $HOME ] && [ -w $HOME/testing ]

■ [ condition1 ] || [ condition2 ]

Section: Working with Advanced if-then Features


Using double parentheses:
The double parentheses command allows you to incorporate advanced mathematical formulas in your comparisons.

(( expression ))

The test command allows for only simple arithmetic operations ;
The double parentheses command provides more mathematical symbols;

Using double brackets:
The double bracket command provides advanced features for string comparisons:
[[ expression ]]

if [[ $USER == r* ]] #define a regular expression

Section : Considering the case Command

The case command checks multiple values of a single variable in a list-oriented format:

case variable in
pattern1 | pattern2) commands1;;
 pattern3) commands2;;
*) default commands;;

case $USER in
rich | barbara)
echo "Welcome, $USER"
echo "Please enjoy your visit";; 

echo "Special testing account";;

echo "Do not forget to log off when you're done";; 

echo "Sorry, you are not allowed here";; 



Chapter  13 More Structured Commands


Section :   The for Command

Here’s the basic format of the bash shell for command:
The first iteration uses the first item in the list,

 for var in list 

Reading values in a list
for test in Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado 
echo The next state is $test

Reading complex values in a list
■ Use the escape character (the backslash) to escape the single quotation mark.
■ Use double quotation marks to define the values that use single quotation marks.

for test in I don\'t know if "this'll" work 
echo "word:$test" 

for test in Nevada "New Hampshire" "New Mexico" "New York" 
echo "Now going to $test" 

Reading a list from a variable
# using a variable to hold the list
list="Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado"
list=$list" Connecticut"

for state in $list 
echo "Have you ever visited $state?" 

Reading values from a command
Notice that the states file includes each state on a separate line, 
The for command still iterates through the output of the cat command one line at a time, 
the for command still takes each word as a separate value.

# reading values from a file
for state in $(cat $file) 
echo "Visit beautiful $state" 

Changing the  field separator
the special environment variable IFS, called the internal field separator. 
The IFS environment variable defines a list of characters the bash shell uses as field separators.
By default, the bash shell considers the following characters as field separators:
■ A space
■ A tab
■ A newline

To solve this problem, you can temporarily change the IFS environment variable values in your shell script to restrict the characters the bash shell recognizes as field separators.


This technique can be coded like this:
#<use the new IFS value in code> 

Suppose you want to iterate through values in a file that are separated by a colon (such as in the /etc/ passwd file):

If you want to specify more than one IFS character:
This assignment uses the newline, colon, semicolon, and double quotation mark characters as field separators. 

Reading a directory using wildcards
it’s perfectly legal to have directory and filenames that contain spaces.
 To accom- modate that, you should enclose the $file variable in double quotation marks.

# iterate through all the files in a directory
for file in ~/* 
#for file in /home/rich/.b* /home/rich/badtest
if [ -d "$file" ] 
echo "$file is dir"
elif [ -f "$file" ] 
echo "$file is file"

Section : The C-Style for Command

shows you how to use a C-style for command in a bash shell script.

Here’s the basic format of the C-style bash for loop:

for (( variable assignment ; condition ; iteration process ))

# testing the C-style for loop
for (( i=1; i <= 10; i++ )) 
echo "The next number is $i" 

# multiple variables
for (( a=1, b=10; a <= 10; a++, b-- )) 
echo "$a - $b"

Section : The while Command


Basic while format:
Here’s fhe format of the while command:

while test command 
      other commands

while [ $var1 -gt 0 ]
echo $var1
var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ]

Using multiple test commands:
The while command allows you to define multiple test commands on the while statement,
Only the exit status of the last test command is used to determine when the loop stops.

# testing a multicommand while loop
while echo $var1
[ $var1 -ge 0 ] 
echo "This is inside
var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] 

Section : The until Command

As long as the exit status of the test command is non-zero, the bash shell executes the commands listed in the loop. 
When the test command returns a zero exit sta- tus, the loop stops.
As you would expect, the format of the until command is:

you can have more than one test command in the until command statement. 
Only the exit status of the last command determines if the bash shell executes the other commands defined.

until test commands 
        other commands

# using the until command
until [ $var1 -eq 0 ] 
echo $var1
var1=$[ $var1 - 25 ] 

Section : Nesting Loops


Section : Looping on File Data

This requires combining two of the techniques covered:
■ Using nested loops
■ Changing the IFS environment variable

Section : Controlling the Loop

■ The break command
■ The continue command

Breaking out of an inner loop
the break command automatically terminates the innermost loop you’re in

Breaking out of an outer loop

break n
where n indicates the level of the loop to break out of. 
By default, n is 1, indicating to break out of the current loop.

continue n
where n defines the loop level to continue

Section : Processing the Output of a Loop

you can either pipe or redirect the output of a loop within your shell script.
 You do this by adding the processing command to the end of the done command:

for file in /home/rich/* 
done > output.txt

for state in "North Dakota" Connecticut Illinois Alabama Tennessee 
echo "$state is the next place to go" 
done | sor

Section : example


Creating multiple user accounts

# process new user accounts
while IFS=',' read -r userid name 
echo "adding $userid"
useradd -c "$name" -m $userid 
done < "$input"


Chapter  14 Handling User Input


Section :    Passing Parameters

Reading parameters:

The bash shell assigns special variables, called positional parameters, to all of the command line parameters entered.     
The positional parameter variables are standard numbers, 
with $0 being the script’s name,
 $1 being the first parameter, 
 $2 being the second parameter, and so on, up to $9 for the ninth parameter.

$ cat
# testing two command line parameters #
total=$[ $1 * $2 ]
echo The first parameter is $1.
echo The second parameter is $2.
echo The total value is $total.

 After the ninth variable, you must use braces around the variable number, such as ${10}.

$ cat
# handling lots of parameters
total=$[ ${10} * ${11} ]

Reading the script name:

The basename command returns just the script’s name without the path:

# Using basename with the $0 parameter #
name=$(basename $0)
echo The script name is: $name

# Testing a Multi-function script #
name=$(basename $0)
if [ $name = "addem" ]
total=$[ $1 + $2 ] #
elif [ $name = "multem" ] 
 total=$[ $1 * $2

$ cp
$ chmod u+x addem $
$ ln -s multem $
$ ls -l *em

Testing parameters;
$ cat
# testing parameters before use #
if [ -n "$1" ]
echo Hello $1, glad to meet you. 
echo "Sorry, you did not identify yourself. " 

Section : Using Special Parameter Variables


Counting parameters
The special $# variable contains the number of command line parameters included when the script was run
# getting the number of parameters
echo There were $# parameters supplied. 

# Testing parameters #
if [ $# -ne 2 ]

$ cat
# Grabbing the last parameter

echo The last parameter is ${!#} //Not ${$#}

Grabbing all the data
The $* variable takes all the parameters supplied on the command line as a single word.
the $* variable treats them all as one parameter.

The $@ variable, on the other hand, takes all the parameters supplied on the command line as separate words in the same string.
It allows you to iterate through the values, separating out each parameter supplied.
  This is most often accomplished using the for command.
# testing $* and $@ #
for param in "$*" 
echo "\$* Parameter #$count = $param"
count=$[ $count + 1 ] 
for param in "$@" 
echo "\$@ Parameter #$count = $param"
count=$[ $count + 1 ] 

Section :  Being Shifty

When you use the shift command, it moves each parameter variable one position to the left by default.

# demonstrating  the shift command 
while [ -n "$1" ]
   echo "Parameter #$count = $1" 
   count=$[ $count + 1 ]

$ cat
# demonstrating a multi-position shift
echo "The original parameters: $*"
shift 2
echo "Here's the new first parameter: $1" 
$ ./ 1 2 3 4 5
The original parameters: 1 2 3 4 5 
Here's the new first parameter: 3 


 Section : Working with Options

 Finding your options:
Processing simple options

# extracting command line options as parameters #
while [ -n "$1" ]
case "$1" in
-a) echo "Found the -a option" ;;
-b) echo "Found the -b option" ;;
-c) echo "Found the -c option" ;;
*) echo "$1 is not an option" ;;

$ ./ -a -b -c -d

Using the getopt command

getopt optstring parameters

$ getopt ab:cd -a -b test1 -cd test2 test3 -a -b test1 -c -d -- test2 test3

Using getopt in your scripts
One of the set command options is the double dash (--).
 The double dash instructs set to replace the command line parameter variables with the values on the set command’s com- mand line.

set -- $(getopt -q ab:cd "$@")

# Extract command line options & values with getopt #
set -- $(getopt -q ab:cd "$@")

Advancing to getopts

getopts optstring variable

To suppress error messages, start the optstring with a colon.
The OPTARG environment variable contains the value to be used if an option requires a parameter value. 
The OPTIND environ- ment variable contains the value of the current location within the parameter list where getopts left off.

Section : Standardizing Options

Section : Getting User Input


Reading basics
the read command places the data into a variable.

The read command assigns all data entered at the prompt to a single variable, 
or you can specify multiple vari- ables.
You can also specify no variables on the read command line. 
If you do that, the read com- mand places any data it receives in the special environment variable REPLY:

# testing the read command
echo -n "Enter your name: "
read name
echo "Hello $name, welcome to my program. " 

# testing the read -p option
read -p "Please enter your age: " age 
days=$[ $age * 365 ]
echo "That makes you over $days days old! " 

Timing out
The -t option specifies the number of seconds for the read command to wait for input.
When the timer expires, the read command returns a non-zero exit status

if read -t 5 -p "Please enter your name: " name

set the read command to count the input charac- ters. 
When a preset number of characters has been entered, it automatically exits, assigning the entered data to the variable

# getting just one character of input
read -n1 -p "Do you want to continue [Y/N]? " answer 
case $answer in
Y | y) 
echo "fine, continue on...";; 
N | n) 
echo OK, goodbye
echo "This is the end of the script" 

Reading with no display
The -s option prevents the data entered in the read command from being displayed on the monitor;

Reading from a file
Each call to the read command reads a single line of text from the file.
 When no more lines are left in the file, the read command exits with a non-zero exit status
The most common method is to pipe the result of the cat command of the file directly to a while command that contains the read command.
cat test | while read line 
echo "Line $count: $line"
count=$[ $count + 1]


Chapter  15 Presenting Data


Section :   Understanding Input and Output


the cat command with data entered from STDIN: 
$ cat

the cat command to accept input from another file 
$ cat < testfile

Redirecting errors only:
$ ls -al badfile 2> test4

Redirecting errors and data:
$ ls -al test test2 test3 badtest 2> test6 1> test7

You can use this technique to separate normal script output from any error messages that occur in the script.

the &> symbol:
redirect both STDERR and STDOUT output to the same output file.

$ ls -al test test2 test3 badtest &> test7

Section : Redirecting Output in Scripts

There are two methods for redirecting output in the script:

■ Temporarily redirecting each line
you can redirect an indi- vidual output line to STDERR. 
You just need to use the output redirection symbol to redi- rect the output to the STDERR file descriptor.
When you redirect to a file descriptor, you must precede the file descriptor number with an ampersand (&):

$ echo "This is an error message" >&2

$ ./test8 2> test9

■ Permanently redirecting all commands in the script

you can tell the shell to redirect a specific file descriptor for the duration of the script by using the exec command:

# redirecting all output to a file 
exec 1>testout

echo "This is a test of redirecting all output"
echo "from a script to another file."
echo "without having to redirect every individual line"

# redirecting output to different locations

exec 2>testerror

echo "This is the start of the script"
echo "now redirecting all output to another location"

exec 1>testout

echo "This output should go to the testout file"

Section : Redirecting Input in Scripts

$ cat test12
# redirecting file input

exec 0< testfile 

while read line
echo "Line #$count: $line" 
count=$[ $count + 1 ]

Section : Creating Your Own Redirection


Creating output  file descriptors
# using an alternative file descriptor
exec 3>test13out
echo "This should display on the monitor"
echo "and this should be stored in the file" >&3

Redirecting  file descriptors
# storing STDOUT, then coming back to it
exec 3>&1
exec 1>test14out

echo "This should store in the output file" echo "along with this line."

exec 1>&3

echo "Now things should be back to normal" 

Creating input  file descriptors:
# redirecting input file descriptors

exec 6<&0

exec 0< testfile

while read line do
echo "Line #$count: $line"
count=$[ $count + 1 ] 

exec 0<&6

read -p "Are you done now? " answer

Creating a read/write  file descriptor
# testing input/output file descriptor

exec 3<> testfile

read line <&3
echo "Read: $line"
echo "This is a test line" >&3 

Closing  file descriptors
the shell automatically closes them when the script exits. 
or To close a file descriptor, redirect it to the special symbol &-.
exec 3>&-

# testing closing file descriptors
exec 3> test17file
echo "This is a test line of data" >&3 
exec 3>&-
echo "This won't work" >&3

Section : Listing Open File Descriptors

The lsof command lists all the open file descriptors on the entire Linux system. 

$ /usr/sbin/lsof -a -p $$ -d 0,1,2
-p, which allows you to specify a process ID (PID)
  -d, which allows you to specify the file descriptor numbers to display
  the special environment variable $$, which the shell sets to the current PID
  The -a option is used to perform a Boolean AND of the results of the other two options, 

Section : Suppressing Command Output
you can redirect STDERR to a special file called the null file.
Any data that the shell outputs to the null file is not saved, thus the data are lost.

$ ls -al > /dev/null
$ cat /dev/null 

 it is often used by programmers to quickly remove data from an existing file without having to remove the file and re-create it:
$ cat /dev/null > testfile
$ cat testfile $

Section : Using Temporary Files

Linux uses the /tmp directory for files that don’t need to be kept indefinitely.
automatically remove any files in the /tmp directory at bootup.

The mktemp command allows you to easily create a unique temporary file in the /tmp folder.

Creating a local temporary  file
To create a temporary file in a local directory with the mktemp command, you just need to specify a filename template. 
The template consists of any text filename, plus six X’s appended to the end of the filename:

$ mktemp testing.XXXXXX
$ ls -al testing*
-rw------- 1 rich rich 0 Oct 17 21:30 testing.UfIi13 

save that filename in a vari- able, so you can refer to it later on in the script:

# creating and using a temp file
tempfile=$(mktemp test19.XXXXXX)
exec 3>$tempfile
echo "This script writes to temp file $tempfile"
echo "This is the first line" >&3

Creating a temporary  file in /tmp
The -t option forces mktemp to create the file in the temporary directory of the system.

$ mktemp -t test.XXXXXX

# creating a temp file in /tmp
tempfile=$(mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXX)
echo "This is a test file." > $tempfile
echo "This is the second line of the test." >> $tempfile

Creating a temporary directory
The -d option tells the mktemp command to create a temporary directory instead of a file.

# using a temporary directory
tempdir=$(mktemp -d dir.XXXXXX)
 cd $tempdir

tempfile1=$(mktemp temp.XXXXXX)

Section : Logging Messages

The tee command is a handy way to send output both to the standard output and to a log file.

tee filename

Because tee redirects data from STDIN, you can use it with the pipe command to redirect output from any command:

$ date | tee testfile
$ date | tee -a testfile   [append data to the file,]

Section : Example

# read file and create INSERT statements for MySQL
while read lname fname address city state zip 
cat >> $outfile << EOF
INSERT INTO members (lname,fname,address,city,state,zip) VALUES ('$lname', '$fname', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip');

done < ${1}

The output redirection appends the cat command output to the file .
The input to the cat command is redirected from the standard input to use the data stored inside the script.


Chapter  16 Script Control


Section :  Handling Signals  

 The Ctrl+C key combination sends a SIGINT signal, 
  which simply stops the current process running in the shell.
 The Ctrl+Z key combination generates a SIGTSTP signal,
  stopping any processes running in the shell. 

view the stopped jobs using the ps command:
$ ps -l

  1.If you really want to exit the shell with a stopped job still active, just type the exit com- mand again.
The shell exits, terminating the stopped job.
  2.Alternately, now that you know the PID of the stopped job, you can use the kill command to send a SIGKILL signal to terminate it:
  $ kill -9 2456

Trapping signals
The trap command allows you to specify which Linux signals your shell script can watch for and intercept from the shell. 

trap commands signals

# Testing signal trapping
trap "echo ' Sorry! I have trapped Ctrl-C'" SIGINT
echo This is a test script

while [ $count -le 10 ] do
echo "Loop #$count" sleep 1
count=$[ $count + 1 ]
echo "This is the end of the test script" 

Trapping a script exit
trap "echo Goodbye..." EXIT

while [ $count -le 5 ] 
echo "Loop #$count"
  sleep 1
count=$[ $count + 1 ]

Modifying or removing a trap
# Modifying a set trap
trap "echo ' Sorry... Ctrl-C is trapped.'" SIGINT
while [ $count -le 5 ] do
echo "Loop #$count" sleep 1
count=$[ $count + 1 ]
#modify a trap
trap "echo ' I modified the trap!'" SIGINT 


# Remove the trap
trap -- SIGINT

Section :  Running Scripts in Background Mode


In background mode, a process runs without being associated with a STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR on a terminal session

Running in the background
To run a shell script in background mode from the command line interface, 
just place an ampersand symbol (&) after the command:

$ ./ &

Running multiple background jobs
each of the background processes is tied to the terminal session (pts/0) terminal. 
If the terminal session exits, the background process also exits.

Section : Running Scripts without a Hang-Up

the nohup command:
start a shell script from a terminal session and let the script run in background mode until it finishes, even if you exit the terminal session.

$ nohup ./ &

Because the nohup command disassociates the process from the terminal, the process loses the STDOUT and STDERR output links.
automatically redirects STDOUT and STDERR messages to a file, called nohup.out.

Section : Controlling the Job


The function of starting, stopping, killing, and resuming jobs is called job control. 

Viewing jobs
The jobs command allows you to view the current jobs being handled by the shell:

$ jobs
[1]+ Stopped ./
[2]- Running ./ > test10.out & 

view the various jobs’ PIDs by adding the -l parameter (lowercase L)

$ jobs -l
[1]+ 1897 Stopped ./
[2]- 1917 Running ./ > test10.out & 

The job with the plus sign 
is considered the default job. It would be the job referenced by any job control commands if a job number wasn’t specified in the command line.
The job with the minus sign 
is the job that would become the default job when the current default job finishes processing. 

Using the kill command
to send a SIGHUP signal to the default process causes the job to terminate. 

$ kill 1955
[3]+ Terminated

Restarting stopped jobs:

To restart a job <in background mode>, use the bg command:

$ ./
$ bg   
#this restart the default job with +
#If you have additional jobs, you need to use the job number along with the bg command:

$ jobs
[1]+ Running

Section : Being Nice

By default, all processes started from the shell have the same scheduling priority on the Linux system.
The scheduling priority is an integer value, from -20 (the highest priority) to +19 (the low- est priority).

By default, the bash shell starts all processes with a scheduling priority of 0.

Using the nice command
The nice command allows you to set the scheduling priority of a command

$ nice -n 10 ./ > test4.out &

$ ps -p 4973 -o pid,ppid,ni,cmd

$ nice -10 ./ > test4.out &

Using the renice command
 change the priority of a command that’s already running on the system.
 specify the PID of a run- ning process to change its priority:
 $ renice -n 10 -p 5055
 $ ps -p 5055 -o pid,ppid,ni,cmd


Section : Running Like Clockwork


Scheduling a job using the at command
specify a time when the Linux system will run a script.

The at daemon, atd, runs in the background and checks the job queue for jobs to run.

By default, the atd daemon checks this directory every 60 seconds. 

By default, at jobs are submitted to the at job a queue.
Any output destined to STDOUT or STDERR is mailed to the user via the mail system.
command format:

at [-f filename] time

time formats:
■ A standard hour and minute, such as 10:15
■ An AM/PM indicator, such as 10:15PM
■ A specific named time, such as now, noon, midnight, or teatime (4PM)
■ A standard date format, such as MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, or DD.MM.YY

Listing pending jobs
The atq command allows you to view what jobs are pending on the system:

Removing jobs
the atrm command to remove a pending job:

Scheduling regular scripts
the cron program to allow you to schedule jobs that need to run on a regular basis. 
The cron program runs in the background and checks special tables, called cron tables, for jobs that are scheduled to run.

The format for the cron table is:
min hour dayofmonth month dayofweek command

if you want to run a command at 10:15 on every day, you would use this cron table entry:

15 10 * * * command

00 12 * * * if [`date +%d -d tomorrow` = 01 ] ; then ; command
This checks every day at 12 noon to see if it’s the last day of the month, and if so, cron runs the command

15 10 * * * /home/rich/ > test4out

Building the cron table
Linux provides the crontab command for handling the cron table.
To list an existing cron table, use the -l parameter:
$ crontab -l
no crontab for rich 

To add entries to your cron table, use the -e parameter.

If anacron determines that a job has missed a scheduled running, it runs the job as soon as possible.

Starting scripts with a new shell

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