using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.XPath;
public partial class crbbg_pdm : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void GetDataBaseTable()
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager xmlnsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("a", "attribute");
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("c", "collection");
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("o", "object");
XmlNode xnTables = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//" + "c:Tables", xmlnsManager);
List<PDMTableInfo> Tables = new List<PDMTableInfo>();
foreach (XmlNode xnTable in xnTables.ChildNodes)
//comment on column OA_GZLC.YXQ is 'aa';
private void AddCommnet(List<PDMTableInfo> Tables)
foreach (PDMTableInfo lm_info in Tables)
using (CDataBase cdb = new CDataBase("ylgz3"))
string sql3 = "select table_name from all_tab_comments where table_name='" + lm_info.Code.ToUpper() + "' and comments is null";
object lo_isnull = cdb.ExeSQL(sql3);
if (lo_isnull != DBNull.Value && lo_isnull != null)
string ls_commnt = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lm_info.Comment))
ls_commnt = lm_info.Comment;
ls_commnt = lm_info.Name;
string sql2 = "comment on table " + lm_info.Code + " is '" + Replace(lm_info.Name) + "' ";
if (lm_info.Columns != null)
foreach (PDMColumnInfo col in lm_info.Columns)
string ls_commnt = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.Comment))
ls_commnt = col.Comment;
ls_commnt = col.Name;
string sql = "select * from user_col_comments where table_name='" + lm_info.Code.ToUpper() + "' and comments is null";
DataTable dt = cdb.SetDataTable(sql);
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
if (dr["column_name"].ToString() == col.Code.ToUpper() && (dr["comments"] == null || dr["comments"] == DBNull.Value))
string sql1 = "comment on column " + lm_info.Code + "." + col.Code + " is '" + Replace(ls_commnt) + "'";
public string Replace(string ls_commnt)
return Util.f_replacehtml(ls_commnt);
public class TableInfo
public TableInfo()
string tableId;
public string TableId
get { return tableId; }
set { tableId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
string comment;
public string Comment
get { return comment; }
set { comment = value; }
string physicalOptions;
public string PhysicalOptions
get { return physicalOptions; }
set { physicalOptions = value; }
IList<ColumnInfo> columns;
public IList<ColumnInfo> Columns
get { return columns; }
IList<PdmKey> keys;
public IList<PdmKey> Keys
get { return keys; }
public void AddColumn(ColumnInfo mColumn)
if (columns == null)
columns = new List<ColumnInfo>();
public void AddKey(PdmKey mKey)
if (keys == null)
keys = new List<PdmKey>();
public class PdmKey
public PdmKey()
string keyId;
public string KeyId
get { return keyId; }
set { keyId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
IList<ColumnInfo> columns;
public IList<ColumnInfo> Columns
get { return columns; }
public void AddColumn(ColumnInfo mColumn)
if (columns == null)
columns = new List<ColumnInfo>();
private PDMTableInfo GetTable(XmlNode xnTable)
PDMTableInfo mTable = new PDMTableInfo();
XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnTable;
mTable.TableId = xe.GetAttribute("Id");
XmlNodeList xnTProperty = xe.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode xnP in xnTProperty)
switch (xnP.Name)
case "a:ObjectID": mTable.ObjectID = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Name": mTable.Name = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Code": mTable.Code = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:CreationDate": mTable.CreationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Creator": mTable.Creator = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:ModificationDate": mTable.ModificationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Modifier": mTable.Modifier = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Comment": mTable.Comment = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:PhysicalOptions": mTable.PhysicalOptions = xnP.InnerText;
case "c:Columns": InitColumns(xnP, mTable);
case "c:Keys": InitKeys(xnP, mTable);
return mTable;
private void InitColumns(XmlNode xnColumns, PDMTableInfo pTable)
foreach (XmlNode xnColumn in xnColumns)
private void InitKeys(XmlNode xnKeys, PDMTableInfo pTable)
foreach (XmlNode xnKey in xnKeys)
public class ColumnInfo
public ColumnInfo()
{ }
string columnId;
public string ColumnId
get { return columnId; }
set { columnId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
string comment;
public string Comment
get { return comment; }
set { comment = value; }
string dataType;
public string DataType
get { return dataType; }
set { dataType = value; }
string length;
public string Length
get { return length; }
set { length = value; }
bool identity;
public bool Identity
get { return identity; }
set { identity = value; }
bool mandatory;
public bool Mandatory
get { return mandatory; }
set { mandatory = value; }
string extendedAttributesText;
public string ExtendedAttributesText
get { return extendedAttributesText; }
set { extendedAttributesText = value; }
string physicalOptions;
public string PhysicalOptions
get { return physicalOptions; }
set { physicalOptions = value; }
private PDMColumnInfo GetColumn(XmlNode xnColumn)
PDMColumnInfo mColumn = new PDMColumnInfo();
XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnColumn;
mColumn.ColumnId = xe.GetAttribute("Id");
XmlNodeList xnCProperty = xe.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode xnP in xnCProperty)
switch (xnP.Name)
case "a:ObjectID": mColumn.ObjectID = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Name": mColumn.Name = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Code": mColumn.Code = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:CreationDate": mColumn.CreationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Creator": mColumn.Creator = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:ModificationDate": mColumn.ModificationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Modifier": mColumn.Modifier = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Comment": mColumn.Comment = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:DataType": mColumn.DataType = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Length": mColumn.Length = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Identity": mColumn.Identity = ConvertToBooleanPG(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Mandatory": mColumn.Mandatory = ConvertToBooleanPG(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:PhysicalOptions": mColumn.PhysicalOptions = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:ExtendedAttributesText": mColumn.ExtendedAttributesText = xnP.InnerText;
return mColumn;
private PDMKey GetKey(XmlNode xnKey)
PDMKey mKey = new PDMKey();
XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnKey;
mKey.KeyId = xe.GetAttribute("Id");
XmlNodeList xnKProperty = xe.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode xnP in xnKProperty)
switch (xnP.Name)
case "a:ObjectID": mKey.ObjectID = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Name": mKey.Name = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:Code": mKey.Code = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:CreationDate": mKey.CreationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Creator": mKey.Creator = xnP.InnerText;
case "a:ModificationDate": mKey.ModificationDate = Convert.ToInt32(xnP.InnerText);
case "a:Modifier": mKey.Modifier = xnP.InnerText;
//还差 <c:Key.Columns>
return mKey;
private static Boolean ConvertToBooleanPG(Object obj)
if (obj != null)
string mStr = obj.ToString();
mStr = mStr.ToLower();
if ((mStr.Equals("y") || mStr.Equals("1")) || mStr.Equals("true"))
return true;
return false;
public class PDMColumnInfo
public PDMColumnInfo()
{ }
string columnId;
public string ColumnId
get { return columnId; }
set { columnId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
string comment;
public string Comment
get { return comment; }
set { comment = value; }
string dataType;
public string DataType
get { return dataType; }
if (value.Contains("nvarchar") || value.Contains("varchar"))
value = "string";
if (value.Contains("money"))
value = "decimal";
dataType = value;
string length;
public string Length
get { return length; }
set { length = value; }
bool identity;
public bool Identity
get { return identity; }
set { identity = value; }
bool mandatory;
public bool Mandatory
get { return mandatory; }
set { mandatory = value; }
string extendedAttributesText;
public string ExtendedAttributesText
get { return extendedAttributesText; }
set { extendedAttributesText = value; }
string physicalOptions;
public string PhysicalOptions
get { return physicalOptions; }
set { physicalOptions = value; }
public class PDMKey
public PDMKey()
string keyId;
public string KeyId
get { return keyId; }
set { keyId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
IList<PDMColumnInfo> columns;
public IList<PDMColumnInfo> Columns
get { return columns; }
public void AddColumn(PDMColumnInfo mColumn)
if (columns == null)
columns = new List<PDMColumnInfo>();
public class PDMTableInfo
public PDMTableInfo()
string tableId;
public string TableId
get { return tableId; }
set { tableId = value; }
string objectID;
public string ObjectID
get { return objectID; }
set { objectID = value; }
string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
string code;
public string Code
get { return code; }
set { code = value; }
int creationDate;
public int CreationDate
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
string creator;
public string Creator
get { return creator; }
set { creator = value; }
int modificationDate;
public int ModificationDate
get { return modificationDate; }
set { modificationDate = value; }
string modifier;
public string Modifier
get { return modifier; }
set { modifier = value; }
string comment;
public string Comment
get { return comment; }
set { comment = value; }
string physicalOptions;
public string PhysicalOptions
get { return physicalOptions; }
set { physicalOptions = value; }
IList<PDMColumnInfo> columns;
public IList<PDMColumnInfo> Columns
get { return columns; }
IList<PDMKey> keys;
public IList<PDMKey> Keys
get { return keys; }
public void AddColumn(PDMColumnInfo mColumn)
if (columns == null)
columns = new List<PDMColumnInfo>();
public void AddKey(PDMKey mKey)
if (keys == null)
keys = new List<PDMKey>();
/// <summary>
/// 删除html脚本 2016-6-20 liushi
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Htmlstring"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string f_replacehtml(string Htmlstring)
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"<(.[^>]*)>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"([\r\n])[\s]+", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"-->", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"<!--.*", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(quot|#34);", "\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(amp|#38);", "&", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(lt|#60);", "<", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(gt|#62);", ">", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(nbsp|#160);", " ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(iexcl|#161);", "\xa1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(cent|#162);", "\xa2", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(pound|#163);", "\xa3", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&(copy|#169);", "\xa9", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Regex.Replace(Htmlstring, @"&#(\d+);", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace("<", "");
Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace(">", "");
Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace("\"", "“");
Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace("\'", "’");
//Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace("—", "");
//Htmlstring = Htmlstring.Replace("…", "");
Htmlstring = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(Htmlstring).Trim();
return Htmlstring;