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转载 常用数据结构[转]

原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/gaochundong/p/3813252.html常用数据结构的时间复杂度Data StructureAddFindDeleteGetByIndexArray (T[])O(n)O(n)O...

2019-10-09 07:18:00 95

转载 How to: Pass Values Between ASP.NET Web Pages

1. Use a query string, which appends information onto the URL of the target page. You can use a query string when using a HyperLink control to build navigation into a page or when you are program...

2019-10-09 07:18:00 67

转载 Why do some SQL strings have an 'N' prefix?

refer:http://databases.aspfaq.com/general/why-do-some-sql-strings-have-an-n-prefix.htmlYou may have seen Transact-SQL code that passes strings around using an N prefix. This denotes that th...

2019-10-09 07:17:58 89

转载 example for store procedure with both transcration and error handling

USE [Limo_DB]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Biz_Approve_Import] Script Date: 09/06/2014 17:59:52 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER proc [d...

2019-10-09 07:17:58 99

转载 Comparing Inline and Multi-Statement Table valued UDFs

refer:http://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne/archive/2012/02/comparing-inline-and-multistatement-table-valued-functions/Table-Valued Functions. What a wonderful addition to SQL they make. They t...

2019-10-09 07:17:56 89

转载 scalar UDFs performance issue

refer from InsideMiscrsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming.You should be aware that invoking scalar UDFs in queries has a high cost when you providethe function with attributes from the out...

2019-10-09 07:17:56 87

转载 [转] try catch finally 执行顺序


2019-10-09 07:17:54 51


refer from :http://explainextended.com/2009/07/16/inner-join-vs-cross-apply/INNER JOINis the most used construct inSQL: it joins two tables together, selecting only those row combinations fo...

2019-10-09 07:17:54 79

转载 jquery ajax

$('#btnSearch').click(function () {$("#list").trigger("reloadGrid"); var customernumber = $("#txtCustomernumber").val(); var customername = $("#txtCustomername").val(); var usindicia = ...

2019-10-09 07:17:53 61

转载 [dbo].[Func_DateFormat]

USE [DB]GO/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Func_DateFormat] Script Date: 03/31/2014 18:08:47 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER function [dbo]...

2019-10-09 07:17:52 111

转载 相关数据库操作类

public class DBAccess:IDisposable { // private string DefaultDbString = string.Format(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultDbString"].ConnectionString,Config.Passwo...

2019-09-21 04:37:17 56

转载 序列化【译】

以下的是自己尝试翻译MSDN的文章原文:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7ay27kt9(v=vs.110).aspx序列化是把对象转化为成一种可以保存和传输的过程,它的反过程就是反序列化,反序列化死指把数据流转化为对象的过程。这两个过程使得数据的存储和传输变得很方便。.NET Framework 有两种序列化的技术:...

2019-09-21 04:37:14 65

转载 XML 序列化 【译】

原文连接:http://www.diranieh.com/NETSerialization/XMLSerialization.htm总结:介绍XML 序列化示例XML Schema 定义文档通过 Attributes来控制XML 序列化重写XML 序列化XML NamespaceXML 序列化和XML Web Service介绍...

2019-09-21 04:37:11 187

转载 JavaScript 学习(一):onclick() 和onclientclick() 事件

onclick是指调用server端的事件,就是写在CS文件中的。onclientclick是指在控制输出HTML代码时 调用javascript中的事件。自己写代码验证过了,如果一个button里同时有这两个事件,则是先执行onclientclick然后再执行onclick事件。很多时候都是先用onclientclick来做验证。如果验证通过以后再继续执行后台server端...

2019-09-21 04:37:09 715

转载 分页存储过程

1 USE [database] 2 GO 3 /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Com_SelectByPage] Script Date: 03/03/2014 13:01:19 ******/ 4 SET ANSI_NULLS ON 5 GO 6 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIE...

2019-09-21 04:37:06 45

转载 怎么在网页中引用用户控件 【译MSDN】

原文:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sbz9etab(v=vs.100).aspx自己尝试翻译下英文文档,一是为了锻炼下自己的英文, 二是为了加深下知识点的记忆。用户控件是需要用在ASP.NET web网页中的,当有一个网页请求时,会从网页中去加载用户控件,加载用户控件的过程和服务器控件一样。1. 对于web 网页来说...

2019-09-21 04:37:02 93

转载 LinqToExcel [转]

转:http://www.cnblogs.com/codefish/archive/2013/04/08/3009098.html正在做项目,同事问道有啥简单的方法读取excel到DataTable里面呢? 想也不想直接回到NPOI呀,我觉得满不错的,同事说太麻烦了,要不你找找看。反正手上的项目做的差不多的,习惯性的打开google,感觉已经有了LinqToXml,那L...

2019-09-21 04:36:59 104

转载 DataTable与实体类互相转换

/// <summary> /// DataTable与实体类互相转换 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">实体类</typeparam> public class ModelHandler<T> where T : new() ...

2019-09-21 04:36:59 69

转载 如何加载不在bin文件夹中的程序集

转:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837908This step-by-step article describes three methods that you can use to refer to the assemblies that are located in folders that are not the bin folder of...

2019-09-21 04:36:57 123

转载 CONVERT() function in SQL

Definition and UsageThe CONVERT() function is a general function that converts an expression of one data type to another.The CONVERT() function can be used to display date/time data in differ...

2019-09-21 04:36:57 71

转载 Binding Policy in .NET/ Assembly search order (Bin/GAC)

summary: The run time uses the following steps to re...

2019-09-21 04:36:54 76

转载 开发框架


2019-09-21 04:36:54 59

转载 Drop tables/constraints/view/function/store procedure

sometimes, we have no rights to drop the whole database in SQL SERVER. But we still want to clear the the database and recreate tables/constraints/views/functions/store procedure etc.The follow...

2019-09-21 04:36:51 90

转载 JavaScript(三):JqGrid 属性

1. jqgrid在显示数据时,设置jqgrid的高度随着行数的变化而变化,如果行数多于页面的高度时,则自动出现滚动条。 其实很简单有一个属性何以直接设置。如下:height:"100%",转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jenny90/p/3578512.html...

2019-09-21 04:36:51 99

转载 如何在class library project中获取web application 中的connectionstring

很多时候我们的项目里面有好几个project,在classlibrary 里通常都要引用 web.config中的connectionstring。第一反应是用System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultDbString"].ConnectionString.但是这里有一个问题是,默认情况...

2019-09-21 04:36:49 89

转载 Basics of LINQ & Lamda Expressions

this article comes from: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33769/Basics-of-LINQ-Lamda-ExpressionsIntroductionHi Friends, Its a long time since I have last written a Article. Since then, I ...

2019-09-21 04:36:48 122

转载 JavaScript 学习(二):JqGrid

在codeproject中看到这篇文章,写得很好,适合我这种入门级别的小菜鸟。地址:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/609442/Using-JqGrid-in-ASP-NETIntroductionHi folks, I am back with another tip of Iceberg.The responsibility ...

2019-09-21 04:36:47 292

转载 How to set value to comboBox

Always has some confusion about set values to ComboBox, few minutes ago,I spent some time on this. Figure it out and blog this.The following is part of the code: 1 private string[...

2019-09-21 04:36:46 59

转载 How the Runtime Locates Assemblies

转:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yx7xezcf(vs.71).aspxTo successfully deploy your .NET Framework application, you must understand how the common language runtime locates and binds to t...

2019-09-21 04:36:43 80

转载 How to Create Setup file for .NET windows application?

In this article I have explained about how to create set up file with MS Access Database, Uninstall option, etc. Each steps I have clearly explained in this article with screen shot. First step (...

2019-09-21 04:36:43 116

转载 DataTable 理解[转]


2019-09-21 04:36:41 257

转载 查看强命名dll的public token

用VS 的command 可以直接查看。转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jenny90/p/3508293.html

2019-09-21 04:36:40 153

转载 GAC的理解及其作用 [转]

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/smallstone/archive/2010/06/29/1767508.html一、GAC的作用 全称是Global Assembly Cache作用是可以存放一些有很多程序都要用到的公共Assembly,例如System.Data、System.Windows.Forms等等。这样,很多程序就可以从GAC...

2019-09-21 04:36:37 566

转载 http post和get 区别 [转]

转自:http://blog.csdn.net/gideal_wang/article/details/4316691一 原理区别 一般在浏览器中输入网址访问资源都是通过GET方式;在FORM提交中,可以通过Method指定提交方式为GET或者POST,默认为GET提交Http定义了与服务器交互的不同方法,最基本的方法有4种,分别是GET,POST,PUT,DEL...

2019-09-21 04:36:36 52

转载 Web Services in C# and .Net

The original article comes from :http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14957/Web-Services-in-C-and-NetWeb Services provide the most flexible infrastructure for creating distributed computing a...

2019-09-21 04:36:35 86

转载 ADO.NET 基础

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/tangge/archive/2012/09/06/2674166.html#C1.如果要执行增删改和单个值查询的时候,可以直接让【车间工人】去【中央仓库】做。2.如果要从【中央仓库】查询多行货物的时候,有两种方式: 2.1可以选择叫一辆【货运卡车】去搬,卡车可以一次性的都搬过来,但【生产车间】一下子用不了,...

2019-09-21 04:36:34 54

转载 ReferenceEquals,==,Equals比较

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/Dlonghow/archive/2008/08/04/1259732.htmlReferenceEquals,==,Equals比较ReferenceEquals, == , Equals Equals , == , ReferenceEquals都可以用于判断两个对象的个体是不...

2019-09-21 04:36:32 53

转载 强命名程序集[转]


2019-09-21 04:36:31 64

转载 冒泡排序,选择排序,插入排序,快速排序

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Data; 6 7 namespace TestSample 8 { 9 10 #region ex...

2019-09-21 04:36:29 285

转载 宿主进程[转]

转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/know-life-death/archive/2011/07/04/2097841.html问题缘起:  Release 模式下编译发布WPF项目,会生成[*.vshost.exe] & [*.vshost.exe.config]文件。当需要临时手动修改[*.config]中的一些配置信息时,[*.vshost.e...

2019-09-21 04:36:28 99



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