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转载 Auto Layout Guide----(三)-----Anatomy of a Constraint

Anatomy of a Constraint剖析约束The layout of your view hierarchy is defined as a series of linear equations. Each constraint represents a single equation. Your goal is to declare a series of eq...

2015-12-29 21:02:00 262

转载 iOS 国际化 本地化步骤 Localizations

1. 在项目里面创建一个InfoPlist.strings 文件2. 到PROJECT---Info---Localizations下面添加你想要添加的语言3. 在InfoPlist.strings文件里添加代码:  CFBundleDisplayName="应用名称";转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/patientAndPersist/p/508...

2015-12-29 10:07:00 264

转载 Auto Layout Guide----(二)-----Auto Layout Without Constraints

Auto Layout Without Constraints没有约束的自动布局Stack views provide an easy way to leverage the power of Auto Layout without introducing the complexity of constraints. A single stack view defines a...

2015-12-22 20:45:00 238

转载 Auto Layout Guide----(一)-----Understanding Auto Layout

Understanding Auto Layout理解自动布局Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those views. For example...

2015-12-21 20:30:00 139

转载 mac 设置环境变量

mac里设置环境变量1---在用户当前目录下面的.bash_profile文件内;若是没有该文件,则直接创建一个。2----往.bash_profile文件内,添加环境变量    1)可以在编辑器里打开该文件,直接添加类似如下命令:    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=<路径>    export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_HO...

2015-09-08 17:48:00 77

转载 In-App Purchase Configuration Guide for iTunes Connect---(一)----Introduction

IntroductionIn-App Purchase is an Apple technology that allows your users to purchase content and services from within your app. You set up In-App Purchase products through iTunes Connect, ...

2015-05-12 11:18:00 153

转载 Adding In-App Purchase to your iOS and OS X Applications

Adding In-App Purchase to your iOS and OS X ApplicationsIn-App Purchase allows you to sell additional features and functionality from within your iOS and OS X applications. If you wish to off...

2015-05-12 10:23:00 203

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(八) ---- Preparing for App Review

Preparing for App ReviewAfter you finish testing, you’re ready to submit your app for review. This chapter highlights a few tips to help you through the review process.当你完成测试以后,就表示已经准备好提交应用...

2015-05-11 15:52:00 236

转载 Programming With Objective-C---- Introduction ---- Objective-C 学习(一)

About Objective-CObjective-C is the primary programming language you use when writing software for OS X and iOS. It’s a superset of the C programming language and provides object-oriente...

2015-04-25 20:49:00 174

转载 App Distribution Guide--(三)---Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution

Configuring Your Xcode Project for DistributionYou can edit your project settings anytime, but some settings are necessary during development. Others are recommended when you distribute your ...

2015-04-18 17:49:00 538

转载 Asset Catalog Help (十一)---Removing Images and Sets

Removing Images and SetsOptimize the size of an asset catalog by removing unused images or sets.通过删除不用的图片或图片集优化一个asset catalog的大小。Do one of the following:可以使用以下方法:Remove an ...

2015-04-15 20:36:00 73

转载 Asset Catalog Help (十)---Specifying a Resizable Area of an Image

Specifying a Resizable Area of an ImageUse the XcodeSlicingfeature to specify the dimensions of a resizable center area of the image and to optionally specifyend caps, which are areas of t...

2015-04-15 17:37:00 78

转载 Asset Catalog Help (九)---Changing Image Set Names

Changing Image Set NamesUse the Attributes inspector to edit a set’s name.使用属性检查器(Attributes inspector)可以编辑一个图片集的名字。In the set list, select a set.在集合列表,选择一个图片集。Open t...

2015-04-15 16:46:00 81

转载 Asset Catalog Help (八)---Customizing Image Sets for Devices

Customizing Image Sets for DevicesAdd images to a set that are customized for display on the devices supported by your app.应用程序支持把图片加入一个自定义图片集,用来在不同设备商显示。In the set list, select ...

2015-04-15 15:53:00 94

转载 Asset Catalog Help (七)---Customizing Image Sets for Size Classes

Customizing Image Sets for Size ClassesAdd images to a set that are customized for display in different size classes supported by your app.应用程序也支持把图片存入一个自定义集合,用来在不同的尺寸类中显示。In the ...

2015-04-15 15:23:00 90

转载 Asset Catalog Help (六)---Adding OS X Icons

Adding OS X IconsSimplify image management by storing your OS X icons in an asset catalog.把OS X图标存进一个asset catalog里可以简化图片管理。In the project navigator, select an asset catalog.在项...

2015-04-15 14:49:00 93

转载 Asset Catalog Help (五)---Migrating an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set

Migrating an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image SetSimplify image management by moving existing app icons and launch images into an asset catalog. When you store app icons and launch images in ...

2015-04-15 13:24:00 164

转载 Asset Catalog Help (四)---Adding an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set

Adding an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image SetOrganize different resolutions of your app icons and launch images using image sets.使用图片集(image set)组织管理应用程序中不同分辨率的图标和启动图片。Select a...

2015-04-15 12:45:00 164

转载 Asset Catalog Help (三)---Adding Image Sets

Adding Image SetsOrganize versions of your images in image sets, which you can add to an asset catalog.你可以用图片集组织管理不同版本的图片 ,图片集可以放入一个asset catalog.In the project navigator, select ...

2015-04-15 12:27:00 113

转载 Asset Catalog Help (二)---Creating an Asset Catalog

Creating an Asset CatalogCreate an asset catalog to simplify management of your app’s images.创建一个asset catalog来简化管理应用程序图片。Choose File > New > File.选择File > New > Fi...

2015-04-15 12:09:00 107

转载 Asset Catalog Help (一)---About Asset Catalogs

About Asset CatalogsUse asset catalogs to simplify management of images that are used by your app as part of its user interface.使用asset catalogs可以简化应用程序中需要使用图片的管理,把它们作为用户界面的一部分。An asset...

2015-04-15 11:59:00 129

转载 Programming With Objective-C---- Encapsulating Data ---- Objective-C 学习(三) 封装数据

Programming with Objective-CEncapsulating DataIn addition to the messaging behavior covered in the previous chapter, an object also encapsulates data through its properties...

2015-04-12 17:55:00 197

转载 Ruby module ---模块,组件

module 的主要目的是把不同的方法和常量分别放进不同的命名空间。module 的命名方式跟类一样首字母大写,多个单词不用下划线。 如:CircleAreamodule 语法  module ModuleName ......  endmodule用范围解析操作符“::”来调用module中的方法和常量。 如:Math::PI, Math 是modul...

2015-03-31 19:50:00 108

转载 Ruby attr_reader , attr_writer, attr_accessor方法

attr_reader方法------读取实例变量attr_writer方法------改写实例变量attr_accessor方法-----读写实例变量class Person attr_reader :name ---------1 attr_writer :name ---------2 def initialize(name) ...

2015-03-31 18:51:00 155

转载 Ruby 全局变量,实例变量,类变量

class Computer   $manufacturer = "Mango Computer, Inc." # “$" 是全局变量关键字   @@num_of_instances = 0# ”@@“是类变量的关键字,类变量可以作用于所有的实例对象,可以用来计算实例变量的数目   def initialize(username, password) #username 为本...

2015-03-31 14:12:00 106

转载 Ruby 类的创建

class Language   def initialize(name, creator)     @name = name     @creator = creator   end   def description     puts "I'm #{@name} and I was created by #{@creator}!"   endendr...

2015-03-30 17:51:00 93

转载 Ruby Proc 和 lambda的共同点和区别

Proc 和 lambda 的目的是把block {....} 变成类似方法一样的对象,使其不需要重复编写同样的block。Proc 和 lambda 的共同点:语法类似Proc.new{|n| n**2}lambda{|n| n**2}都可以用.call方法调用hello_proc = Proc.new{ puts "Hello!" }hello_proc.call #...

2015-03-30 15:47:00 73

转载 什么是位、字节、字、KB、MB?

1. 位(bit)是计算机里最小的数据单位,每一位的状态只能是0或者12.字节(Byte) 1Byte = 8 bit 它是存储空间的基本计量单位,1byte可以存储一个英文字母 或 半个汉字。3. 字 由若干个字节构成,字的位数叫字长,不同档次的机器有不同的字长。 8位机: 1个字 == 一个字节, 字长为 8位 ...

2015-03-30 15:30:00 142

转载 View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(八)---Using View Controllers in the Responder Chain

Using View Controllers in the Responder Chain响应链中使用视图控制器View controllers are descendants of theUIResponderclass and are therefore capable of handling all sorts of events. When a view does...

2015-01-07 16:17:00 115

转载 Collection View Programming Guide for iOS---(七)---Custom Layouts: A Worked Example

Custom Layouts: A Worked ExampleCreating a custom collection view layout is simple with straightforward requirements, but the implementation details of the process may vary. Your layout must pr...

2014-12-15 17:36:00 147

转载 Cocos2d-x 3.2 创建新应用

1、cd 到 Cocos2d-x 3.2 的目录;2、python setup.py;3、source /Users/netty/.bash_profile ;4、cocos new TestProject -p a.b.testproject(包名) -l cpp -d [存储地址]转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/patientAndPers...

2014-10-20 10:16:00 65

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(六) ----Working with Subscriptions

Working with SubscriptionsApps that use subscriptions have some additional behaviors and considerations. Because subscriptions incorporate an element of time, your app needs to have the ...

2014-05-16 17:36:00 150

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(七) ----Restoring Purchased Products

Restoring Purchased ProductsUsers restore transactions to maintain access to content they’ve already purchased. For example, when they upgrade to a new phone, they don’t lose all of the items...

2014-05-07 11:42:00 415

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(五) ----Delivering Products

Delivering ProductsIn the final part of the purchase process, your app waits for the App Store to process the payment request, stores information about the purchase for future launches, downl...

2014-05-07 11:36:00 141

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(四) ----Requesting Payment

Requesting PaymentIn the second part of the purchase process, after the user has chosen to purchase a particular product, your app submits a payment request to the App Store, as shown inFigure...

2014-05-04 17:59:00 103

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(三) ----Retrieving Product Information

Retrieving Product InformationIn the first part of the purchase process, your app retrieves information about its products from the App Store, presents its store UI to the user, and then lets t...

2014-05-04 16:54:00 153

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(二) ---- Designing Your App’s Products

Designing Your App’s ProductsAproductis something you want to sell in your app’s store. You create and configure products in iTunes Connect, and your app interacts with products using theSKP...

2014-04-30 18:44:00 126

转载 In-App Purchase Programming Guide----(一) ---- About In-App Purchase

About In-App PurchaseIn-App Purchase allows you to embed a store inside your app using the Store Kit framework. This framework connects to the App Store on your app’s behalf to securely proce...

2014-04-30 10:06:00 117

转载 Table View Programming Guide for iOS---(七)---Managing Selections

Managing Selections管理选择When users tap a row of a table view, usually something happens as a result. Another table view could slide into place, the row could display a checkmark, or some other...

2014-04-04 20:09:00 115

转载 Event Handling Guide for iOS--(三)---Event Delivery: The Responder Chain

Event Delivery: The Responder Chain事件传递:响应链When you design your app, it’s likely that you want to respond to events dynamically. For example, a touch can occur in many different objects onscr...

2014-03-31 13:28:00 146



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