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转载 JSPWIki

JSPWiki 支持附件文件内容搜索:http://squll369.iteye.com/blog/1673941转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlicusForever/p/3346593.html

2013-09-30 07:14:00 119

转载 JSP中播放MP3文件

http://www.appctiy.com/balabolka.html<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transiti...

2013-09-03 07:13:00 1517

转载 Userful Website Links

Powerdesigner Cracker :http://www.pc6.com/softview/SoftView_57113.htmlJava SVN WebSite Open Source : https://code.google.com/p/jsvnadmin/USVN :http://www.usvn.info/screenshots.html...

2013-07-24 05:48:00 186

转载 Training Information

南京测试沙龙: http://huiyi.csdn.net/community/view/358Websphere: http://www.webspherechina.net/club/viewthread.php?tid=15052转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlicusForever/p/3179093.html...

2013-07-09 06:47:00 137

转载 Eclipse Plugin Materials

比较权威的资料:Helpful Eclipse Plugin Websites:Eclipse Articles: http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Java SWT/JFace Code Sample: http://www.java2s.com/ http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/SWT-JFace-Eclipse...

2013-05-16 07:16:00 98

转载 2012年中总结


2013-02-17 07:13:00 284

转载 Eclipse Plugins Links

1.maven for eclipsehttp://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e2.svn1.6 for ecipsehttp://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x3.Properties Editorhttp://propedit.sourceforge.jp/eclipse/updates...

2013-02-17 07:12:00 67

转载 How to delete the icons of Win7 desktop shortcuts

1. Copy the following bat code in txt type file,2. save it as file extension type bat, run it as administrator role.———————————————————— Content Start ———————————————————-reg add “HKEY_LOCA...

2013-02-17 07:10:00 97

转载 新东方于厦门大学演讲的笔记——人生感悟


2013-02-17 07:08:00 156

转载 从人群中看出真正优秀的人!

1. 不合群者,独来独往的人,多有过人之处。2. 受周围人嫉妒,非议的人大多具有能力。人们从来不会去嫉妒弱者,人们也不会去踹一只死狗。3. 找女朋友,找男朋友时,眼光很高的人也是有过人之处的,他们追求卓越完美。4. 敢在人群中发出与众不同的声音的人,敢得罪人群的人,多是有大本领。5. 固执的人多数时候要比随顺的人要强,狂妄的人也多数时候有过人之处。6. 走路比常人快,...

2013-02-17 07:04:00 90

转载 Useful Maven Commands

Maven库:http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/Maven依赖查询:http://mvnrepository.com/Maven常用命令:1. 创建Maven的普通java项目:mvn archetype:create-DgroupId=packageName-DartifactId=projectName2. 创建Maven的Web项目:mvn...

2013-02-17 07:03:00 120

转载 Linux general commands

1. Unpakc tar.gz type file.tar解包:tar xvf FileName.tar打包:tar cvf FileName.tar DirName(注:tar是打包,不是压缩!)———————————————.gz解压1:gunzip FileName.gz解压2:gzip -d FileName.gz压缩:gzip FileName.tar.gz 和 .tgz...

2013-02-17 07:01:00 135

转载 Convert to qrc file to python file

qrc File like following:   <!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version=”1.0″>  <qresource>  <file>images/copy.png</file>  <file>images/cut.png</file>  <file>images/...

2013-02-02 22:19:00 85

转载 How to execute a bat file where system started

1. Access the folder: Start–>Programs–>Startup2. put the shorcut file of bat file in the Startup folderThen it will be executed when system will be opened next time.转载于:https://www.cn...

2013-02-02 22:18:00 77

转载 Linux install Maven3

1. Download JDK1.6http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-6u31-download-1501634.html2. Put jdk file to /opt/Java folderexecute ./jdkfilename.bin to install3. C...

2013-02-02 22:16:00 71

转载 security processing failed with reason 15 (解决DB2 9.5.2中用户认证的问题(SQL30082N))

Just for a note!Reference:http://blog.csdn.net/thinkhy/article/details/4122427转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlicusForever/archive/2013/02/02/2890495.html

2013-02-02 22:15:00 894

转载 Ubuntu10.4 install jdk1.6

You know,If you want to develop java applications ,you’d better install jdk.Today,I will introduce you how to intall jdk1.6 on Ubuntu.Just follow me step by step.First stepyou should download jdk...

2013-02-02 22:14:00 102

转载 How to delete the icons of Win7 desktop shortcuts

1. Copy the following bat code in a new txt file.2. save it as bat file extension type, run it as administrator role.———————————————————— Content Start ———————————————————-reg add ...

2013-02-02 22:13:00 97

转载 Balsamiq Mockups registration code

 最近使用Mockups 进行页面原型设计,发现是未注册的,于是网上查询了下注册码,居然有效,在此记录下。 有需要的朋友也可以试试。 Name:Rick Dong Key:eNrzzU/OLi0odswsqgnKTM5WcMnPS1eoMTQyMjexMDQyAIEa5xpDAA8pDD8= 本人使用上面这个激活的,激活日期: 2012-10-18 。 如不行...

2013-02-02 22:12:00 96

转载 Ubuntu Install DB2V9.5

1. Download the DB2V9.5 Software from URL: http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/download/search.jsp?pn=DB2+92. Install Prepared Packages: shell cmd : sudo apt-get install alien shell cmd : ...

2013-02-02 22:11:00 120

转载 Ubuntu12.4 Server Install vsftpd

First step :sudo apt-get install vsftpdSecond step : sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.confwhen you open the vsftpd.conf, make the following changes:1. uncomment : local_enable=YES2. uncomment : chroot_l...

2013-02-02 22:10:00 69

转载 How to adjust the screen resolution for Ubuntu Server in VMware

1. vi /etc/default/grub2. modify the value of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX parameter , Ex : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=0x317". Before changing it, backup orginal value is recommended.3. there are so...

2013-02-02 22:08:00 114

转载 The solution for "Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required"

Open the eclipse folder and access the eclipse.ini file:Before changing it ,you will find it don’t have the -vm parameter,so add it.vmC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_10\bin\javaw.exe...

2013-02-02 22:04:00 66

转载 lots of classical and funny sentence for you


2013-02-02 22:02:00 108

转载 Some urls for db2 download

DB2 8.2 Windows 32位: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes2/english-us/db2winIA32v8/fixpak/FP18_WR21443/FP18_WR21443_ESE.exeDB2 9.1 Windows 32位:http://delivery04.dhe.ibm.c...

2013-02-02 22:00:00 86

转载 EditPlus3.3 集成 SVN

今天在玩EditPlus的时候,由于自己想上传文件至SVN,本机已经安装了TSVN,听说近期EditPlus支持了SVN操作,于是自己便带着好奇的心试试了。已有的环境:EditPlus 3.3TSVN 1.5VisualSVN Server 2.1.3目的:能够在EditPlus里使用SVN编辑、更新文件。第一步: 先下载http://www...

2013-02-02 21:58:00 58

转载 男生看女生叫审美,女生看男生叫好色——新解


2013-02-02 21:57:00 229

转载 英语口语学习推荐的21部电影


2013-02-01 22:28:00 601

转载 十首励志英文歌曲

1.《Young Homie》2.《Firework》3.《I Believe I Can Fly》4.《Young Forever》5.《Be What You Wanna Be》6.《Born To Try》7.《Breakaway》8.《Carry On Till Tornorrow》9.《You Raise Me Up》10.《Keep Hol...

2013-02-01 22:26:00 159

转载 值得收藏的博客--不断更新ing


2013-02-01 22:23:00 101

转载 Hello CnBlog

  Hello CnBlog!转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlicusForever/archive/2012/12/29/2838597.html

2012-12-29 11:58:00 83



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