
 The Enjoy Interface in the Procurement Process

Purpose 目的

As of Release 4.6, the user interface for the central materials management functions has been completely redesigned and simplified within the framework of the Enjoy SAP initiative. The purpose of this redesign was to facilitate an accelerated and more intuitive use of MM functions – particularly on the part of the occasional user – as a major step towards optimizing the logistical processes within an enterprise.
4.6版本中, 用于核心物料管理功能的用户界面已经经过全新的设计, 同时简化了Enjoy SAP的架构. 重新设计的目的, 是为了促进MM功能上的一个快速及更加直觉化的用法, 特别是对特殊场合情况下的使用者, 它作为一个主要的步骤有助于企业更加优化后勤的作业.

The following process description outlines the new, user-friendly design in the procurement process within materials management.

As of Release 4.6, users have the option of working with a role-based menu. Such a user-specific menu is usually restricted to those activities an employee needs to perform the tasks for which he or she is responsible. This approach considerably simplifies (thus also speeding up) user interaction with the system. The effect of this is an increased degree of acceptance, particularly among inexperienced users.
4.6版本中, 用户拥有一个基于角色的菜单的工作选项. 比如对于那些一个员工需要完成他或她所负责的任务的活动来说, 一个特定用户菜单通常是受限的. 这些步骤相当地简化了(从而也加速了)用户在系统上的交互性. 它所产生的影响是增加了用户的可接受程度, 特别是对于没有经验的用户.

Prerequisites 前提

The technical prerequisite for the implementation of this process description is the installation of a SAPGUI version 4.6 or higher. Furthermore, an R/3 Release 4.6 or higher must be available. We also recommend the use of the "New Visual Design" interface. However, this is not a prerequisite for understanding the process.
这些流程说明得以执行的先决条件, 是要安装4.6或更高版本的SAPGUI. 此外, 必须保证这个4.6或更高版本的R/3是可访问的. 同时, 我们也推荐使用新的可视化设计的界面. 当然, 这不是了解这个流程的先决条件.

The steps in the process do not build on each other. You can regard each step in the procurement process described in isolation.


Process Flow 操作步骤

You can find the data for this process under .

  1. You assign your user a Role-Based Menu.
  2. You define your own personal Document Overview.
  3. You create a Purchase Order for issue to a vendor.
  4. You enter the Goods Receipt Against the Purchase Order.
  5. You enter the Invoice for the goods delivered against the purchase order.

    Data for "The Enjoy Interface in the Procurement Process" 

Field 栏位

Data 数据

Description 描述

Activity group 活动组


User menu 用户菜单

Vendors 供应商


Bike Retail & Co.
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Inc.
Louis Bike Parts

Purchasing organization


IDES Germany

Plant 工厂



Storage location


Material stores

Purchasing group 采购组


Oswald, G.

PO number 采购订单号


PO number for goods receipt

PO number 采购订单号


PO number for invoice receipt

Material 物料


HD GLAD BOY exhaust pipe 74 dB
HD GLAD BOY exhaust pipe 82 dB
HD rear shock absorbers
HD GLAD BOY rear part, standard
GLAD BOY rear part, extra wide
HD saddle bag, leather
HD saddle bag "De Luxe"
HD saddle bag "Special"
HD chrome set

 Setting up a Role-Based Menu Using the Enjoy Interface 

Usage 用法

The purpose of role-based (user-specific) menus is to assign each R/3 System user precisely those activities needed to carry out the tasks for which he or she is responsible. These activities can then be offered in a process-oriented structure that makes them easier to find (in comparison with accessing via the standard menu). As a result, the inexperienced user (in particular) is no longer confronted by the entire SAP menu, with its all-embracing structure and panoply of functions. Instead, a vastly simplified, task-specific view is offered, which exactly covers his or her field of responsibility.
基于角色(特定用户)的菜单的目的是为了给R/3系统的用户分配明确的作业, 以便他们完成自己所负责的任务. 这些活动是由一个定向结构的流程提供的, 这样的结构使得这些活动更易于查找(相对于通过SAP标准菜单来讲). 这样可以使一个没有经验的用户不用再面对整个SAP菜单, 以及它所包含的全部结构和功能. 相反地, 提供了一个极大单一化的, 特定用户视图, 这个视图恰好含盖了用户所负责的领域.

For simplicity’s sake, the following example is based on a role covering the following three fields of activity:

  • Buyer                                采购员
  • Employee in the warehouse/stores      仓库或商店职员
  • Employee in invoice verification         发票校验职员

Thus, just a once-only role assignment is necessary to carry out the process, whereas in practice three different members of staff would be involved.

Prerequisites 前提

To be able to assign a specific role to your user, you must have the relevant authorizations. If you cannot carry out the process step described in the following, please contact your system administrator.

Procedure 步骤

  1. To work with a role-based menu, choose Other menu on the R/3 initial screen.
    SAP初始屏幕选定 按钮,可以进行基于角色的菜单的相关操作
  2. Select the group IDES_MM 3050 in the Choose Activity Group dialog box.

  3. Choose .

The activity group IDES_MM3050 is transferred to your work area.

You can use the (SAP menu) and (User menu) icons to switch between the general SAP overview tree and your user-specific tree at any time.
你可以使用 图标与 图标在SAP菜单用户菜单之间随时切换

In the following, you can elect to use either the standard or the user-specific menu.

 Document Overview: Example (Creation of Purchase Order)    凭证概览:例子(创建采购订单)

Usage 用法

A member of the Purchasing staff can use the document overview as a selection area either for reference documents from which he or she can adopt data in a new document that is to be created, or for documents that are awaiting processing. You can initially choose the documents using selection variants and then influence the way the lists of documents are presented by means of display variants. These functions are also available for other Enjoy activities. They are illustrated taking the creation of a purchase order as an example.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the standard SAP menu

Logistics ® Materials Management ® Purchasing ® Purchase Order ® Create ® Vendor/Supplying Plant Known.

Menu Path

From the user menu IDES_MM3050

Employee in Purchasing ® Purchase Order ® Enter Purchase Order.

Transaction Code


In the standard system, explanatory documentation appears on the left side of the screen.

  1. Choose Close in the left-hand area of the screen to hide this documentation.
    选定 关闭屏幕左侧区域

This setting will be stored for the future for your user ID.

You can reactivate the documentation at any time by clicking Help.
你可以随时点击 来恢复这个文档

  1. Choose Document overview on.

The document overview now appears in the left-hand part of the screen. Adjust the window to suit your requirements. The right-hand part of the screen contains the actual work area for the activity.

You are responsible for the purchasing group 030(Oswald, G), belonging to purchasing organization 1000 (IDES Germany ) and want to generate a list of the purchase orders created by this group as reference documents.
你负责030(Oswald, G) 的采购组,它属于1000(IDES Germany)的采购组织,@? 以及用这个采购组作为参考凭证产生一个创建采购订单的清单。

  1. Choose the entry Purchase order by clicking the icon.
    点击 图标,选定 条目

  2. On the Purchasing Documents screen, enter the following data:



Document date from


Document date to

Today‘s date

Purchasing group


Purch. Organization


  1. Choose .
  2. On the ABAP: Save as Variant screen, enter the following data:



Variant name



Any short text (e.g. POs PURGRP Oswald)

  1. Choose .

Choose Yes to skip any warning messages.

The selection variant is now saved. In future, it will be offered to you by the system for selection in the document overview. In addition, the documents will be suggested in accordance with the last-used selection variant when you invoke the activity.
这个选择变式现在保存起来,以后在凭证概览选择时,你可以继续使用它。另外,@? 当你调用这个作业时,凭证将根据最后使用的选择变式产生。

The Purchasing Documents screen appears.

  1. Choose .

In the document overview of the Create Purchase Order screen, a list of the selected PO documents appears. Since you will know the names of the materials you want to order, but not necessarily their numbers, you need a document overview that is sorted by material description.

  1. In the document overview area, choose .

In the standard system, document lists are sorted by purchasing document number in the Define Sort Order box. Accordingly, the entry Purchasing document appears in the left-hand part of the screen under Sort Fields.

  1. Select the entry Purchasing document, then choose .

The Purchasing document field disappears from the list display of the Sort Fields area.

  1. Now select the fields Short text and Purchasing document in the Feld List area on the right.
    在右边的字段列表中选择短文本采购凭证字段(PS. 应该是: 在右边的字段列表中选择采购凭短文本证字段)
  2. Choose .

The Short text and Purchasing document fields are included in the list display for the Sort Fields area.

  1. Choose Copy.

The document list in the document overview area is now sorted by Purchasing document and the subgroup Material description. To display the short descriptive text for the material, click the triangular icon next to the purchasing document number. To facilitate your choice of document items, you can also display fields such as the Material number, Vendor name, Plant, and Document date/number.
此时凭证概览区域的凭证列表利用采购凭证和副标题短文本进行排序。要显示物料的短描述,点击采购凭证号码上的三角图标 向下。为了便于选定凭证项目,你也可以显示诸如物料编号、供应商名称、工厂、以及凭证日期或凭证号码

  1. Choose icon, then choose the entry Change display variant.

In the right-hand part of the Define Display Variant dialog box, under Hidden fields, the system offers you a selection of display fields from the PO documents.

  1. Select the Material, Vendor name, Plant, and Document date fields and choose .

The fields are transferred to the Display fields area on the left of the screen.

  1. Choose Copy.

The system displays the selected fields for all purchasing documents.

  1. Choose icon, then choose the entry Save display variant.
  2. In the Display Variant: Save Under dialog box, enter the following data:



Display variant





Any entry

  1. Choose Save.

In future, this display variant will always be used as the initial variant for the activity.

  1. Choose icon, then choose the entry Manage display variants.
  2. Double-click on your variant.

The system now identifies the variant as the initial variant with a .

  1. Choose .
  2. Choose until the overview tree appears.

 Creating a Purchase Order Using the Enjoy Interface 


In the procurement process, the creation of a purchase order and its issue to a vendor represents the notification to that vendor of a concrete requirement of a certain quantity of materials or services at a certain price and on a certain date.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the standard SAP menu

Logistics ® Materials Management ® Purchasing ® Purchase Order ® Create ® Vendor/Supplying Plant Known.

Menu Path

From the user menu IDES_MM3050

Employee in Purchasing ® Purchase Order ® Create Purchase Order.

Transaction Code


The Create Purchase Order screen appears. The system lists the purchasing documents in accordance with the selection and display variant created in the previous process step.

  1. Adjust the size of the Document Overview area and the column width of the display fields to suit your requirements.

In the following steps, you now have the opportunity to specify some default values.

  1. To do so, choose Personal setting.  选定
  2. Choose the Default Values tab page.   选定缺省值标签页
  3. On the PO Header tab page, enter the following data using the input help:




Document type

Standard PO

 凭证类型:NB 标准采购订单

Purchasing organization

IDES Germany


Purchasing group

Oswald, G.


Company code



  1. On the PO item tab page, enter the following data:




Delivery date

3 weeks from today’s date




工厂:1000 Hamburg

Storage location


库存地点:0001 Material stores

  1. Choose .

The system adopts the default values you entered in the header detail and the item overview areas. The system will now suggest the data entered every time this transaction is invoked.
系统采用你在抬头细节和项目总览区输入的默认值。@? 系统此时将产生每次调用这个事务时输入的数据。

Now enter a PO item manually.

  1. In the PO header, enter the following data:






Louis Bike Parts

Document date

Today‘s date


  1. Choose .
  2. In the item overview area, enter the following data:






HD Glad Boy rear part, standard

PO quantity



Net price


 208.45 EUR

  1. Choose .

You can now adopt any PO items that appear in the Document overview in the new document you are creating by selecting the items with the cursor and then choosing .
你也可以采用新建凭证的凭证概览中出现的任何PO项目,通过选择该项目然后选定 (采用)的方式

  1. Select the purchasing document number with the material HD Rear Shock Absorber (1300-260) supplied by the vendor Louis Bike Parts (1082) in the document overview.
    在凭证概览中,选择采购凭证号码连同由供应商Louis Bike Parts (1082)供应的物料HD Rear Shock Absorber (1300-260)

  2. Choose to transfer the item to the work area.
    选定 将项目传递到工作区中。

The system now adopts only the item data from the reference items. The header data of the purchasing document is not changed any further, even if the reference item comes from a document with a different vendor.

    PS. 注意把交货日期修改到未来时间

  1. Make a note of the info record number and the net price of an item of your choice.

You may find it useful to change the column arrangement. For example, for a clearer overview, you could position the Info record column next to the Net price column. To do so, select the column heading Info record and drag it next to the Net price column, keeping the left-hand mouse button depressed.

  1. Delete the entry in the Vendor field and replace it with the vendor 1007 (Bike Retail & Co.).
    删除供应商字段中的条目并替代成供应商1007 (Bike Retail & Co.)
  2. Choose .

The system adopts the relevant vendor data (such as info record and net price).

Compare the entries in the Info record and Net price fields with the values for the item you noted down.


  1. In the header data area of the purchasing document you are creating, choose any tab pages and check the data that has been adopted. If necessary, expand the header data area by clicking the Header details icon.
    如果有必要,你可以通过点击 来展开抬头数据
  2. Select individual document items with the materials HD Saddle Bag "Special" (1300-372) and HD Chrome Set (1300-380) from any vendors in the document overview.
    没有找到the materials HD Saddle Bag "Special" (1300-372),我们用HD Saddle bag(1300-371)来代替。
  3. Choose to transfer the items to the work area.

Here, too, the system adopts only the item data from the reference items. The header data of the purchasing document is not changed any further, even if the reference item comes from a document with a different vendor.

You may be asked to enter a net price for a certain item. If so, make any entry in the Net price field of the relevant item.

The item data is adopted in the item overview (in the middle part of the screen) and the item details (in the lower part of the screen). The detail data for the currently adopted reference item is immediately visible in the lower part of the screen.

The data in the header and item detail areas is split up among various tab pages and can be displayed directly by a single click on the relevant tab in each case. Explicit multi-step branching to specific data via pull-down menus is no longer necessary.
抬头及项目细节区的的数据被拆分在不同的标签页中,并且根据各自的情况,通过单击相应的标签页,这些数据能够立即显示出来。@? 不再需要通过多层分支的下拉菜单得到详细数据

All three areas of the screen can be hidden by clicking the icon in the upper left-hand corner of the relevant area, allowing you to set up your work area to suit your own requirements.
屏幕中的三个区域都可以通过点击相应区域左上角的 图标隐藏起来,使你通过设定你的工作区域适应你自己的需求。

When you adopt the various document items, you also adopt the delivery dates for the items (among other things), which are usually out of date and lie in the past. (The system identifies such items with a yellow warning triangle in the status column of the item overview.) A Fast change function is available to adjust the delivery dates and other data in the individual items.

  1. To select all items, choose in the lower left-hand corner of the item overview area.
    要选择全部项目,可以选定项目总览区域左下角的 按钮
  2. In the item overview area, choose .

  3. In the Fast Change dialog box, enter the following data:




Delivery date

Today's date plus 2 weeks


All items



要先保证交货日期在显示字段栏中,如果没有,你可以在右边的隐藏字段中选定后按 传送过来,选定 .

  1. Choose .

The delivery date is adjusted in all items. You can proceed in similar fashion for all the other fields offered in the Fast Change dialog box.

  1. To deselect, choose in the upper left-hand corner of the item overview area.
    选定项目总览区域左上角的 按钮可以取消选定

    此处的 按钮并不可以取消此处的选定,而是用项目总览区域左下方的 按钮

Since you don’t yet know the precise order quantity for the material HD Saddle Bags (1300-372), you must put the document you created "on hold" and continue processing it later.
因为你还不知道物料HD Saddle Bags (1300-372)(即我们代替用的1300-371)的确切数量,你必须将你创建的凭证置为“持有”状态,及以后再继续处理它。

  1. Choose Hold. 选定

The system confirms the posting and assigns a purchase order number. Make a note of the number that appears in the status line. You will need it later on.

  1. Choose until the overview tree appears.
    选定 直到出现树形概览
  2. From the Purchase Order node, choose Change (standard SAP menu) or Change Purchase Order (user menu) to continue processing the PO document you put on hold.

The system automatically offers you the the PO you last processed. Here, too, you have the option of defining your own display variants. It might make sense to have the POs you put on hold listed by order number, for example. To enable you to choose purchase orders from a worklist containing POs that are on hold, you have the option of having all orders you previously created and put on hold listed in the document overview on the left-hand side of the screen.
系统会自动将你最后一次处理的采购订单呈现出来。在这里,也就是这里,你有权定义你自己的显示变式。例如,它对于利用订单号码来罗列你持有的订单,这或许是有意义的。@? 要使你能够从包含了你持有的采购订单的工作清单中去选定采购订单,你得有你先前创建的全部订单的选项,而且让这个持有罗列有屏幕左侧的凭证概览上。

  1. Choose the entry Purchase orders on hold by clicking the icon.
    点击 ,选定

The items of the purchase order you put on hold in the previous step are now displayed in the document overview. You can likewise adjust this list to suit your individual requirements via the sort and display variants.


  1. In the purchase order item overview area, enter the following data:




Order quantity for material 1300-372


HD saddle bag "Special"

  1. Choose .

The system confirms that the already existing purchase order has been changed.

  1. Choose until the overview tree appears.

 Entering a GR Against the PO Using the Enjoy Interface    利用Enjoy界面参照采购订单输入一个收货


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the standard SAP menu

Logistics ® Materials Management ® Inventory Management ® Goods Movement ® Goods Receipt ® For Purchase Order ® PO Number Known
后勤®物料管理®库存管理®货物移动®收货®对采购订单® PO已知编号

Menu Path

From the user menu IDES_MM3050

Employee in Warehouse/Stores ® Goods Receipt ® Goods Receipt from External Procurement

Transaction Code


The Goods Receipt <User> screen appears. This screen, too, is initially subdivided into a document overview area and the actual work area, the latter consisting of a header data area, item overview, and an item data area. Here you have the option of adjusting the size of the areas to suit your individual needs.
出现收货 采购订单<用户名>屏幕。这个屏幕,也是最初的时候细分成一个凭证概览区和一个实际工作区,后者由一个抬头数据区、项目总览、以及一个项目数据区组成。

  1. Enter the following data:




Purchase order

The PO you created or 4500007524


  1. Choose .

The system transfers the specified PO number shown in the left-hand screen area of the document overview to the My Documents/Purchase Orders folder. The Purchase order field is then immediately ready to accept further input of purchasing document numbers. The purchase order items are transferred to the item overview. By clicking on individual items, you can view and change certain data in the lower item detail area.

  1. Choose Settings ® Default values from the menu bar.

The Change Default Values dialog box appears.

Here you can make settings for the system to suggest in future. For example, you can store default values for the receiving plant and the storage location. Furthermore, you can preset the OK indicator in the item lines (denoting that an item has been checked and giving the go-ahead for the GR posting). Note the standard setting for the movement type for goods receipt with the number 101 (goods receipt for purchase order).

  1. Enter the following data:




Storage location



In plant

1000 or Hamburg


Propose OK in future



  1. Choose Adopt.

The settings will be taken into account in the case of future GR postings made under your user ID.

If the Tip dialog box appears, choose No.

  1. Select the first item with the cursor, then choose Qty.
    选择第一项,然后选定 (分发数量)

The Distribute Quantity dialog box appears. Here you have the opportunity to apportion the total goods receipt quantity quickly and easily among the different stock types Unrestricted-use, Blocked and Quality inspection. It is also possible to post the total quantity to different storage locations using this function.

  1. Choose .  选定   PS. 上一步可能会弹出一个提示对话框,选定
    如果你输入了分发的数量,可以点击 进行确定
  2. If necessary, make the following entries in the item overview area for the lines shown:





If the OK indicator in the item overview area is not active, either close the item detail area or select Item OK at the bottom of the item detail area.


The last item of the purchase order has not yet arrived in the warehouse or stores. For this reason, deselect the OK indicator for the last item.

However, you want to enter the material document for the entire PO .

  1. Choose Hold.  选定

If the Tip dialog box appears, choose No.

The Hold Document dialog box appears.

  1. Choose .

The system transfers the active PO number to the My documents/Held data folder of the document overview on the left of the screen.

  1. Choose until the overview tree appears.
    选定  退出

Choose No in any dialog box that might appear.

  1. Choose PO number known under the For purchase order node from the standard SAP menu , or Goods Receipt from External Procurement under the Goods Receipt node from the user menu in order to resume processing the held data.
    SAP标准菜单中,从对采购订单节点选定PO已经编号 (T-CODE: MIGO),来重新处理持有了的数据。

You will now find your PO document that is on hold in the left-hand area of the screen.

  1. Select your PO number in the document overview under the folder My documents/Held data and move the data to your work area by a double-click of the mouse.

In the meantime, the material covered by the last item of the PO document has arrived.

  1. Now you can also set the OK indicator for the last PO item.

  2. Choose Post.

The system confirms the posting and assigns a material document number. Make a note of the number that appears in the status line. You will need it later on.

The material number is immediately inserted in the Material Documents folder in the document overview area on the left of the screen. In the course of time, this area is automatically filled with closed or still-to-be-processed documents and held data.

  1. Choose until the overview tree appears.


 Entering the Invoice 


This revised activity enables the user to enter, check, and post invoices on a single screen. Credit memos and subsequent debits and credits can also be processed.


  1. Call up the transaction as follows:

Menu Path

From the standard SAP menu

Logistics ® Materials Management ® Logistics Invoice Verification ® Document Entry ® Enter Invoice

Menu Path

From the user menu IDES_MM3050

Employee ® Enter Invoice ® Enter Invoice.

Transaction Code


  1. Position your cursor on the Transaction field, then choose Input help.

  2. Choose the entry Invoice.

The work area consists of a header data area and the item overview. In the header data area, the Basic Data tab is active.

  1. Choose Switch company code.

In the Enter Company Code dialog box, the system displays the company code that is currently active for invoice verification. This is the company code last used by the user.

  1. If necessary, enter the following data:




Company code



  1. Choose .
  2. In the header data area of the Basic Data tab page, enter the following data:




Document date

Today‘s date


Posting date

Today’s date (default)


Tax amount (right-hand field)

V0 (Domestic input tax 0%)


Calculate tax



  1. Choose .

In the item overview area, you will find a field with variable content and the value "Purchase order/scheduling agreement". Alternatively, you can enter invoices with reference to a delivery note, for example. Here the system suggests the last-entered value.
在项目总览区,你可以找到一个带可变内容的栏位和为“采购订单/计划协议”的值。你可以有选择性地输入发票,例如参考一个交货单。@? 这里系统出现最后一次输入的值。

  1. Using the input help button, choose the entry "Purchase order/scheduling agreement" (if it is not already set).

The input field for the document number is located to the right of the latter field.

  1. In this field, enter either the number of the PO you created or the number.
  2. Choose .

In the item overview area, the system now suggests the amounts due to be paid for the goods you have received. During the invoice entry process, you can change the document number at any time. In this case, the system will suggest the items for which settlement is due from the other document.
在项目总览区,@? 系统此时产生货物接收所需支付的(金额)数量。在发票录入处理期间,你可以在任何时候更改凭证号码。在这种情况下,系统将产生另一个凭证要作结算处理的项目。

You now see the vendor data in the upper right-hand part of the screen. Here you have the opportunity to look over this data.

  1. Choose in the upper right-hand area of the screen (Other bank details).

Details of payment transactions with this vendor plus all entered bank details are now displayed. You can change the data at this point. To do so, choose .

  1. Choose .

In the Balance field, the system shows the difference between the gross amount entered by you and the total amount due for settlement suggested by the system. Since in our example we have not yet entered a total gross amount on the Basic Data tab page, the balance is identical to the amount requiring settlement suggested by the system. The red traffic light shows that the system has detected a difference and will not allow the document to be posted. You can adopt this amount. (In practice, you would enter the amount shown in the vendor invoice at this point.)

  1. Enter the value of the Balance field in the Amount field on the Basic Data tab page.
  2. Choose .

The color signal next to the Balance field now changes from red to green. The difference between the total amount and the amount suggested by the system is now zero. The document can be posted, but is blocked for payment purposes.

  1. Choose Show PO structure.

A vertically separated screen area now appears, in which the purchasing document is displayed with its items in the form of a tree structure.

  1. Widen the document structure area using the cursor.

A complete overview of the document history is revealed, showing all the activities that have taken place with respect to the purchasing document and its items to date (goods receipts, GR reversals, invoice receipts).

This detailed overview enables the user to subject each item of a vendor’s invoice to thorough scrutiny.

  1. After checking, set the indicator for each item in the item overview.

You also still have the option of displaying a detailed simulation of the document, showing the accounting consequences of the invoice document.

  1. Choose Simulate.

In the dialog box Simulate Document in DEM (Document Currency), the system now displays all the posting items. You could now post the invoice document directly in this box.

  1. Choose at the bottom of the dialog box.

The system confirms the transaction and displays the invoice document number.

  1. Choose until the overview tree appears.





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