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原创 adi_osal_Init_failure
A fatal error or exception has occurred. Description: The call to adi_osal_Init made from the CRT startup code returned an error. General Type: LibraryError Specific Type: adi_osal_Init_fa
2016-01-19 17:09:19 452
原创 Error: Could not allocate storage for the buffer. Error: Driver load failed.
在做ADSP21489出现下载flash时Error: Could not allocate storage for the buffer.Error: Driver load failed.解决办法:连接ram的ADDR线的排阻没焊好,太小了
2016-01-18 17:31:13 1034
原创 《MATLAB在语音信号分析和合成中的应用》随书附带程序下载 程序打不开
http://www.ilovematlab.cn/thread-282576-1-1.html 我用的是matlab7, ???? Error using ==> runThe function, script, or class maincannot be indexed using {} or . indexing. 右键run出现??? Corrupt
2015-08-03 22:21:59 2248
原创 post代码分析
在mfc的平台写post tb 每次总是返回淘宝登录首页,不知道哪里出错用的chttpfile,不知道错在哪里另外 chttpfile为什么获取cookie的时候总是不完整 ... 第一步提交 post空 获取cookiehttps://login.taobao.com/member/login.jhtml抓包得到的cookie值为{"cna=Er3nD
2015-05-24 21:49:51 956
原创 AGC算法分析
Threshold = ThresholdVarGain = GainVarslope = (1-(1/RatioVar))Attack_Coeff = 1-(Math.Exp(-1*BlockSize/(0.001*AttacktimeVar*FS)))Decay_Coeff = 1-(Math.Exp(-1*BlockSize/(0.001*DecaytimeVar*FS)))
2015-05-24 00:53:42 8783 1
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