docker swarm 中docker-compose.yml配置说明
当时用docker swarm 对容器进行编排管理时,如果管理的是微服务,则不可避免要用到注册中心,但是注册中心不能简单的设置副本数为3来部署注册中心集群,接下来以eureka注册中心为例做说明。
version: '3.9' services: # my-server: # image: ip:port/my-server # ports: # - "10000:100000" # networks: # - test-network # #environment: # # MODE: 'standalone' # volumes: # #使用绝对路径挂载数据卷 # - /home/my/log/my-server:/app/log # - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime # deploy: # #为外部客户端连接到swarm指定服务发现方式 # #endpoint_mode: vip:Docker为服务分配了一个前端的虚拟IP,客户端通过该虚拟IP访问网络上的服务。Docker在客户端和服务的可用工作节点之间进行路由请求,而无须关系有多少节点正在参与该服务或这些节点的IP地址或者端口。这是默认设置。 # #endpoint_mode: dnsrr:DNS轮询(DNSRR),Docker设置服务的DNS条目,以便对服务名称的DNS查询返回IP地址列表,并且客户端通过轮询的方式直接连接到其中之一。 # endpoint_mode: vip # #指定服务的容器副本模式。 # #global:每个swarm节点只有一个该服务容器。 # #replicated:整个集群中存在指定份数的服务容器副本,为默认值。 # mode: replicated # replicas: 2 # #指定服务的标签。这些标签仅在服务上设置,而不在服务的任何容器上设置。 # #labels: # #com.example.description: "This label will appear on the web service" # #指定constraints和preferences。constraints可以指定只有符合要求的节点上才能运行该服务容器,preferences可以指定容器分配策略。 # placement: # #如果服务的容器副本模式为replicated(默认),可以指定每个节点上运行的最大容器副本数量。当指定的容器副本数量大于最大容器副本数量时,将引发no suitable node (max replicas per node limit exceed)错误 # max_replicas_per_node: 1 # constraints: # - "node.hostname!=host1" # # - "engine.labels.operatingsystem==ubuntu 18.04" # #preferences: # # - spread: # restart_policy: # #重启策略。值可以为none、on-failure或any,默认为any。 # condition: on-failure # #尝试重启的等待时间。指定为持续时间(durations)。默认值为0。 # delay: 5s # #重启最多尝试的次数,超过该次数将放弃。默认为永不放弃。如果在window配置的时间之内未成功重启,则此次尝试不计入max_attempts的值。 # max_attempts: 5 # #在决定重启是否成功之前的等待时间。指定为持续时间(durations)。默认值为立即决定。 # window: 10s # #配置资源限制 # #resources: # #限制cpu的最大使用率和内存的最大使用率 # #limits: # #最多使用20%的cpu # # cpus: '0.20' # #最多使用64m内存 # # memory: 128M # #预留值 # #reservations: # #预留10%的cpu # # cpus: '0.10' # #预留20m内存 # # memory: 64M # #配置在更新失败的情况下如何回滚服务 # rollback_config: # #一次回滚的容器数量。如果设置为0,则所有容器同时回滚。 # parallelism: 1 # #每个容器组之间的回滚所等待的时间。默认值为0s # delay: 0s # #回滚失败后的行为。有continue和pause两种,默认值为pause # failure_action: pause # #每次任务更新后监视失败的时间(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)。默认值为0s。 # monitor: 0s # #在回滚期间能够容忍的最大失败率。默认值为0。 # max_failure_ratio: 0 # #设置回滚顺序。stop-first为在开启新任务之前停止旧任务,start-first为首先启动新任务,和正在运行任务短暂重叠,默认值为stop-first。 # order: stop-first # #配置如何更新服务。该配置对滚动更新很有用 # update_config: # #一次更新的容器数量 # parallelism: 1 # #更新一组容器之间的等待时间 # delay: 0s # #更新失败后的行为。有continue、rollback和pause三种,默认值为pause。 # failure_action: pause # #每次任务更新后监视失败的时间(ns|us|ms|s|m|h)。默认值为0s。。 # monitor: 0s # #在更新期间能够容忍的最大失败率。 # max_failure_ratio: 0 # #设置更新顺序。stop-first为在开启新任务之前停止旧任务,start-first为首先启动新任务,和正在运行任务短暂重叠,默认值为stop-first。 # order: stop-first eureka: image: ip:port/eureka ports: - "10001:10001" networks: - test-network #environment: # MODE: 'standalone' volumes: - /home/my/log/eureka:/app/log - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime deploy: endpoint_mode: vip mode: replicated replicas: 1 #labels: #com.example.description: "This label will appear on the web service" placement: max_replicas_per_node: 1 constraints: - "node.hostname!=host1" - "node.hostname!=host2" - "node.labels.role != master" # - "engine.labels.operatingsystem==ubuntu 18.04" #preferences: # - spread: restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 5 window: 10s #resources: # limits: # cpus: '0.20' # memory: 64M # reservations: # cpus: '0.10' # memory: 20M rollback_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first eureka1: image: ip:port/eureka ports: - "10002:10001" networks: - test-network #environment: # MODE: 'standalone' volumes: - /home/my/log/eureka:/app/log - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime deploy: endpoint_mode: vip mode: replicated replicas: 1 #labels: #com.example.description: "This label will appear on the web service" placement: max_replicas_per_node: 1 constraints: - "node.hostname!=host1" - "node.hostname!=host2" - "node.labels.role != master" # - "engine.labels.operatingsystem==ubuntu 18.04" #preferences: # - spread: restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 5 window: 10s #resources: # limits: # cpus: '0.20' # memory: 64M # reservations: # cpus: '0.10' # memory: 20M rollback_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first eureka2: image: ip:port/eureka ports: - "10003:10001" networks: - test-network #environment: # MODE: 'standalone' volumes: - /home/my/log/eureka:/app/log - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime deploy: endpoint_mode: vip mode: replicated replicas: 1 #labels: #com.example.description: "This label will appear on the web service" placement: max_replicas_per_node: 1 constraints: - "node.hostname!=host1" - "node.hostname!=host2" - "node.labels.role != master" # - "engine.labels.operatingsystem==ubuntu 18.04" #preferences: # - spread: restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 5s max_attempts: 5 window: 10s #resources: # limits: # cpus: '0.20' # memory: 64M # reservations: # cpus: '0.10' # memory: 20M rollback_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 30s failure_action: pause monitor: 0s max_failure_ratio: 0 order: stop-first networks: test-network: driver: overlay
defaultZone: http://eureka:10001/eureka,http://eureka1:10002/eureka,http://eureka2:10003/eureka