【C#12 and .NET 8 Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals Notes】

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Every time I have the privilege of reading Mr. Mark J. Price’s book “C#12 and .NET 8 Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals,” I always feel a sense of joy as if I were reading a martial arts novel by Mr. Jin Yong. This joy prompts me to want to record my reading experiences in English. However, due to language and cultural differences, I have been unable to do so. The year 2023 is a turning point for all of humanity, especially for Chinese programmers who love Microsoft technology. We finally have an unprecedented sense of happiness - we can use the same programming language to write programs of any type, including developing web front-end with Blazor. Next, I will document every bit of my reading journey and share it with fellow readers who also enjoy this book. While Mr. Mark J. Price shares programming techniques and concepts, I will share the inner joy it brings me.

October 14, 2023, 17:44

In the introduction of Chapter 2, ‘Speaking C# ->Introducing the C# language’, it is written:

This part of the book is about the C# language—the grammar and vocabulary that you will use every day to write the source code for your applications.Programming languages have many similarities to human languages, except that in programming languages, you can make up your own words, just like Dr. Seuss!In a book written by Dr. Seuss in 1950, If I Ran the Zoo, he states this:

“And then, just to show them, I’ll sail to Ka-Troo And Bring Back an It-Kutch, a Preep, and a Proo, A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!”

These words, It-Kutch, Preep, Proo, Nerkle, Nerd, and Seersucker, all originate from the children’s book works of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. They do not have specific literal meanings. In Dr. Seuss’ works, he frequently created peculiar and whimsical vocabulary and characters, constructing his unique fantasy world. Therefore, “It-Kutch,” “Preep,” “Proo,” “Nerkle,” “Nerd,” and “Seersucker” are all fictional words coined by Dr. Seuss, without a clear definition or meaning. They are often used to describe strange creatures or magical things in his works. The primary purpose of these words is to bring joy and surprise to readers, expanding their imagination.

The words It-Kutch, Preep, Proo, Nerkle, Nerd, and Seersucker all originate from the children’s book works of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. These words do not have specific literal meanings. In Dr. Seuss’ works, he often creates unique and whimsical vocabulary and characters, constructing his own distinctive fantasy world. Therefore, “It-Kutch,” “Preep,” “Proo,” “Nerkle,” “Nerd,” and “Seersucker” are all fictional words coined by Dr. Seuss, without a clear definition or meaning. They are typically used to describe peculiar creatures or magical objects in his works. The primary purpose of these words is to bring joy and surprise to readers, expanding their imagination.

Speaking of fairy tales, the first thing that comes to mind is Mr. Zheng Yuanjie, the Chinese Fairy Tale King, and his work “Shuke and Beita”. There is a lyrics line that floats in front of me like subtitles: “Shuke flies planes, Beita drives tanks.” For me, no other fairy tale can captivate me like it does! Not even “Huluwa” can compare! Of course, Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales and Aesop’s fables are also interesting, but my favorite when I was a child was still “Shuke and Beita”. Even if you give me ten glass marbles, I wouldn’t trade them 😃 .





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