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java 2: the complete reference, fifth edition
Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition
This fifth edition of a guide to the Java language covers the latestfeatures of Java 2, v1.4, including the new I/O API, regularexpression, chained exceptions, the assert keyword, and upgrades toJava's networking classes and the Collections Framework. The bookstarts with an in-depth tutorial of the Java language, then examinesthe standard Java library and issues related to the Java developmentenvironment, and presents Java applets. Schildt has written manyprevious books on Java and other computer topics.
effective java programming language guide
Effective Java Programming Language Guide
Written for the working Java developer, Joshua Bloch's Effective JavaProgramming Language Guide provides a truly useful set of over 50 bestpractices and tips for writing better Java code. With plenty of advicefrom an indisputable expert in the field, this title is sure to be anindispensable resource for anyone who wants to get more out of theircode.

As a veteran developer at Sun, the author shares his considerableinsight into the design choices made over the years in Sun's own Javalibraries (which the author acknowledges haven't always been perfect).Based on his experience working with Sun's best minds, the authorprovides a compilation of 57 tips for better Java code organized bycategory. Many of these ideas will let you write more robust classesthat better cooperate with built-in Java APIs. Many of the tips makeuse of software patterns and demonstrate an up-to-the-minute sense ofwhat works best in today's design. Each tip is clearly introduced andexplained with code snippets used to demonstrate each programmingprinciple.

Early sections on creating and destroying objects show you waysto make better use of resources, including how to avoid duplicateobjects. Next comes an absolutely indispensable guide to implementing"required" methods for custom classes. This material will help youwrite new classes that cooperate with old ones (with advice onimplementing essential requirements like the equals() and hashCode()methods).

The author has a lot to say about class design, whether usinginheritance or composition. Tips on designing methods show you how tocreate understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can beeasily reused by others on your team. Sections on mapping C code (likestructures, unions, and enumerated types) onto Java will help Cprogrammers bring their existing skills to Sun's new language. Latersections delve into some general programming tips, like usingexceptions effectively. The book closes with advice on using threadsand synchronization techniques, plus some worthwhile advice on objectserialization.

Whatever your level of Java knowledge, this title can make youa more effective programmer. Wisely written, yet never pompous ordoctrinaire, the author has succeeded in packaging some really valuablenuggets of advice into a concise and very accessible guidebook thatarguably deserves a place on most any developer's bookshelf.

Topics covered:

  • Best practices and tips for Java
  • Creating and destroying objects (static factory methods, singletons, avoiding duplicate objects and finalizers)
  • Required methods for custom classes (overriding equals(), hashCode(), toString(), clone(), and compareTo() properly)
  • Hints for class and interface design (minimizing class andmember accessibility, immutability, composition versus inheritance,interfaces versus abstract classes, preventing subclassing, staticversus nonstatic classes)
  • C constructs in Java (structures, unions, enumerated types, and function pointers in Java)
  • Tips for designing methods (parameter validation, defensivecopies, method signatures, method overloading, zero-length arrays,hints for Javadoc comments)
  • General programming advice (local variable scope, using JavaAPI libraries, avoiding float and double for exact comparisons, when toavoid strings, string concatenation, interfaces and reflection, avoidnative methods, optimizing hints, naming conventions)
  • Programming with exceptions (checked versus run-timeexceptions, standard exceptions, documenting exceptions,failure-capture information, failure atomicity)
  • Threading and multitasking (synchronization and scheduling hints, thread safety, avoiding thread groups)
  • Serialization (when to implement Serializable, the readObject(), and readResolve() methods)
java in a nutshell, fourth edition
Java in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
The new 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard edition increases the size ofthe platform by 50%, to 2757 classes in 135 packages., so aall of theseexciting new features, the 1.4 release of Java 2 Standard editionbrings potential for frustration. How will all this affect yourapplications? Don't worry, our new 4th edition has answers. With theaccelerated introduction to the Java programming language and its keyAPIs, you can start writing code right away, and because its classicquick reference contains all the classes in the essential Javapackages, you'll find exactly what you need to make the new versionwork for you. With more than 250 new pages, the book brings you up tospeed on new APIs for high-performance low-level I/O, logging, userpreference, and user authentication with the JAAS. You'll also findinformation on the new Collections classes, support for XML parsingusing both the DOM and SAX APIs, support for pattern matching withregular expressions, and much much more. For as long as Java developershave existed, this perennial bestseller has been there to take you tothe heart of the program.
head first java
Head First Java
BetweenMoore's law and the notion of "Internet time," we're constantly beingbombarded with more and more information--most of it in the form ofdisorganized data. Turning this information into useful knowledge isgetting harder and harder to do, and it takes time that we just don'thave. The current economic situation hasn't helped either. With moneyspread thin, who hasn't had to take on new tasks and learn new things?And slashed training budgets mean there's little to rely on forlearning except books- but learning a complex new programming languagelike Java from a book is no simple task. Maybe your boss is giving youtwo weeks to come up to speed for a project, or maybe you're ready totake that next step up in your current job, or be a more viablecandidate for a new job. Whatever the reason, the onus is on you tolearn. All these factors make it more important than ever to have a wayto learn--fast. And that's what Head First Java does -- by exploitingthe way your brain works, it compresses the time it takes to reallylearn. Why? Because its unique approach not only shows you what youneed to know about Java syntax, it enables and encourages you to thinklike a Java programmer. Mastering object oriented programming requiresa certain way of thinking, not just a certain way of writing code. Thelatest research in cognitive science, neurobiology, and educationalpsychology shows that learning at the deeper levels takes a lot morethan text on a page. Actively combining words and pictures not onlyhelps in understanding the subject, but in remembering it. According tosome studies, an engaging, entertaining, image-rich, conversationalapproach actually teaches the subject better. Head First Java putsthese theories into practice with a vengeance. Chock full of mindstretching exercises, memorable analogies, and stories, humor andattitude that aren't just pasted-on distractions but that are used todrive home key points and make ideas come alive, the Head Firstapproach is as effective as it is unique. It takes a pretty uniqueperson to have developed such an innovative way to Learn Java. KathySierra has been interested in learning theory since her days as a gamedesigner. More recently, she's been a master trainer for SunMicrosystems, teaching Sun's own instructors how to teach the latestJava technologies. She has been actively using the concepts in HeadFirst Java to teach hundreds of trainers, developers and even nonprogrammers. She is the founder of one of the largest Java communitywebsites in the world, javaranch.com, and she is a member of thedevelopment team for the Sun Certified programmer exam. Bert Bates isalso a long-time Java developer and trainer with extensive experiencein learning theory. His background features a long stint in artificialintelligence with clients like the Weather Channel, A&E Network,Rockwell and Timken. Is Head First Java right for you? That depends.Head First Java assumes you're a programmer or at least have experiencewith scripting languages. It assumes that you're smart, that you'recreative and open to new ideas, and that you know you're just not thetype of person who wants to learn the traditional way. Take a look atthe sample pages, explore the background on brain-based learning,examine the table of contents, and see for yourself how Head First Javatakes learning to a whole new level. See why Tim O'Reilly says, "Thisis the first really new approach to computer books that I've seen inmany years. I think it's going to revolutionize how programming andother complex topics are taught."

Table of Contents:

  • Dive In (a quick dip into Java)
  • Welcome to Objectville (intro to OO)
  • Know your Variables (understanding Java types: primitives, object references, pass-by-value)
  • How objects behave (instance variables and methods)
  • Extra-strength methods (writing more complex code)
  • Using the Java Library (solving problems with the API)
  • Better Living in Objectville (inheritance, OO design, abstract classes)
  • Serious Polymorphism (interfaces, more OO design, polymorphism)
  • Life and Death of an object (constructors and memory management / garbage collection)
  • Do the Math (static methods and variables, Math methods, Wrappers, and number formatting)
  • Risky Behavior (handling exceptions)
  • A very graphic story (GUI intro, inner classes, event handling)
  • Work on your swing (more GUI, layout managers and Swing components)
  • Saving objects (object serialization and file I/O)
  • Make a connection (networking: sockets and server sockets)
  • Release your Code (deployment: code organization, packages, executable JARs, and Java Web Start)
  • Distributed Code (deployment via RMI and Servlets)
java 2: a beginner's guide
Java 2: A Beginner's Guide
Bestselling author and programming guru Herb Schildt brings you Java 2essentials in this newly updated introductory guide. Covering thelatest I/O classes and features, this book teaches you Java 2fundamentals through hands-on projects, end-of-module reviews,annotated code samples, and Q&A sections.
learn to program with java
Learn to Program with Java
Whetheryou are brand new to programming in general or coming to Java fromanother language, John Smiley's Learn to Program with Java offers atruly approachable tutorial designed with the beginner in mind.Covering Java syntax and essential programming concepts, this text canbe used at home to simulate a semester's worth of Java study.

Like Smiley's previous titles, the salient feature of this text isthe author's scenario-based presentation style. Instead of addressingthe reader directly, Smiley simulates the experience of about 18first-semester programming students facing Java for the first time. Asthe students develop a grade calculation project in Java (and improveit with object-oriented features later on), basic questions are raisedand answered with the reader "overhearing" the author's consistentlyclear and patient explanation of key programming concepts.

While this approach is certainly not for those in a hurry, itcan do the trick for the programming newbie. With an extensive Q&Afor each step, Smiley covers most every conceivable obstacle andconfusion. (The questions presented here are drawn from his extensivereal-world teaching experience.)

After covering the basics of today's iterative softwaredevelopment cycle (a reminder to plan before you write any code), thebook implements a grade-averaging program used for several departmentsat a hypothetical college. Smiley rehearses the discussions of thepotential users of this application, as well as the students who thenbuild it. The simple program is a good one as it allows the author tointroduce basic Java syntax, as well as fundamental programmingconcepts (like variables and loops), without getting too bogged down incomplexity.

Once the basic program has been built, Smiley introduces usingobjects to solve the same problem. His guide to basic object-orienteddesign, as well as how to code basic objects in Java, is once againclear and sensible. If the "big picture" behind using objects haseluded you, the practical presentation offered here may well helpthings click. By the end of the book, the final version of the programgets enhanced with support for arrays, plus a basic graphical userinterface built with simple Swing components.

Most introductory programming texts try to cover everything atonce, a temptation that's especially great with the rich (and complex)Java platform. The streamlined set of lessons here help make this titlea good choice for Java newbies who want a patient and reallyapproachable beginner's tutorial.

core java 2, volume i --fundamentals (7th edition)
Core Java 2, Volume I --Fundamentals (7th Edition)
Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of:
  • Generic programming, restrictions and limitations, type bounds, wilcard types, and generic reflection
  • Swing GUI development, including input validation and other enhancements
  • Exception handling and debugging, including chained exceptions, stack frames, assertions, and logging
  • Streams and files, the new I/O API, memory-mapped files, file locking, and character set encoders/decoders
  • Regular expressions using the powerful java.util.regex package
  • Inner classes, reflection, and dynamic proxies
  • Application packaging and the Preferences API

The seventh edition of Core Java 2, Volume I, covers thefundamentals of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Ano-nonsense tutorial and reliable reference, this book featuresthoroughly tested real-world examples. The most important language andlibrary features are demonstrated with deliberately simple sampleprograms, but they aren't fake and they don't cut corners. Moreimportantly, all of the programs have been updated for J2SE 5.0 andshould make good starting points for your own code. You won't find anytoy examples here. This is a book for programmers who want to writereal code to solve real problems.

Volume I concentrates on the fundamental concepts of the Javalanguage, along with the basics of user-interface programming andprovides detailed coverage of

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Reflection and proxies
  • Interfaces and inner classes
  • The event listener model
  • Graphical user-interface design with the Swing UI toolkit
  • Exception handling
  • Stream input/output and object serialization
  • Generic programming
core java 2, volume ii -- advanced features (7th edition)
Core Java 2, Volume II -- Advanced Features (7th Edition)
Completely revised and up-to-date coverage of
  • Multithreading - including the java.util.concurrent library, locks,condition objects, futures, thread pools, thread-safe collections,threads and Swing
  • Collection classes - collections framework, concrete collections, and generic utility methods
  • Annotations and metadata - using annotations to automateprogramming tasks, JDK 5.0 standard annotations, the apt tool forsource-level annotation processing, and bytecode engineering
  • Advanced Swing and AWT - lists, trees, tables, and other advanced components; image processing and printing
  • JavaBeans��including property editors, customizers, and long-term persistence
  • XML�DOM and SAX parsers, XPath, and XSL transformations

The seventh edition of Core Java� 2, Volume II, covers advanceduser-interface programming and the enterprise features of the Java 2Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Like Volume I (which covers the mostimportant language and library features), this book has been completelyupdated and revised for J2SE 5.0. All of the sample programs have beenupdated and carefully crafted to illustrate practical solutions to thetype of real-world problems professional developers encounter.

Volume II includes new sections on annotations and other J2SE 5.0 enhancements, along with complete coverage of:

  • Multithreading
  • Distributed objects
  • Databases
  • JNDI and LDAP
  • Advanced GUI components
  • Native methods
  • XML processing
  • Network programming
  • Collection classes
  • Advanced graphics
  • Internationalization
  • JavaBeans
  • Annotations




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