RAII is a must know technique for c++ programmers (zz)

RAII is a must know technique for c++ programmers, no excuse.


//z 2013-11-13 17:32:19 IS2120@BG57IV3 T3051779025.K.F2671830637[T47,L513,R21,V537]
     RAII ( resource  acquisition is initialization), in a nutshell, is same as " let the object handle the resource ".I use the word  resource  but  not memory , because  RAII  can guard more than memory (mutex, db connnection, socket, file and every resource you can think of).There are many  blogs famous technical forum gurus suggestion , mention and emphasize how important and what  RAII  is.

    C++ is a big, complexity language, I have no idea I need to take how many years to learn every corners of this powerful beast, but we  do not need to  learn all of it. We only need to know the most essential part of c++,  RAII  is one of them.You may not use any  TMP ( template meta programming ) , multi inheritance (please think carefully before you use this feature), design any  allocators , don't know what is  policy based design , have no idea how  type_traits  work, do not familiar with  operator overloading , but you will always find out that  RAII  could help you write good codes, make your codes become much more easier to  maintain read  and more  robust .

   If you don't believe it, let us look at a simple example. 

#include <iostream>
#include <new>

int main()
    int *arr = nullptr;
    int *max = nullptr;
    double *double_arr = nullptr;

    arr = new int[100];
    max = new int(300);
    double_arr = new double[300];

    //.....do something......

    //handle your garbages if something happen
    goto cleanUp;
  }catch(std::bad_alloc const &ex){

      delete []arr;
      arr = nullptr;
      delete max;
      max = nullptr;
      delete []double_arr;
      double_arr = nullptr;

    What is the problem with this example?They are perfectly legal and safe in C++?If you don't get it, let me ask you a problem.

Q : What if we need to handle more resource?

Naive answer(bad practice) : add more if else

The suck codes proposed by the naive answer may look like

#include <iostream>
#include <new>

int main()
    int *arr = nullptr;
    int *max = nullptr;
    double *double_arr = nullptr;
    float *float_max = nullptr;
    float *float_arr = nullptr;

        arr = new int[100];
        max = new int(300);
        double_arr = new double[300];
        float_max = new float(3.14);
        float_arr = new float[300];

        //.....do something......

        //handle your garbages if something happen
        goto cleanUp;
    }catch(std::bad_alloc const &ex){

        delete []arr;
        arr = nullptr;
        delete max;
        max = nullptr;
        delete []double_arr;
        double_arr = nullptr;
        delete float_max;
        float_max = nullptr;
        delete []float_arr;
        float_arr = nullptr;

   You will have to alter  two places  whenever you need to add or delete the resources.This kind of c style codes are  error prone hard to maintain  and  unbearable , they are almost  as worse as (even worse than it if we have to take care of exception) the old school c codes which heavily depends on goto to clean up resources, this kind of codes will become  unreadable  in short times. I believe this is one of the reason why  Bjarne  said " Aim to write idiomatic C++: avoid simply writing code in the style of your previous language using C++ syntax; there is little to be gained from simply changing syntax. ".For any C++ programmers who know how important and powerful  RAII  is, they can't bear this kind of horrible codes.

    How could  RAII  help us?

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <vector>

int main()
   std::vector<int> arr(100);
   std::unique_ptr<int> max(new int(300));
   std::vector<double> double_arr(300);
   std::unique_ptr<double> double_max(new double(300));
   std::vector<float> float_arr(100);
   std::unique_ptr<float> float_max(new float(100));

   //...do something....
   //the object will release the resources automatically
   //even the exceptions thrown

  }catch(std::bad_alloc const &ex){

    Do you see that?The codes become  much more easier to read , because we don't need to release the resource manually, we don't need to change the codes in two places.The codes become more robust , because we  will not forget  to release the resources again.More than that, it is  exception safe too.

    There are many kinds of coding standards, rules in many teams, not all coding standards suit for all teams and all applications.Whatever it is,  RAII  is a  must know technique  and should be obey when you can. If you are using  delete  in your codes, maybe you are doing something  wrong  or writing worse codes  in C++, even you need to use delete(building some infrastructures, like smart pointer, containers and so on), do remember to  protect it by object,   always remember  to follow the rule of RAII .Pointer is  good at   access data , but  not resource management , leave your resource to class( RAII ).

    In my humble opinion, if a C++ programmer don't know the concepts of  RAII , he/she will generate lower quality, worse performance, less reliable codes  most of the times(just like the suck codes show by the examples).  It is always a good question to test your interviewers, ask them they notice how important  RAII  in C++ or not.If they don't know it, don't hire them(or teach them if you think the candidates are worth to).If you were an interviewer and find out the company don't take  RAII  seriously, then I bet the codes of this company must be  extremely messy, buggy, hard to maintain and stinking . The more you realize about how important  RAII  is, the more you can't stand with those  alien artifacts
//z 2013-11-13 17:32:19 IS2120@BG57IV3 T3051779025.K.F2671830637[T47,L513,R21,V537]






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