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转载 [WCF]WCF起航

解决方案概览:Client:windows 控制台应用程序。WcfService1: windows 服务应用程序。WCFWebTest:asp.net 空web应用程序。变量程序命名、结构可能不是那么规范,重点在与说明问题。建立WCF服务项目。在解决方案上面点右键->添加->新建项目->wcf服务应用程序(图标是...

2015-01-26 13:31:00 131

转载 FastReport 数据过滤

FastReport 数据过滤在DataBind 的 OnBeforePrint 设置条件例:显示 大于0 的数据procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);begin MasterData1.Visible := (<FxDB."Counts">)...

2014-05-27 14:35:00 1338

转载 [Oracle]TRIGGER

题外话:Oracle 的使用。以前客户方用的是SQL SERVER,一直在用SQL SERVER,感觉SQL SERVER的用户体验非常好。不管是开发环境的界面布局到SQL 的写法上,感觉写起来颇为流畅。后来开始用PL/SQL之后,觉得有时候会很别扭,感觉用户界面体验差一些,SQL写起来也是很别扭。每句话基本上都要有一个分号,而且,select 有时候还需要...

2013-06-19 15:12:00 77

转载 [技巧]PL/SQL Developer 打开clob类型提示:无效句柄

应该是PL/SQL的本身bug,打开Print Spooler 系统服务,一切就正常了!转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Xuhaiyang/archive/2012/10/19/2731125.html

2012-10-19 15:29:00 360

转载 [ProjectManager]关于word看不到图片的情况


2012-09-10 15:54:00 228

转载 [Look Back into My First Year]


2012-08-04 16:15:00 59

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery Event

CodeDescriptionExamplebind(eventType,data,handler)||bind(eventMap)bind function to the elementexample1unbind(eventType,listener)||unbind(event)one(eventTy...

2012-07-12 16:56:00 98

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery JavaScript Object fundamentals extend

Let's continue the last section.I want to show my idea by a comprehensive example.<html> <head> <title>I like that</title> &lt...

2012-07-12 16:54:00 78

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery Event Handle-JavaScript Object fundamentals

At first,If you are greate deeply in studying the JavaScript.You can take this artical as a little case.Now,we are going to concentrate on the fundamental concepts that we need to make them...

2012-07-12 16:52:00 107

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery element properties and attributes

CodeDescriptionExampleattr(name)Obtains the value assigned to the specified attribute for the first element in the matched set$('#myImage').attr('title');attr(name,va...

2012-07-12 16:50:00 93

转载 [jQuery Note]Managing jQuery chains

CodeDescriptionExampleend();Used with a chain of jQuery methods to back up the current wrapped set to a previously returned set.example 1example 1$('img').filter(...

2012-07-12 16:46:00 84

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery Control your wrapped set

The previous article records some CSS-Selector and Custom jQuery-Selector.Today,let's talk about how to control your wrapped set.$('#someDiv').html('There are '+$('a').size()+' link(s) in ...

2012-07-12 16:44:00 111

转载 [jQuery Note]jQuery Selector 3

The previous article records some position-selector.Today,let's find more about CSS-selector and custom jQuery-selector.codeDescriptionexample:buttonmatch the only butto...

2012-07-12 16:42:00 113

转载 [JQuery Note]Selector 2

The previous article records some attribute-selector and CSS-selector.Today ,let's dig in some more about position-selector.Sometime,we may need to select element by their position on t...

2012-07-05 16:18:00 82

转载 [JQuery Note]Selector 1

Codeeffectexample#+idselect the specific controller whose id is that$(#mytable)elementselect all the element whose name is that$(in...

2012-07-05 16:16:00 78

转载 [Java Web Study Note]Response,Request Collation

Long time to see.Request & Reponse are like two paper of ourmedicalrecord.As everyoneknows, Request page has two attributes,one is Parameter,the other is Attribute.Parameter doesn...

2012-07-01 16:03:00 123

转载 【Programing Thinking】Refactoring

Code refactoring   is a "disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior", undertaken in order to impro...

2012-06-04 12:59:00 100

转载 【DataBase Access】ODBC JDBC (Continued)

I have found sth interesting from a video of Java technique.The origin of the ODBC.Hong Li has a supermarket named Wal-Mart,Lei Zhang also has a supermarket named RT-Mart.Li doesn't have...

2012-06-03 18:02:00 91

转载 【FastReport】问题整理(不断更新)

分页合计:  直接在页脚上增加一个Sum(对应字段)函数即可。分页上显示累计:  需要在MasterData1 的 OnAfterPrint 事件里写下代码如下。var sum_t,sum_t1,sum_t2:extended; //sum_t 总合计procedure MasterData1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxCompone...

2012-05-31 17:12:00 254

转载 【Data Access Interface】JDBC,ODBC

JDBCThe Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API is the industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the Java programming language and a wide range of databases – SQL databases ...

2012-05-28 14:57:00 109

转载 【Java Web StudyNote】JavaBean

<jsp:useBean id="hello" class="org.perterxu.demo.Hello" scope="page"/>id:实例化对象。class:包名+类名的方式。scope:作用范围JavaBean修改后,必须重启容器才可以。<Context path="/demo" docBase="D:\PeterXu\webdemo" ...

2012-05-10 20:40:00 102

转载 【Java Web StudyNote】JSP implicit objects 2

Request Object.request.setCharacterEncoding()进行转码,当然这样的页面设置,我觉得是在页面跳转之后,跳到其他语音页面的时候比较好用。因为我的一个朋友告诉我是可以进行过滤器(filter)设置的。Get、Post提交Get提交:地址栏发生改变,但是长度太长Post提交:地址栏不改变,但是后台提交内容过多容易造成超时。...

2012-05-09 20:29:00 71

转载 【Java Web StudyNote】JSP implicit objects

There are 9 implicit objects in the JSP.top 51.pageContext.2.request.3.response.4.session.5.application.else6.config.7.out.8.page.9.exception.First,let's find the so...

2012-05-07 22:07:00 113

转载 【Java Web 学习笔记】Regex

I would have note something about theBuild-in Object,however I want to bring the Regex in front.OK.Regex.Firstly,I'd like to recommend a website to you.http://manual.phpv.net/regular_exp...

2012-05-03 22:36:00 80

转载 【Java Web 学习笔记】Day 2 JSP的基本语法

1.注释按照正常的分类来说,其实Jsp里面的注释只有一种。就是传统的HTML注释。如下图所示:<!--HI,I am annotation.-->当然,因为JSP页面支持Java代码的缘故,可以把代码或者注释的话以Java的注释的方式出现:<% //I am another type of annotation.%>...

2012-05-02 20:03:00 75

转载 【Java Web 学习笔记】Day 1 Tomcat 6.x的配置

两个比较重要的配置文件:conf/web.xml <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />--传说中的端口号设置,貌似还有个超时时间设置,据说8...

2012-05-01 09:35:00 72

转载 【Oracle 学习笔记】Day 4 临时表、游标

一、临时表今天看了下临时表,感觉比较容易,没有想象的那么复杂。--会话级别的Create Global Temporary Table Table_Name ( Col1 Type1,Col2 Type2...) On Commit Preserve Rows ;--其实翻译的也挺人性化的,会话级别的临时表,在提交事务的时候保留行--...

2012-04-28 11:07:00 126

转载 【Oracle 学习笔记】Day 3 存储过程及函数

Producedure&Functioncreate or replace package TestPack is -- Author : ADMINISTRATOR -- Created : 2012-4-27 14:01:29 -- Purpose : 测试 type myCursor is ref cursor; p...

2012-04-27 15:32:00 103

转载 【Oracle 学习笔记】Day 2 视图、序列、同义词

视图额。。不要笑话我。我现在才知道视图是可以进行UPDATE的,那当然连DELETE也可以了。汗一个。这里呢,强调两个后缀。with check optionwith Read onlyCreate view Materials_viewasselect * from Materials where MaterialCode like '9%'wi...

2012-04-26 14:28:00 67

转载 【Oracle 学习笔记】Day 1 常用函数整理(转换、DeCode),表的外键

select Convert(varchar,Convert(money,TaxExValue),1) from A--Result2,794.8758,119.661,367.52对于SQL Server来说,进行金额的转换,可以按照上面的操作那样,会自动将金额处理为两位小数,并用逗号分隔小数点前面的数字。当然可以用字符串拼接的方式,将金额符号加...

2012-04-25 17:56:00 62

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 4-3 Static续

内容比较简单。1.单例设计模式。单例模式 1 public class TestSingleClass { 2 private static TestSingleClass _instance = null; 3 4 private TestSingleClass() { 5 6 } 7 8 public ...

2012-04-19 19:55:00 75

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 4-2 Static 关键字及Java内存区域

Think In Java 关于Static的介绍Copy From Think in Java通常,我们创建类时会指出那个类的对象的外观与行为。除非用new创建那个类的一个对象,否则实际上并未得到任何东西。(注意,这里其实就是说的引用和真正的对象创建问题)只有执行了new后,才会正式生成数据存储空间,并可使用相应的方法。但在两种特殊的情形下,上述方法并不堪用。一种情...

2012-04-19 17:35:00 80

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 4-1 String、StringBuilder和StringBuffer后续

感觉昨天测试的结果总有哪里不对,又去网上查了查,结果发现 有的地方说JVM在解析形如String a="Hello"+" Java"+"!!";这样的地方的时候,会直接解析为:String a="Hello Java !!";而相反的,用StringBuilder和StringBuffer的时候,还是会按照原来的拼接方式。那人没有提供测试代码,就直接说String的效...

2012-04-19 14:35:00 97

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 3 String及StringBuilder及StringBuffer 【待整理】

从网上搜了一些内容,觉得说的不是那么容易理解,有的说的也不大正确,所以,在这里整理一下。因为现在一直用.Net C#么,所以也同样的对比一下。Java手生,写的代码不好,不要笑话。View Code 1 import java.util.Calendar; 2 3 public class TestString { 4 5 public ...

2012-04-18 19:13:00 68

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 1 String类的学习及堆栈的若干问题 (待整理)

这篇是补上昨天的,内容说的比较笼统,方便大家理解。String 类String类 是 java.long 包中最常用的一个类先来一个简单的例子 1 public class ClassTest { 2 public static void classTest() { 3 String str1; 4 5 ...

2012-04-17 22:39:00 105

转载 【Java学习笔记】Day 2 java的封装性(待整理)

今天是回顾学习的第二天,因为之前学习过一遍javase的基础知识,有些内容有点遗忘了,现在回顾式的查缺补漏,把更多的没有记住的知识点记录在这个地方,方便以后查看。类的表示方法实例代码 1 public class Person { 2 3 private String name; 4 5 private int age; 6 ...

2012-04-17 20:29:00 60

转载 【SQL SERVER】Convert Float to Varchar

Today,my customer asked me to import data to the database(SQL Server 2008 r2).One of the columns whose type is varchar in the database,however unknow type in excel tab,records the code informat...

2012-04-17 14:33:00 230



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