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转载 日常口语十

I really appreciate for your help.Thanks so much for your flower.Execuse me, where is the train station?What do you think?What do you think about Apple versus Adriod?How does that sound...

2019-09-11 22:59:00 143

转载 日常口语九

Remember improving English and learning multiple languages really helps open up a lot of career doors.Are you free now?Do you like spicy food?If you like this lesson, please give me a t...

2019-09-05 23:40:00 109

转载 日常口语八

I am under a lot of pressure at work.You should have a long vacation.I know, but I really don't have the time.Society is changing rapidly, more and more people are suffering from stress....

2019-09-04 23:23:00 117

转载 日常口语七

The teacher told us to contemplate about the meaning of life.She is contemplating buying a new car.My wife is still on the fence about whether she will take the job or not.She is still o...

2019-09-04 09:52:00 80

转载 日常口语五

Hi, guys, Thanks for joining me for another lesson today.Today, we'll be learning how to think in English, it's so important to learn to think in English.Because when you can think in English...

2019-09-02 23:40:00 85

转载 日常口语五

Before we begin today's lesson, I want to tell you some amazing news.How many common words have you been mispronouncing?I usually eat eggs for breakfast.You could be a doctor.You woul...

2019-08-31 23:09:00 85

转载 日常口语四

I want to confess something to you.What's up, guys? Hope you are enjoying the beautiful hot day.I hear many of my Chinese students say this to me: my English is so poor.I was talking wit...

2019-08-29 23:14:00 88

转载 日常口语三

I think of you as more than a friend.I am crazy for you.I am headover feels for you.You are everything to me.You make me the happiest person alive.I think I am falling for you.I love...

2019-08-27 23:02:00 88

转载 日常口语二

when I get out of bed in the morning, the first thing I do is pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste.then I turn on the faucet, run some water over my toothbrush, squeeze some toothpaste on i...

2019-08-24 23:01:00 117

转载 日常口语总结

It's time to get ready for work, so I have to leave.I got back home at six PM o'clock, then I took off work clothes and changed into some casual clothes.Please close the curtains.I...

2019-08-22 23:00:00 115

转载 看电影学英语十

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oyV89h1o5UWhat do you want from me? Yes?My, my grandma wanted me to tell youthat she was missed you at ChristmasYeah, well I couldn't have gone any...

2019-08-12 22:47:00 161

转载 英语口语会话十

1. 我们在哪见过吗?Have we met?You must be Purr.2. 非常高兴最后见到你了I am very happy to finally meet you. / I'm delighted to meet you.I am glad to hear that.3.你能帮我个忙吗?Can you do me a favor? /...

2019-07-31 23:23:00 109

转载 看电影学英语九

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YaoC14lpykWe need it to say "hello",You are not hearing me. It's not going to say.-- Fix itFix it? // Yeah. // Ha.Ha.Ha. In forty minutes? // Fix it...

2019-07-30 23:13:00 147

转载 英语口语会话九

1.你的头发怎么了?What happened to your hair? / What happened?I got a haircut.2. 你觉得我的头发怎么样?What do you think of my new haircut?How do you like it?I like it very much.It suits you.(很适合你)...

2019-07-29 22:46:00 156

转载 英语口语会话八

1.他们多收我钱了They overcharged me!2.你能再检查下账单吗?Can you double-check the bill, please?3.我有点不开心了,这事以前也发生过I was a bit upset.This has happened to me before.4.他们向我道歉了They apologized to me....

2019-07-25 23:23:00 125

转载 看电影学英语八

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PW-_XkNueEThis is space, It does not cooperate.At some point, everything's going to go south on you.everything's going to go south, and you're going t...

2019-07-24 23:24:00 218

转载 Linux command line and shell scripting buble

Chapter 4 More bash shell Commands1. psps -ef2. top3. kill 3940kill -s HUP 3940killall http*4. dfdf -h5. dudu -h6. sortsort -nsort -rsort -t ":" -k 3 -n...

2019-07-24 00:00:00 273

转载 英语口语会话七

1.你要去哪啊?Where are you going?To see my sister downtown2.她什么时候搬过来的?When did she move here?Ten years ago3.她住在一个公寓里.She lives in an apartment downtown4.快5点了It's almost five O'clock...

2019-07-23 23:12:00 105

转载 看电影学英语七

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8_fY2m3NG4&list=PL27A5D7DE7D02373A&index=10Tonight I'm meeting up with some friends in the west village for pizza.We may stay in the west village a...

2019-07-22 22:43:00 92

转载 英语口语会话六

1.去看医生,医生可能会问你What brings you here today?What’s the matter? My knees hurt. My knees are in pain. It’s painful to watch that.2.持续多长时间了?How long has it been? About/Roughly three...

2019-07-18 23:04:00 101

转载 看电影学英语六

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKv4oc2zbeAThis year, the fall baking weekend was a little bit different because now we have not just one kid,not just two kids, but three kids, includ...

2019-07-17 23:32:00 199

转载 英语口语会话五

1. 你参加了昨天的party吗?Did you go to the party last night?2. 你玩的开心吗?Did you have a good time?3.你几点离开的?What time did you leave the party?(I don’t know. I was having a really good time. I thi...

2019-07-16 23:12:00 177

转载 看电影学英语五

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXOqZ5QyszwHey kids, as you know, I'm one of the producers on your movie.Good Boys, and unfortunately, I'm here with bad news.You guys cannot watch the tr...

2019-07-14 22:59:00 221

转载 英语口语会话四

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzgs-LvOdE01. 你每天自己做晚饭吗?Do you cook dinner every nightcook 表示做饭,做名词时表示做饭的人, cooker表示做事的工具(锅瓦瓢盆)2. 要开饭了dinner is ready3. 摆桌子Could you set the ta...

2019-07-09 09:30:00 150

转载 看电影学英语四

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cJSRC1VAJo&list=PL27A5D7DE7D02373A&index=19Tonight David and I are going out to dinner with two friends,a double date. We both got sitters,...

2019-07-07 22:48:00 301

转载 grep命令

grep命令非常强大,平时也经常使用grep命令来搜索。这里记录最常用的grep命令一.常用的grep命令1. grep -wgrep -w表示匹配一个完整的单词,而不是常用的模糊匹配。比如有如下内容:$cat employee.txt100 Thomas Manager Sales $5,000200 Jason Develope...

2019-07-06 12:01:00 1082

转载 英语口语会话三

1. 你早上几点起床What time do you get up?2.我把我的闹钟设为5点I set my alarm for 5 a.m.3.我闹钟5点钟响my alarm goes off at 5 a.m.4.赶快关掉你的闹钟Turn off your alarm5. 请在早上五点叫醒我can you wake me up tomorr...

2019-07-06 10:18:00 187

转载 英语口语会话二

1. 祝你今天过得愉快Have a nice dayHave a good one2. 几点了?What time is it?Do you have the time?3.今天星期几?What day is it?It is Monday4. 今天几号?What's the date today?5.有时我们没听清别人说什么?What d...

2019-07-06 10:17:00 96

转载 英语口语会话一

1. 我感觉身体有一点不舒服I'm feeling a bit under the weatherI'm not feeling well.注意身体上感觉不舒服,不能用uncomfortable, uncomfortable不是指身体上不舒服。如果说你坐的椅子不舒服,可以用uncomfortable.I don't like this chair ,it's uncomf...

2019-07-06 10:16:00 199

转载 看电影学英语三

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyy4wKhO-ZE&list=PL27A5D7DE7D02373A&index=3&t=0sIf you find this recording, don't feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end , just ...

2019-07-04 23:57:00 282

转载 看电影学英语二

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCF2_0G337Ywhat are you guys laughing at?oh, i wouldn't worry about itYou said something funny, didn't you?The guys a joke machine.oh, someone...

2019-07-03 23:51:00 215

转载 看电影学英语一

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuLIUtrSE-g&t=538sI apologize, okay?I want to know where you were.Denise and i went to a rally to hear Gloria Steinem speak.What ?Gloria ste...

2019-07-03 22:29:00 267

转载 Awk命令

1.Awk命令语法1.1 执行单个命令awk的基本语法:awk -Fs '/pattern/ {action}' input-file-F为字段分界符,如果不指定,则默认空格为分隔符/pattern/ 和{action}需要用单引号包起来,/pattern/是可选的,如果没有,则默认对所有行都执行action.如果指定,则只对匹配的行执行action...

2019-07-02 17:20:00 137

转载 Sed命令

脚本命令如果不经常使用,那么很容易忘记,所以这里记录下,经常使用到的一些脚本命令。忘记的时候,看下笔记也能够快速捡起来1.Sed命令语法sed [options] {sed-commands} {input-file}sed 首先从 input-file 中读取第一行,然后执行所有的 sed-commands;再读取第二行,执行所有 se...

2019-07-01 19:20:00 110

转载 人这一生的本质是什么?

  <<the road less traveled>> 告诉我们,人这一生的本质是什么?人这一生的本质是:不断面对问题和解决问题的过程。  当你深刻明白这个道理后(前面说过听别人说和自己深刻意识到是两码事),你在人生过程中遇到的任何问题,你都会泰然处理,你的人生也就没有什么问题了。  如果没有意识到人生的本质是面对问题和解决问题的过程,那么当你遇到...

2019-06-29 19:15:00 100

转载 Spring原理系列一:Spring Bean的生命周期

一.前言    在日常开发中,spring极大地简化了我们日常的开发工作。spring为我们管理好bean, 我们拿来就用。但是我们不应该只停留在使用层面,深究spring内部的原理,才能在使用时融汇贯通。  这是spring原理系列的第一篇,本篇主要讲解spring容器中bean的生命周期。这是基础,先从全貌上了解spring bean的生命周期,有利于我们更好地深入理解bea...

2019-06-28 17:28:00 105

转载 连音发音规则

1. vowel + vowel(1) If the first sound is [i], [aɪ], [eɪ], or [ɔɪ], add a Y sound [j] to connect:[i]: [ɔɪ]: [aɪ]: [eɪ]:for example:the apple [ði‿ˈjæ pәl]toy a...

2019-06-28 00:04:00 258

转载 从今天开始


2019-06-27 13:49:00 75



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