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原创 Useful Rescoure

Useful Rescoure

2008-07-14 02:07:00 678

原创 Normal advisory services of UI advisory company

Normally,UI advisory company can provide below service to custom User Experience Testing Localization Service Expert Reviews Focus Groupsthe service Object is not only Webs

2008-07-13 09:39:00 323

转载 The User Experience Honeycomb

User Experience Honeycomb designed by Peter Morville’s ,from uers ascpect,i think we should be meet those requirement when we design UIFigure 1. The User Experience HoneycombHeres how Peter Mor

2008-07-13 09:27:00 878

原创 UE(User experience design) is defined by Wikipedia

UE is defined by Wikipedia as below:User experience design is a subset of the field of experience design which pertains to the creation of the architecture and interaction models which impact a user

2008-07-13 09:15:00 579

原创 Customiza Event for Custom Component

To design a loosely coupled component to handle the dispatching of an event that con- tains the return data, each MXML custom component dispatches events that can be cus- tomized in three simple steps

2008-07-11 17:36:00 323

原创 custom composite component--createChildren()

As a best practice, when you create a control you can use the method createChildren(),overwritten so a subclass can create a different child instead. In the ActionScript classof the custom composi

2008-07-11 16:02:00 263

原创 Handling events within custom components

Dec:use ArrayCollection as dataPrivider,due to it can update by refresh(),instead of Array(),Event:when you select a value on Combox,the width of Combox is changedbelow is Code for it---com.flex

2008-07-11 11:56:00 308

原创 Creating ActionScript components-for Customerlize a Combox

create an ActionScript component that will automatically insert this string as the firstvalue to be displayed in the ComboBoxpackage com.flexsolutions.chapter2{ import mx.collections.ArrayColl

2008-07-11 01:28:00 382

原创 Creating and invoking MXML

Compoent.mxml Page: Main Page:<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" l

2008-07-10 20:18:00 196

原创 stopPropagation

You can call either the events stopPropagation() method or the stopImmediatePropagation() method to prevent an Event object from continuing on its way through the event flow. <![CDATA[

2008-07-10 11:41:00 583

原创 Apprication excute order

preloader->systemManager->FlexApplication started...-->preinitializetriggered before all initialization,without the definition any sub-component,but can refer the various of component-->initia

2008-07-10 10:50:00 317

原创 Hierarchical order in Flex event Model

<mx:Panel x="111" y="69" width="250" height="200" layout="absolute" title="Handling system Event" creationComplete="event_txt.text += (/n Panel creationComplete fired)" initializ

2008-07-09 15:42:00 277

原创 Three way for Binding Application

<![CDATA[ import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils; public function doBinding(){ BindingUtils.bi

2008-07-09 15:12:00 291

原创 Customize Component-Combox

--CbRegion.as--package com.flexsolutions.chapter1{ import mx.controls.ComboBox; public class CbRegion extends ComboBox { private var lazio:Array=new Array["Roma","Frosinone

2008-07-09 01:29:00 345

原创 Flex CSS control-by StyleManager class

global selector can also be defined through the StyleManager classIn the example, the same properties defined with the CSS global selector will be applied,this time using the ActionScript StyleMan

2008-07-08 23:50:00 482



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