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------------------------------------------------------------- XPlite 2000lite Professional (c) LitePC Technologies Pty Ltd 1999-2008. http://www.litepc.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Start =========== Thank you for trying our XPlite free trial! The XPlite trial will also work on Windows 2000! That抯 right - one program for BOTH operating systems. We currently distribute both an XPlite and 2000lite program as there are some advanced features coming in a future version that require we split them. XPlite/2000lite Professional is entirely self-contained. There is no bulky installation program and no un-installation program. They are not needed. Just place the program where YOU want it. 1) Copy XPlite_TRIAL.exe to your Windows XP/2000 desktop (or any location you prefer) 2) Double click on the program icon to start. 3) Add and Remove Windows Components Yes it really is that easy! Introduction ============= ** Windows the way YOU want it! ** XPlite and 2000lite Professional give YOU the power to set up YOUR machine the way YOU want! The power to remove unwanted features, the power to remove upgrades that go bad, the power to strip potential security and privacy threats out by the roots. XPlite\2000lite is a world class configuration utility that enhances Windows by creating many modular operating system components that you can choose to install or remove from your system. Pick and choose which features YOU need or YOU want! More than a powerful configuration utility - 2000lite gives you amazing control to repair Windows as well. If a particular technology gives you trouble you can completely remove it, and then reinstall it as cleanly as the day Windows was first installed on your computer. The ultimate security system? There can be little argument that certain Microsoft technologies have proven themselves to put your privacy, security and system stability at risk. The sheer number of Windows Update security fixes that are released on an almost daily basis testify to this fact. You can choose alternate technologies to avoid the security risks, yet the flawed components remain on your system unused, until the next irresponsible hacker or malicious script takes advantage of the situation. Everybody should be running with the latest patches and Service Packs - but is this enough? 2000lite allows you to completely remove features that might put you at risk. For example - many email viruses use Outlook Express and the Windows Address Book to invade your privacy and that of your associates whose addresses you have stored. If you choose to use an alternate email system then XPlite\2000lite allows you to totally remove Outlook Express and the Windows Address Book from your system. Now you *know* you are protected once and for all! Modular by design! - What comes out?goes back in! What if you change your mind and want to reinstall one of the system components that you previously uninstalled? No problem! Each uninstaller is coupled with an equally powerful installer so you can recover uninstalled components. It is as easy as ticking a check box. Safety! ====== XPlite is 100% compatible with Windwos XP System Restore. You can remove EVERY basic feature in XPlite and still have the full protection of System Restore provided you have allowed enough disk space for the changes to be stored (The disk space setting is adjustable under the My Computer properties System Restore tab. If you find something amiss just restore to an earlier time. XPlite will set a restore point before making any changes to your system and it will warn you first if the restore point can not be set. Source Files ============ When installing optional components, XP\2000lite intelligently knows which files have been updated by Microsoft Service packs. Your Operating system will have a cache of Service Pack installation files occupying a considerable amount of space in your Windows folder. If you remove these you will need to have a local source of service pack files available for your operating system. If you purchased 2000lite on CDROM then we have included the most recent Service Pack (at the time of purchase) on the CDROM. You can also download the full network installation from Microsoft (Windows 2000 SP4 is over 100MB). Use the XP\2000lite Preferences Dialog to set the correct path to your Service Pack source files. You should *NOT* simply point the Service Pack Source path to your regular Windows 2000 CDROM as this may result in downgrading of system files on your computer and potentially the re-introduction of bugs that were fixed by Microsoft in the Service Packs. If you find the setup engine is asking you for the locations of your setup files then you should set the location in the preferences tab. The ideal source for filesof the same Service Pack level as your current installation is a single "Slipstreamed" CDROM that is of the same level so that you do not have to juggle CDROMs between the original version, and the Service Pack files. Simply point both paths to the single slipstreamed CDROM that has the appropriate file versions on it. Features ======== XPlite gives you full command over the Windows File Protection (WFP) feature. Windows File Protection is a powerful Windows feature that prevents system files from being overwritten by poorly designed application and driver installers. However the side effect is that users are prevented from controlling their own systems. XPlite has been specifically engineered to work with the WFP feature so that changes to the system are monitored and continually protected afterwards. XPlite must disable WFP in order to customize the operating system, but after the system is set up the way you want WFP is re-enabled and you continue with a protected operating system.! You can read more about Windows File Protection on Microsoft's web site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/wfp/setup/about_windows_file_protection. asp http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;222193 Advanced Features ================= XPlite\2000lite is an extremely powerful application that has the caperbility to remove core system files, services and deeply rooted registry trees. We have grouped some of the more "serious" components into an Advanced Features section of the Add\Remove options tree. To enable the advanced features check the checkbox in the user preference tab. Be very careful. While you will not crash your machine, you may loose a function that you didnt know you needed if you remove many of the advanced features. For example it is possible to eliminate all microsoft networking and you will no longer be able to share files between machines on a Microsoft network. If in doubt - leave the advanced features installed. It is an easy process to re-install features if you think you removed something you need. Just tick the box and let XPlite re-install the feature as if it was installed for the first time. The Future ========== As a licensed XPlite Professional customer you have access to our latest beta files for the next version also. We will be adding a lot more features to the add\remove list as well as some other very nice utilities that will scan the driver files and weed out some redundancy. Your license ============ You must not redistribute LitePC Technologies software to anyone or allow anyone else to access your secure download area using your license information. Licenses, passwords or Activation Keys found "circulating" on the internet will result in your License being revoked immediately and your download access removed from the servers. Each License and Activation Key is unique for each user. It is your responsibility to keep this information private. If your license "gets out" it is your fault and you will forfeit your access for future downloads and upgrades. Please keep your license secure. Our computer programs are protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of all or parts of our programs may result in prosecution. Please don抰 forget this is your private copy for your personal use only. If you require a site license or want to use our technology to distribute pre-configured systems then you need to obtain the appropriate license from http://www.litepc.com Your Login http://www.litepc.com/login.html Support: http://www.litepc.com/support.html LitePC Technologies Pty Ltd Windows YOUR way! Phone (Australia): +61-3-9876-7792 http://www.litepc.com http://www.embeddingwindows.com -------------------------------------------------------------






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