select t2.area_code
from (
select area_code,
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end) `one`, --一季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end) `two`, --二季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end) `three`, --三季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end) `four` --四季度GDP指标
from macro_index_data
where area_code = '440305000000' --罗湖区
and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' --GDP指标
and index_type = 'TB' --增速
and year('occur_period') = 2020 --2020年
group by area_code
) t1
join (
select area_code,
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end) `one`, --一季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end) `two`, --二季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end) `three`, --三季度GDP指标
sum(case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end) `four` --四季度GDP指标
from macro_index_data
where area_code <> '440305000000' --其它区
and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' --GDP指标
and index_type = 'TB' --增速
and year('occur_period') = 2020 --2020年
group by area_code
) t2 on t2.one > t1.one
and t2.two > t1.two
and t2.three > t1.three
and t2.four > t1.four;