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转载 SQL语法速查

这篇东东非常好,如获至宝!放这儿当速查手册用吧。●SQL定义:SQL是一种面向数据库的通用数据处理语言规范,能完成以下几类功能:提取查询数据,插入修改删除数据,生成修改和删除数据库对象,数据库安全控制,数据库完整性及数据保护控制。    ●SQL分类:  DDL—数据定义语言(CREATE,ALTER,DROP,DECLARE)  DML—数据操纵语言(SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,I

2008-10-29 21:02:00 970 1

原创 C#轻松仿造Vista风格窗体


2008-10-29 14:58:00 796

转载 JavaScript 中文教程

© 1996 by Stefan Koch - All rights reserved.

2008-10-27 21:47:00 539

转载 正则表达式30分钟入门教程

正则表达式30分钟入门教程版本:v2.3 (2008-4-13) 作者:deerchao 转载请注明来源目录跳过目录本文目标如何使用本教程正则表达式到底是什么东西?入门测试正则表达式元字符字符转义重复字符类分枝条件反义分组后向引用零宽断言负向零宽断言注释贪婪与懒惰处理选项平衡组/递归匹配还有些什么东西没提到联系作者最后,来点广告...网上的资源及本文参考文献更新说明本文目标30分钟内让你明白正则表

2008-10-26 17:15:00 594

转载 保证相同类型的MDI子窗体只会被打开一次的方法


2008-10-20 17:31:00 947

原创 A Page Turn Effect Using C#


2008-10-20 16:19:00 837

转载 谈基于.net平台windows开发中的模式窗体

 发布日期: 2006-04-23 | 更新日期: 2006-05-05 | 转帖日期:2008-10-13作者:郑佐适用于: Windows 操作系统 .NET Framework 1.x,2.0运行时环境 .NET Windows开发Visual Studio 2005 摘要:本文阐述了在基于.NET平台的Windows程序开发中使用模式窗体的诸多方面,部分内容延伸到一般窗体的应用。单击此处下

2008-10-13 22:32:00 744

转载 如何使label背景透明

最主要的,2点:     1。Me.Label1.BackColor   =   System.Drawing.Color.Transparent           先设置背景为透明     2。还有一点。就是需要指定父控件:           me.controls.remove(Label1)           me.PictureBox1.Controls.Add(Label1)这句

2008-10-13 14:29:00 2216 1

原创 C#给MDI主窗口添加背景


2008-10-12 18:52:00 1449

转载 C#中水晶报表实例

 解决方案-->右击添加新建项-->Crystal报表-->确定,出现如下图表:按确定,(使用报表向导) 800)this.width=800;if(this.height>600)this.height=600;">确定后出现如下图: 800)this.width=800;if(this.height>600)this.height=600;"

2008-10-08 23:56:00 7737 8

转载 手把手教你用C#打包应用程序(安装程序)【卸载模块已添加】

 1:新建安装部署项目打开VS,点击新建项目,选择:其他项目类型->安装与部署->安装向导(安装项目也一样),然后点击确定.(详细见下图)此主题相关图片如下: 2:安装向导关闭后打开安装向导,点击下一步,或者直接点击完成.3:开始制作安装向导完成后即可进入项目文件夹:双击"应用程序文件夹"在右边的空白处右击,选择添加->文件,将你的做的应用程序的可执行文件和相应的类库和组件

2008-10-06 14:55:00 863

转载 既然爱了,就别放手!

人的一生,就像是一趟旅行,每个人都坐在时间的列车上,有了起点,便不知道哪一站是终点……   或许正是因为人生太短暂、太仓促,上帝就安排了一对对男女美丽的邂逅,幸福的牵手……这个世界也因为充满了爱而更加绚丽多姿!   可你发觉了吗?爱在一开始,总是甜蜜的,因为你会感觉到多一个人陪,多一个人帮你分担,便不再孤单、落寞。有一个人在想着你、恋着你、盼着你,那时,做任何事都是那样的美妙。   但是,随着彼此

2008-10-05 19:46:00 624

转载 七个受用一生的心理寓言

(一)成长的寓言:做一棵永远成长的苹果树 一棵苹果树,终于结果了。 第一年,它结了10个苹果,9个被拿走,自己得到1个。对此,苹果树愤愤不平,于是自断经脉,拒绝成长。第二年,它结了5个苹果,4个被拿走,自己得到1个。“哈哈,去年我得到了10%,今年得到20%!翻了一番。”这棵苹果树心理平衡了。 但是,它还可以这样:继续成长。譬如,第二年,它结了100个果子,被拿走90个,自己得到10个。 很可能,

2008-10-05 19:33:00 601

转载 必须掌握的八个【cmd 命令行】

一,ping      它是用来检查网络是否通畅或者网络连接速度的命令。作为一个生活在网络上的管理员或者黑客来说,ping命令是第一个必须掌握的DOS命令,它所利用的原理是这样的:网络上的机器都有唯一确定的IP地址,我们给目标IP地址发送一个数据包,对方就要返回一个同样大小的数据包,根据返回的数据包我们可以确定目标主机的存在,可以初步判断目标主机的操作系统等。下面就来看看它的一些常用的操作。先看看

2008-10-05 17:46:00 639

转载 c#上传图片到文件夹

前台:http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >     无标题页                                                                 照片上传               

2008-10-05 17:12:00 1233

原创 C# Web 中,label 的换行与对齐

 左对齐: 换行:    LB_text.Text=news_text.Text.Replace("/n", "");  测试成功!

2008-10-05 11:34:00 3010

转载 当客户访问一个需登陆的页面时会转到登陆页面,当客户登陆成功后会自动跳转到客户登陆前的那个页面,请问该如何实现?

page_load中写: if(!this.IsPostBack) { if(Request.UrlReferrer!=null){ string url=Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();//取出上一页的URL ViewState["url"]=url;//存起来. } } 登录成功后: string url=""; if(ViewState["url"]!=null

2008-10-04 12:14:00 3677

转载 C#编写QQ接口软件--QQ协议篇

1、找寻支持QQ HTTP协议的服务器。大家也许会被一些假像所迷惑,也许会认为QQ的HTTP服务器是基于80口进行通信的(如:,其实不然,正真基于HTTP的服务器应该是:http://tqq.tencent.com:8000,它是一个通过8000口进行通讯的服务器。由于QQ的HTTP服务器并不支持HTTP协议中GET方法,它支持POST方法。所以我们要给QQ的HT

2008-10-03 18:59:00 852

转载 【c# webform】页面参数传递

A页面:     private   void   Button1_Click(object   sender,   System.EventArgs   e){     Server.Transfer(   "B.aspx?test="   +   Server.UrlEncode(   "%2004%"   )   );     }         B页面:     private   voi

2008-10-03 17:02:00 1172

dockpanelsuite - The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development

The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development which mimics Visual Studio .Net.



Preface In an age in which “the network is the computer,” the .NET Framework has become a leading environment for which code is created. The premier language for .NET development is C#. Therefore, if .NET programming is in your future, you have chosen the right language to learn. Beyond its use for .NET programming, C# is important for another reason. Its innovative features are reshaping the programming world, changing the way code is written, and enabling solutions to be framed in new ways. Thus, C# is helping to define the future direction of programming. As a result, fluency in C# is no longer an option for the professional programmer. It has become a necessity. The purpose of this book is to teach you the fundamentals of C# programming. It uses a step-by-step approach complete with numerous examples and self tests. It assumes no previous programming experience. The book starts with the basics, such as how to compile and run a C# program. It then discusses the keywords, features, and constructs that comprise the C# language. By the time you finish, you will have a firm grasp of the essentials of C# programming. As all programmers know, nothing stands still very long in the world of programming. C# is no exception. Since its creation in 2000, C# has undergone two major revisions, with each revision adding significant new features. At the time of this writing, the current version of C# is 3.0, and this is the version of C# described by this book. Therefore, this book includes coverage of C#’s newest features, including Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and lambda expressions. Of course, this beginner’s guide is just a starting point. C# is a very large language and involves more than just the keywords and syntax that define it. It also involves the use of a sophisticated set of libraries called the .NET Framework Class Library. This library is very large, and a complete discussion would require a book of its own. Although several of the


ASP.NET 程序设计习题答案 尚俊杰 编著

ASP.NET 程序设计 (尚俊杰 编著)每章书后面的习题答案



Networking Second Edition Jeffrey S. Beasley New Mexico State University This book provides a comprehensive look at computer networking from the point of view of the network administrator. It guides readers from an entry-level knowledge in computer networks to advanced concepts in Ethernet networks, router configuration, TCP/IP networks, routing protocols, local, campus, and wide area network configuration, network security, wireless networking, optical networks, Voice over IP, the network server, Linux networking, and industrial networks. After covering the entire text, readers will have gained a solid knowledge base in computer networks. In my years of teaching, I have observed that technology students prefer to learn “how to swim” after they have gotten wet and taken in a little water. Then they are ready for more challenges. Show the students the technology, how it is used, and why, and they will take the applications of the technology to the next level. Allowing them to experiment with the technology helps them to develop a greater understanding. This book does just that. ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXT



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