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原创 数据结构基础 HW4 7-1 ZigZagging on a Tree

Suppose that all the keys in a binary tree are distinct positive integers. A unique binary tree can be determined by a given pair of postorder and inorder traversal sequences. And it is a simple standard routine to print the numbers in level-order. However

2022-10-18 23:57:07 1423 1

原创 【浙江大学】【面向对象程序设计】练习题2 部分题解2

【浙江大学】【面向对象程序设计】练习题2 namespace部分题解

2022-10-08 19:09:01 426

原创 【浙江大学】【面向对象程序设计】练习题2 namespace部分题解

我们在 C 语言中,通过 static 可以限制名字只在当前编译单元内可见,在 C++ 中我们通过 namespace 来控制对名字的访问。

2022-10-08 14:03:02 380

原创 【数据结构基础习题】Suppose that all the integer operands are stored in the stack S……

Suppose that all the integer operands are stored in the stack S

2022-10-07 23:20:29 741

原创 [数据结构基础习题0]Push 5 characters ooops onto a stack. In how many different ways that we can pop these...

Push 5 characters ooops onto a stack. In how many different ways that we can pop these characters and still obtain ooops?

2022-10-07 22:45:49 1276

原创 一键生成报告!(浙江大学)大学物理实验(动态法测杨氏模量 | 分光计 | 简易万用表设计 | 密立根油滴实验 | 声速的测量 | 旋转液体综合实验 | )

一键生成报告!(浙江大学)大学物理实验(动态法测杨氏模量 | 分光计 | 简易万用表设计 | 密立根油滴实验 | 声速的测量 | 旋转液体综合实验 | )

2022-06-18 22:28:40 1230 2

原创 If a general tree T is converted into a binary tree BT, then which of the following BT...

If a general tree T is converted into a binary tree BT, then which of the following BT traversals gives the same sequence as that of the post-order traversal of T?答案:inorder traversal【解析】普通树(general tree)转化为二叉树(binary tree)具体可以看普通树转二叉树其实就是节点p的左儿子a还是左

2021-11-16 00:30:26 3164

原创 数据结构基础(关于heap的一些问题总结)ZJU-DS-HQM2021-WK6


2021-11-04 22:19:31 2842

原创 MarkDown语法以及使用(总结)

参考https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12J41137hu?p=6&spm_id_from=pageDriverhttps://www.runoob.com/markdown/md-tutorial.html推荐文本编辑器:Typora标题#(##、###)段落● Markdown 段落没有特殊的格式,直接编写文字就好,段落的换行是使用两个以上空格加上回车。● 当然也可以在段落后面使用一个空行来表示重新开始一个段落。列表● 无序列表:*/+/- 后

2021-11-01 01:32:10 414

原创 (数据结构基础)Among the following threaded binary trees (the threads are represented by dotted curves),……

当年学这些的时候真的是苦于没有人讲,现在复习考研,我会见到这种题就写下来,学弟学妹们欢迎点个关注,最近也在创业想实习的可以找我联系;没看懂的话是我表述有问题,欢迎指出和私戳。Among the following threaded binary trees (the threads are represented by dotted curves), which one is the postorder threaded tree?答案B(见下图)分析线索二叉树(threaded )的目的和使用方

2021-10-26 00:48:27 3756

原创 Given a binary search tree with its preorder traversal sequence { 8, 2, 15, 10, 12, 21 }.…

题目Given a binary search tree with its preorder traversal sequence { 8, 2, 15, 10, 12, 21 }. If 8 is deleted from the tree, which one of the following statements is FALSE? (3分)A. One possible preprder traversal sequence of the resulting tree may be { 2, 1

2021-10-25 17:39:07 1835

原创 Bonus-1 One Way In, Two Ways Out (20 分)

Bonus-1 One Way In, Two Ways Out (20 分)题干Consider a special queue which is a linear structure that allows insertions at one end, yet deletions at both ends. Your job is to check, for a given insertion sequence, if a deletion sequence is possible. For exa

2021-10-17 01:09:21 1149 1

原创 7-1 Pop Sequence (6 分)

7-1 Pop Sequence (6 分)题干Given a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, …, N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given sequence of numbers is a possible pop sequence of the stack. For example, if M is 5

2021-10-17 01:00:43 1331

原创 6-2 Reverse Linked List (10 分)

6-2 Reverse Linked List (10 分)Write a nonrecursive procedure to reverse a singly linked list in O(N) time using constant extra space.Format of functions:List Reverse( List L );where List is defined as the following:typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typ

2021-09-30 10:51:15 1224

原创 char、varchar、text和nchar、nvarchar、ntext的区别

char、varchar、text和nchar、nvarchar、ntext的区别很多开发者进行数据库设计的时候往往并没有太多的考虑char, varchar类型,有的是根本就没注意,因为存储价格变得越来越便宜了,忘记了最开始的一些基本设计理论和原则,这点让我想到了现在的年轻人,大手一挥一把人民币就从他手里溜走了,其实我想不管是做人也好,做开发也好,细节的把握直接决定很多东西。当然还有一部分人是...

2020-03-30 21:28:51 149

原创 大学物理的密里根油滴实验的数据处理MATLAB程序!~一键直达结果,方便快捷(浙大)

还在为密里根油滴实验的数据处理担心嘛?没关系,只要宁有matlab我帮你处理。代码:把这里的数据样例删掉把这里的UIT改为你的数据输入后运行就可以咯!如果l 都一样,那就输入一次。注意按照次序!单位:U:V;t: s;l: mm;U = [203 95 211 162 93 49 256 152 337 245 443 388 372 70 91 156 139 184...

2019-12-06 00:59:54 2761 5

原创 PTA File Transfer (8 分) (数据结构)(C语言)

(浙江大学数据结构)题目:File Transfer (8 分)We have a network of computers and a list of bi-directional connections. Each of these connections allows a file transfer from one computer to another. Is it possibl...

2019-11-13 18:14:49 445

原创 (浙江大学数据结构)PTA Complete Binary Search Tree (10 分)

题目:A Binary Search Tree (BST) is recursively defined as a binary tree which has the following properties:The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. The ...

2019-11-12 14:06:03 835

原创 中序遍历的C语言方法与二叉查找树的检验——binary search tree判定


2019-10-19 19:14:25 211

TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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