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原创 Java ClassLoader

Java ClassLoader 的层次结构特点:可以通过parent引用自下而上的进行单向访问。 ClassLoader的两种常见代理模型:1. Parent First Model由于递归的效果,需要一个程序栈进行支持2. Child First Model由于parent引用的单向性,因而不需要栈支持 三个特殊的Class Loader引用:1. Syst

2008-10-30 16:17:00 78

原创 Groovy中文件和编译后的Java 字节码中类的对应关系(翻译)

在Groovy中类和文件的对应关系并不像Java中那么固定(Java中一个文件只能有一个声明为public的类和其他一些非公共的类和内嵌类) 。在同一个groovy文件中可以包含多个public的类定义。具体规则如下: 如果在一个groovy文件中没有任何类定义,它将被当做script来处理,也就意味着这个文件将被透明的转换为一个Script类型的类,这个自动转换得到的类将使用原始的

2008-02-29 18:51:00 1537

原创 Log4j输出CBE( common base event)格式

 项目日志使用的common logging + log4j作为日志输出库,突然想到可以利用TPTP来进行日志分析。但是试了半天log4j的xmlLayout输出的日志TPTP不认(真是恼火)。再仔细看,TPTP支持CBE格式的日志,只好尝试一下它的输出了。研究了一阵, 发现需要额外的几个jar,如下:hlcbe101.jar;tlcore.jar;hllog4j.jar;hlcore.jar;o

2008-01-15 15:20:00 1201

Scala Tutorial.pdf

This document gives a quick introduction to the Scala language and compiler. It is intended for people who already have some programming experience and want an overview of what they can do with Scala. A basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, especially in Java, is assumed.



This handbook of data structures and algorithms is designed as a comprehensive resource for computer science students and practitioners. The book is, quite literally, the product of a marriage of theory and practice. As an alternative to the survey approach taken by traditional data structures and algorithms text books, this book builds on a theoretical foundation to offer a top-down application centered approach and a systematic treatment of data structure design and therpractical implementation.



JavaScript can seem like an unwieldy mass feeding off today’s modern websites. However, despite its apparent complexity, nestled snug against the Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript can be a tremendous tool in your everyday web development toolkit for adding rich interactivity, animations, and advanced functionality to your websites, compelling your users to come back for more. But how do you master the skills necessary to achieve these results? Getting StartED with Dojo is your first step in that direction.



Part 1: Getting started 1. Some Flex with your Java 2. Beginning with Java 3. Getting Rich with Flex 4. Connecting to Web Services Part 2: Strengthening the backend 5. BlazeDS remoting and logging 6. Flex messenging Part 3: Going above and beyond 7. Securing and personalizing your application 8. Charting with DeGrafa 9. Desktop 2.0 with Adobe AIR 10. Testing your Flex app with FlexUnit 11. Flex on Grails


Getting StartED with CSS

This book is aimed at anyone involved in building websites using HTML (or XHTML). It assumes no prior knowledge of CSS, but I do expect you to understand the basics of HTML and web page construction. After the first couple of chapters, the book moves at a fairly rapid pace, so this book should also appeal to readers who have dabbled with CSS, but still haven’t quite “got it.” If you already know some CSS, I strongly urge you not to skip the early chapters, because I try to steer you away from overreliance on CSS classes and other bad habits.



This book will give you the tools that you need to write mission critical applications with PHP and MySQL — including high-traffi c ones. The hope is that you can use some of the skills covered in this book to create your own open source projects and eventually contribute to the PHP and MySQL communities. Or perhaps you just use this book to help you create the next PHP and MySQL pow- ered success story



Business Presentations is suitable for anyone who needs to give presentations in the business world, and for students in adult education classes, schools, colleges and universities.



This book will give you the information you need from the basic concepts to the pro level tips to create professional games for BlackBerry smartphones. Rather than doing a survey of the BlackBerry API and listing the features, Andrew and I have started from game ideas. We explain the theory and practice of BlackBerry development as you encounter it in real projects and applications. All you need is a basic knowledge of Java programming, and this book will show you how to turn your ideas into games and sell them on BlackBerry App World (Figure 1-1) and beyond!



Setting out to write my first technical book, I was skeptical of my ability to reach out to you in the simplest manner possible. With the backing of experienced editors and a co-author like I have had, I feel I have achieved that and more. We have tackled the subject to give you a basic understanding and clarity, thus reducing the factors that leave a novice lost. In this book, you will find many tips that will help enhance the BlackBerry experience considerably, and that is something which is always welcome now, isn’t it?



Reputation systems impact your life every day, even when you don’t realize it. You need reputation to get through life efficiently, because reputation helps you make sound judgments in the absence of any better information. Reputation is even more important on the Web, which has trillions of pages to sort through—each one competing for your attention. Without reputation systems for things like search rankings, ratings and reviews, and spam filters, the Web would have become unusable years ago.


Advanced Programming.in.the.UNIX.Environment.2nd.Edition.Jun.2005.eBook-BBL.chm

When the editors at Addison-Wesley told me that they wanted to update Rich's book, I thought that there wouldn't be too much to change. Even after 13 years, Rich's work still holds up well. But the UNIX industry is vastly different today from what it was when the book was first published.



HTML and CSS are old technologies that have seen over a decade of use and continue to evolve. Web developers celebrating their fifteenth year of work have seen all kinds of projects built across a wide variety of browsers, experimented with different features, and noted their successes and failures.



This book gives a rapid introduction to programming for the iPhone and iPod touch for those with some programming experience. If you are developing on the Mac for the first time, drawn to the platform because of the iPhone, or alternatively you are an experienced Mac programmer making the transition to the iPhone, this book is for you.



This book is designed for those of us who don’t have a degree in computer science.It’s intended to be read by people who’ve spent time working with the Mac,perhaps as power users of their applications,or at least people with the confidence that they know enough to explain the difference between,say,a menu and a window. Most importantly, the book is intended for people who have little or no previous programming knowledge.



If you’re a front-end web designer looking to add a dash of cool interactivity to your sites, and you’ve heard all the buzz about jQuery and want to find out what the fuss is about, this book will put you on the right track. If you’ve dabbled with JavaScript, but been frustrated by the complexity of many seemingly simple tasks, we’ll show you how jQuery can help you. Even if you’re familiar with the basics of jQuery, but you want to take your skills to the next level, you’ll find a wealth of good coding advice and in-depth knowledge.


Beginning Python using python 2.6 and python 3.1.pdf

If you’re computer-literate, and want to learn a fun programming language to better control your computer, this book is for you. If you are a system administrator who wants to learn a great language to help you better manage and configure systems and networks, this book is for you. If you already know Python, but are wondering what cool new features are available in version 3.1, this book is for you. In summary, this book is for anyone interested in exploring Python programming with the newest and most full-featured, easy-to-use version, 3.1.


Programming in Objective-C 2.0

Programming in Objective-C 2.0


SQL Injection Attacks and Defense

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense


Cloud Computing Certification Kit Specicalist Platform Management & Storage Management

Cloud Computing Certification Kit Specicalist Platform Management & Storage Management


Using Joomla

Have you been asked to build a website in a short period of time? Do you want to enjoy the benefits of a content management system by converting an existing site? Do you have a client that needs a powerful website with lots of functionality for its users? If any of these are true, or you just want to know more about this thing called “Joomla” that people are talking about, this book is for you. While we’d like to think that Joomla is for everyone, if you’re a developer looking to build extensions or extend and build on Joomla’s framework, this book isn’t for you.


Metaprogramming Ruby

Metaprogramming is writing code that manipulates language constructs at runtime.



You’re now holding a book about a programming language that is very cool but also very unusual.


O_Reilly - RESTful Web Services (2007 05) [Leonard Richardson,Sam Ruby].pdf

RESTful Web Services shows you how to use those principles without the drama, the big words, and the miles of indirection that have scared a generation of web developers into thinking that web services are so hard that you have to rely on BigCo implementations to get anything done. Every developer working with the Web needs to read this book.


Imperfect C++.chm

If you're a long-time C++ developer, this book will help you see your programming challenges in new ways--and illuminate powerful techniques you may never have tried. If you're newer to C++, you'll learn principles that will make you more effective in all of your projects.



This book isn't meant to be a complete reference book for Perl. Keeping a copy of Programming Perl handy will let you look up exact definitions of operators, keywords, functions, pragmata, or modules. Alternatively, every Perl installation comes with a voluminous collection of searchable, online reference materials. If those aren't where you can easily get at them, see your system administrator if you have one, or consult the documentation section at http://www.perl.com.



This book is for Python developers who want to take their applications to the next level, by adding/using parts that scale their application up, without adding unnecessary complexity. It is also helpful for Java developers who want to mix in some Python to speed up their coding effort.



Welcome to Brilliant HTML & CSS a visual, quick reference guide that will teach you all that you need to know to create clean, forward-looking, standards-compliant, accessible websites using HyperText Markup Language & Cascading Style Sheets. It will give you a solid grounding on the theory, coding skills, and best practices needed to use HTML & CSS to build sophisticated Web pages – a complete reference for the beginner and intermediate user.



Welcome to Adobe Flash Professional CS5 On Demand, a visual quick reference book that shows you how to work efficiently with Flash. This book provides complete coverage of basic to advanced Flash skills.


Head First Web Design.rar

This is a learning experience, not a reference book. We deliberately stripped out everything that might get in the way of learning whatever it is we’re working on at that point in the book. And the first time through, you need to begin at the beginning because the book makes assumptions about what y



Despite the many improvements in software over the years, one feature has grown consistently worse: documentation. With the purchase of most software programs these days, you don’t get a single page of printed instructions. To learn about the hundreds of features in a program, you’re expected to use online electronic help.


Illustrated WPF.pdf

The purpose of this book is to teach you the fundamentals and mechanics of WPF programming as quickly and simply as possible, while giving you a firm grasp of what’s actually going on under the covers. To do this, I’ve used a combination of text, figures, bulleted lists, and tables.


Even Faster Web Sites

Anyone browsing this book—or its predecessor, High Performance Web Sites—under-stands the dangers of a slow web site: frustrated users, negative brand perception,increased operating expenses, and loss of revenue. We have to constantly work to make our web sites faster. As we make progress, we also lose ground. We have to be alert for the impact of each bug fix, new feature, and system upgrade on our web site’s speed.We have to be watchful, or the performance improvements made today can easily be lost tomorrow. We have to be vigilant.


The Complete Reference HTML & CSS Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of this book represents a significant change in structure and content to address HTML5. The book is similar to the previous edition in maybe a third of the content; otherwise, it is an all-new effort. Most obviously, as compared to the previous editions, which focused mainly on XHTML and HTML 4, this edition focuses on HTML5, which represents both a return to the markup past and the unveiling of an exciting future of Web applications. However, we do retain some information from previous editions because in order for this work to be truly complete, we must not focus only on the future but also present all the elements supported in browsers today, including the archaic, proprietary, and standard (X)HTML tags. These will still be encountered for years to come, and we want this book to provide the reference you need in addressing their syntax.


Ubuntu Up and Running.pdf

This book is for people interested in learning about Ubuntu, the most popular Linux distribution. This includes students, home and business users, hobbyists, professionals, and all other types of user. Because this book takes you from the first steps of installing the operating system, through configuration, maintenance, and security, and on to topics such as networking, it provides a complete resource for all beginning to intermediate users.


Professional JavaScript Frameworks Prototype, YUI, Ext JS, Dojo and MooTools.pdf

This book is for web developers who want to get straight into JavaScript and explore the tools and productivity gains offered by the frameworks. A working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are assumed — and also of use will be some experience with object-oriented programming, server-side PHP scripting, and knowledge of web development modern techniques such as AJAX.



No more, of course. Now the world is awash in programmers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the United States in 2008 approximately one in every 106 workers—over 1.25 million people—was a computer programmer or software engineer. And that doesn’t count professional programmers outside the U.S. nor the many student and hobbyist programmers and people whose official job is something else but who spend some or even a lot of their time trying to bend a computer to their will.Yet despite the millions of people who have written code, and the billions, if not trillions of lines of code written since the field began, it still often feels like we’re still making it up as we go along. People still argue about what programming is: mathematics or engineering? Craft, art, or science? We certainly argue—often with great vehemence—about the best way to do it: the Internet overflows with blog articles and forum postings about this or that way of writing code. And bookstores are chock-a-block with books about new programming languages, new methodologies, new ways of thinking about the task of programming.


Enterprise Development with Flex

This book will be very useful for Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) developers who are still not sure whether the Flex SDK is a good fit for their cross-platform RIAs. We are positive that after reading the first several chapters, you will appreciate the power and flexibility of the open source Flex SDK, third-party libraries, and their server-side tools.



Though newer JavaScript engines have given us a glimpse into the future of a much faster Internet, the performance lessons of today will continue to be relevant and important for the foreseeable future.



This book is a tutorial for the Scala programming language, written by people directly involved in the development of Scala. Our goal is that by reading this book, you can learn everything you need to be a productive Scala programmer.



Scala smoothly integrates object-oriented and functional programming. It is designed to express common programming patterns in a consise, elegant, and type-safe way. Scala introduces several innovative language constructs.For instance: • Abstract types and mixin composition unify concepts from object and module systems. • Pattern matching over class hierarchies unifies functional and object-oriented data access. It greatly simplifies the processing of XML trees. • A flexible syntax and type system enables the construction of advanced libraries and new domain specific languages.



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