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原创 codeforces 1095E

E. Almost Regular Bracket Sequencetime limit per test 3 secondsmemory limit per test 256 megabytes You are given a bracket sequence s consisting of n opening '(' and closing ')' brackets.A r...

2019-01-22 12:13:23 416 1

原创 codeforces 853B

B. Jury Meetingtime limit per test:1 second    memory limit per test:512 megabyteshttps://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/853/B 分别处理到达和返回的航班,按天数排序后,以k为区间长度逐个框。注意判断条件(样例1中8-3=5,但是不可取)和m的0的特...

2018-12-01 10:27:58 215

原创 codeforces 747D

D. Winter Is Comingtime limit per test:2 seconds    memory limit per test:256 megabyteshttps://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/747/D 统计并对负温度之间的正温度数目进行排序,优先选择数目少的判断是否更换,out-2。代码中第一次统计的是从第一个...

2018-11-28 20:23:41 225

原创 codeforces 988C

 C. Equal Sumstime limit per test:2 seconds    memory limit per test:256 megabyteshttps://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/988/C 神奇的STL库。 #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace s...

2018-11-27 20:53:34 167

原创 codeforces 1005E1

E1. Median on Segments (Permutations Edition)time limit per test:3 seconds    memory limit per test:256 megabytes 对待查位置左右子串预处理,统计大于/小于该数的元素个数并作差,得到value。分别统计左右两侧各value的出现次数,并分别按照value由小到大、由大到小...

2018-11-25 16:31:21 173

原创 codeforces 1075B

B. Taxi drivers and Lyfthttp://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1075/B 二分查找相邻司机,比较距离后确定最终结果。 lower_bound( begin,end,num):从数组的begin位置到end-1位置二分查找第一个大于或等于num的数字,找到返回该数字的地址,不存在则返回end。返回地址减去起始地...

2018-11-24 14:41:18 466

原创 codeforces 1077D

D. Cutting Outtime limit per test:3 seconds    memory limit per test:256 megabytes You are given an array s consisting of n integers.You have to find any array t of length k such that you can ...

2018-11-23 20:33:41 201

原创 codeforces 1077E

E. Thematic Conteststime limit per test:1 second    memory limit per test:256 megabytes Polycarp has prepared nn competitive programming problems. The topic of the ii-th problem is aiai, and som...

2018-11-20 22:42:17 273

转载 Database index(reference only)

链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/20033475/answer/128561833来源:知乎国内主要数据网址:想要统计年鉴的在线版,请进:国家统计局数据库 所有的数据都可以生成excel格式,这样可以省掉从纸质版的统计年鉴一个个抄下来的麻烦,省你半年的青春,关键是还可以直接求平均数,方差等数...

2018-08-22 16:01:00 362

转载 Cisco NAT 配置指南

NAT的基本知识NAT(Network Address Translation )技术提供了一种完全将内部网络和Internet网隔离的方法,让内部网络中的计算机通过少数几个甚至一个合法IP地址(已申请的一个公网IP)访问Internet资源,从而节省了IP地址,并得到广泛的应用。NAT常见的三种类型:类型名 解释 静态转换 指将内部网络的私有IP地址转换为公有IP地址...

2018-08-05 14:26:20 53377 4

原创 Teemo's formula - 公式推导

Teemo has a formula and he want to calculate it quickly.The formula is .As the result may be very large, please output the result mod 1000000007.Input FormatThe input contains several test cas...

2018-07-29 18:35:00 190

原创 Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 2015​ - B. Bell Ringing

Method ringing is used to ring bells in churches, particularly in England. Suppose there are 6 bells that have 6 different pitches. We assign the number 1 to the bell highest in pitch, 2 to the second...

2018-07-26 20:33:05 249

原创 The 2018 ACM-ICPC China JiangSu Provincial Programming Contest - K. Road

JSZKC is the king of his kingdom.His kingdom has N cities, numbered from 0 to N−1. And the cities are connected by some roads which means you can travel from one city to any other city by roads. Eac...

2018-07-26 08:53:40 336

原创 The 2018 ACM-ICPC China JiangSu Provincial Programming Contest - J. Set

Let's consider some math problems.JSZKC has a set A={1,2,...,N}. He defines a subset of AA as 'Meo set' if there doesn't exist two integers in this subset with difference one. For example, When A={1...

2018-07-25 13:21:52 212

原创 The 2018 ACM-ICPC China JiangSu Provincial Programming Contest - D. Persona5

Persona5 is a famous video game.In the game, you are going to build relationship with your friends.You have N friends and each friends have his upper bound of relationship with you. Let's consider...

2018-07-24 21:49:49 423 2

原创 German Collegiate Programming Contest 2018​ - B. Battle Royale

Battle Royale games are the current trend in video games and Gamers Concealed Punching Circles (GCPC) is the most popular game of them all. The game takes place in an area that, for the sake of simpli...

2018-07-23 11:35:42 323

原创 ACM-ICPC Programming Training Contest(Pro.WHU)- A. GSS's Backpacks

GSS has n items with a weight of ai. He needs no more than R backpacks. Every backpacks’ maximum capacity is w.to load all the items. He’ll start loading from the first backpack. Every time he would s...

2018-07-22 12:35:25 211

原创 The 2018 ACM-ICPC Chinese Collegiate Programming Contest - D. Take Your Seat

Duha decided to have a trip to Singapore by plane.The airplane had n seats numbered from 1 to n, and n passengers including Duha which were also counted from 1 to n.The passenger with number i held ...

2018-07-17 23:23:23 542

原创 The 2018 ACM-ICPC Chinese Collegiate Programming Contest - H. Fight Against Monsters

It is my great honour to introduce myself to you here.My name is Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian.As a storyteller, today I decide to...

2018-07-17 17:11:11 463

原创 German Collegiate Programming Contest 2015 - I. Milling machines

A fab lab is an open, small-scale workshop where you can create or fabricate almost anything you want mostly by using computer controlled tools like a laser cutter or a 3D printer. The FAU fab lab rec...

2018-07-15 10:07:22 220

原创 German Collegiate Programming Contest 2015 - K. Upside down primes

Last night, I must have dropped my alarm clock. When the alarm went off in the morning, it showed 51:8051:80instead of 08:1508:15. This made me realize that if you rotate a seven segment display like ...

2018-07-14 15:04:24 252

原创 German Collegiate Programming Contest 2015 - G. Extreme Sort

John likes sorting algorithms very much. He has studied quicksort, merge sort, radix sort, and many more.A long time ago he has written a lock-free parallel string sorting program. It was a combinatio...

2018-07-14 08:57:08 148



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