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原创 A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Changes

In the article of "A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Observations" and the writing of "A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Impediments" I shared the issues that I observed from the daily Scrum...

2018-10-02 17:35:01 249

原创 A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Impediments

In the "A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Observations", I shared my findings on the daily standup meeting of the Scrum team, which is the meeting time is shorter than expected, I've also shared ...

2018-10-02 17:33:08 226

原创 A Story of Daily Scrum Improvement-the Observations

I've been servicing as the observer and coacher for my Scrum team for quite a long time, who has developed and been developing great products for years, though there're some dynamics occurred to the t...

2018-10-02 17:31:09 254

原创 合同法案例分析

苦心 发表于 2006-11-1 12:16:001.甲企业与乙企业达成口头协议,由乙企业在半年之内供应甲企业50吨钢材。三个月后,乙企业以原定钢材价格过低为由要求加价,并提出,如果甲企业表示同意,双方立即签订书面合同,否则,乙企业将不能按期供货。甲企业表示反对,并声称,如乙企业到期不履行协议,将向法院起诉。  试分析:  (1)此案中,双方当事人签订的合同有无法律效力?  (2)为什么?

2008-11-10 10:13:00 4010 1

原创 Why Failure Can Be Your Friend

I believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad

2008-11-10 10:12:00 349

原创 GE Healcare招人啦!

GE Healcare is recuriting now, heres the information, anyone who interest in those jobs can directly send the resume to bestysq@126.com or Shuiqing.Yu@ge.com. It is suggested to send to both of the t

2008-11-10 10:05:00 759

Model-Driven Engineering for Software Product Lines

Modeling variability in the context of software product-lines has been around for about 25 years in the research community. It started with Feature Modeling and soon enough was extended to handle many different concerns. Beyond being used for a mere description and documentation of variability, variability models are more and more leveraged to produce other artifacts, such as configurators, code, or test cases. This paper overviews several classification dimensions of variability modeling and explores how do they fit with such artifact production purposes.


How NASA builds teams

Most of the emphasis in the book is about improving performance within teams by changing the internal context. These processes also potently enhance team performance across institutions by changing the context of the relationship. We consider this activity teambuilding as well. Indeed, much of our most important work has been in enhancing teamwork between NASA projects and their contractors. I close the introduction with the following example from a commercial aerospace team.


Professional ScrumMaster's Handbook

A ScrumMaster, like a good rider, must know when to go easy on the horse, when to use the spur, when to pull the reins, and when to just hang up the bridle and put the saddle away for the day. There are nearly a quarter million CSMs now, and many more to follow. While this is great news and represents a steady interest in Agile methods, we are in the soup. There is rampant misuse and misunderstanding of Scrum, which diminishes and possibly eliminates the amazing possibilities that people discover by using it correctly. I've observed too many examples of good Scrum gone bad—times in which tough, courageous, persistent ScrumMasters could have really made a difference, but didn't; times when product owners could have been a bit more involved; times when teams hid poor quality and shouldn't have. Additionally, with the advent of several newer methods, the terms Iteration Manager and Agile Master are floating around and representing an increasingly watered-down, dangerous version of what the true ScrumMaster was meant to do. That sucks, and makes me sad—and spurs me to action. I don't want the original vision for ScrumMaster to become lost in the methodology/certifcation wagon train; I want people to reach their full potential and believe that Scrum is one way to facilitate that.



基于Java Business Integration技术和企业服务总线技术的面向服务的企业应用系统集成介绍.






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