
在这里插入图片描述Please write a program to find out all the ways to cross the river.

Use four letters to represent the states of man, Wolf, sheep and vegetable respectively:

M means people are there, and. Means people are not there
W means the Wolf is there, and. Means the Wolf is not there
G is for sheep and. Is for sheep
C is for the dish, and. Is for the dish
Use -> to indicate that the ship will go from the left bank to the right bank, use <- to indicate that the ship will go from the right bank to the left bank.

If all the vegetables are on the left bank, the state is denoted as

MWGC -> ....

If sheep are transported to the right bank and only wolves and vegetables are left on the left bank, the state is expressed as

.W.C <- M.G.

Input Specification:

The initial state  
Termination status  

Output Specification:

Output all solutions, if any.  
Each solution consists of several lines, each representing a state.  
There is a blank line between the different solutions.  
If there is no solution, None is printed.  

Requirement: Two lines of the same state are not allowed in the output solution.
Sample Input 1:

MWGC -> ....
.... <- MWGC

Sample Output 1:

MWGC -> ....
.W.C <- M.G.
MW.C -> ..G.
...C <- MWG.
M.GC -> .W..
..G. <- MW.C
M.G. -> .W.C
.... <- MWGC

MWGC -> ....
.W.C <- M.G.
MW.C -> ..G.
.W.. <- M.GC
MWG. -> ...C
..G. <- MW.C
M.G. -> .W.C
.... <- MWGC

Sample Input 2:

.W.. <- M.GC
M.GC -> .W..

Sample Output 2:

.W.. <- M.GC
MWG. -> ...C
..G. <- MW.C
M.GC -> .W..

.W.. <- M.GC
MW.C -> ..G.
...C <- MWG.
M.GC -> .W..

Sample Input 3:

MWG. -> ...C
MWG. -> ...C

Sample Output 4:


Sample Input 4:

MWG. -> ...C
.WG. -> M..C

Sample Output 4:


Note: In order to keep the sequence of output solutions consistent, people are required to explore the following sequence each time they cross the river:

Cross the river directly (without carrying anything)
Take the Wolf across the river
Take the sheep across the river
Take food across the river

/* 人狼羊菜过河 */
/* This program runs in C++ mode, if this program can't run correctly in your computer, please filling-in this sentence "-std=c++11" in Compiler Settings */

/* Data Structures and Algorithm */
 *	The program algorithm is ergodic exhaustive plus backtracking.
 *	The program identifies each output statement with a number, and every item has two and only two states, so the program tries to solve the labeling program with binary numbers.


#define Radix 16

void Scan();   			 // scan the orginal number and save the destination
void print_Path();	  	 // print the correct path from the first step to the last
void check_Result();	 // there is result or not showed by flag (flag = 0 --> None)

void moving(); 			 // moving objects by using method
int get_Bin(); 			 // translate the Objects array into an binary number, and output in decimal
int get_Bin(int move);	 // get the changing number of the move
int islegalScan();		 // judge it is a legally scan (illegal--0  legal--1)
int check(int Bin);   	 // get the result by checking method (false--0  true--1  correct--2)
int survive(int way);	 // return the remider to show they are in the same state (false--0  true--1)

/* Object Move */
void method0();			 // move  M
void method1();			 // move  M & W
void method2();			 // move  M & G
void method3();			 // move  M & C

/* Stack */
void push(int method);	 // push the method into the stack
void pop();   			 // pop method from the stack

int flag = 0;  					// IOF one --> flag = 0    else --> flag = 1;
int top = -1;					// top of the stack
int stack[Radix];				// the stack of moving
int Objects[4];					// M W G C     0 -- Left   1 -- Right
int checkArray[Radix] = {0};	// pow(2, 4)   0 --> uncollected      1 --> collected
int pathArray[Radix];			// record the path of the orginal to the destination

int original = 15;				// create an immutable primitive variable for multi-mode output
int destination = 15;			// initializing to 15 tends to change it (Minus each of the null -- '.')

int main(void)
	return 0;

void Scan()
	int i;
	char ch;
	for(i=0; i<13; i++)
		ch = getchar();
		if(i < 4) {
			if(ch == '.') {
				Objects[i] = 0;
				original -= pow(2, 3-i);
			else Objects[i] = 1;
	for(i=0; i<13; i++)
		ch = getchar();
		if(i < 4) {
			if(ch == '.')destination -= pow(2, 3-i);

int islegalScan()
	// both the original and the destination are the same  or  (the original or the destination) is a wrong state
	if(original == destination || check(original) == 0 || check(destination) == 0)return 0;
	checkArray[original] = 1;
	return 1;

int check(int Bin)//false --> 0    true --> 1    correct --> 2
	int n = Bin;
	// ATTENTION   the false checking should before the correct checking
	if(n == 3 || n == 6 || n == 7 || n == 8 || n == 9 || n == 12)return 0; // false method
	else if(n == destination)return 2; // correct path
	else return 1; // true

int survive(int way)
	switch(way) {
		case 0: return 1;break; 							 // M
		case 1: if(Objects[0] == Objects[1])return 1; break; // M & W
		case 2: if(Objects[0] == Objects[2])return 1; break; // M & G
		case 3: if(Objects[0] == Objects[3])return 1; break; // M & C
	return 0;

void moving()
	int i;
	int check_result = check( get_Bin() );
	if(check_result == 0) { // false method
		checkArray[get_Bin()] = 0;
	if( check_result == 2 ) { // correct method
		int temp = original; // to leave original unchanged, create a new variable
		int change_Bin;
		for(i=0; i<=top; i++)
			pathArray[i] = temp; // store the path in positive order
			change_Bin = get_Bin(stack[i]); // put the changing number of the method into "change_Bin"
			if(temp > 7) { // from Right to Left  --- plus
				temp -= change_Bin;
			}else {
				temp += change_Bin; // from Left to Right  --- minus
		pathArray[i] = temp;
		print_Path(); // print the path
		checkArray[get_Bin()] = 0; // after finish the print, as the "check_result == 0"
		pop(); // ready to next print_Path (if there are diffdrent ways)
	for(i=0; i<4; i++)
		if(survive(i))push(i); // check are they in the same state
		else continue;
		if(checkArray[get_Bin()] == 1) { // have already appeared, false
		}else {
			checkArray[get_Bin()] = 1; // from 0 to 1, be enclosed
		moving(); // recursion to run through all
	checkArray[get_Bin()] = 0; // this layer traversal is complete, pop out to the next layer

int get_Bin()// 0000 to 1111 (Binary system return by decimalism)
	int result = 0;
	if(Objects[0]) result += 8; // 1...
	if(Objects[1]) result += 4; // .1..
	if(Objects[2]) result += 2; // ..1.
	if(Objects[3]) result += 1; // ...1
	return result;

int get_Bin(int move)// result represent the changing number of different methods
	int result = 0;
		case 0: result = 8; break;
		case 1: result = 12;break;
		case 2: result = 10;break;
		case 3: result = 9; break;
		default: ;
	return result;

/* Object Move */
void find_Method(int n)
		case 0: method0();break;
		case 1: method1();break;
		case 2: method2();break;
		case 3: method3();break;
		default: ;

void method0()// M
	if(Objects[0] == 1)Objects[0] = 0;
	else Objects[0] = 1;

void method1()// M & C
	if(Objects[0] == 1)Objects[0] = 0;
	else Objects[0] = 1;
	if(Objects[1] == 1)Objects[1] = 0;
	else Objects[1] = 1;

void method2()// M & G
	if(Objects[0] == 1)Objects[0] = 0;
	else Objects[0] = 1;
	if(Objects[2] == 1)Objects[2] = 0;
	else Objects[2] = 1;

void method3()// M & W
	if(Objects[0] == 1)Objects[0] = 0;
	else Objects[0] = 1;
	if(Objects[3] == 1)Objects[3] = 0;
	else Objects[3] = 1;

/* Stack */
void push(int method)
	stack[++top] = method;
	find_Method(stack[top]); // rebound

void pop()

/* Print */
void print_Path()
	int i;
	if(flag == 0)flag = 1;
	else printf("\n");
	for(i=0; i<=top+1; i++)
		switch( pathArray[i] ) {			// show all rather than required output
			case 0 : printf(".... <- MWGC\n");break;
			case 1 : printf("...C <- MWG.\n");break;
			case 2 : printf("..G. <- MW.C\n");break;
			case 3 : printf("..GC <- MW..\n");break;
			case 4 : printf(".W.. <- M.GC\n");break;
			case 5 : printf(".W.C <- M.G.\n");break;
			case 6 : printf(".WG. <- M..C\n");break;
			case 7 : printf(".WGC <- M...\n");break;
			case 8 : printf("M... -> .WGC\n");break;
			case 9 : printf("M..C -> .WG.\n");break;
			case 10: printf("M.G. -> .W.C\n");break;
			case 11: printf("M.GC -> .W..\n");break;
			case 12: printf("MW.. -> ..GC\n");break;
			case 13: printf("MW.C -> ..G.\n");break;
			case 14: printf("MWG. -> ...C\n");break;
			case 15: printf("MWGC -> ....\n");break;
			default: ;

void check_Result()
	if(flag == 0)printf("None");

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