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采用深度学习方法的Python计算机视觉,第三卷 本书循序渐进共分为3卷, 第一卷为深度学习入门,第二卷为高级技术最佳实践,第三卷结合ImageNet大规模神经网络训练 Since this book covers a huge amount of content, I’ve decided to break the book down into three volumes called “bundles”. A bundle includes the eBook, video tutorials, and source code for a given volume. Each bundle builds on top of the others and includes all content from the lower volumes. You should choose a bundle based on: (1) how in-depth you want to study deep learning, computer vision, and visual recognition and (2) your particular budget. You can find a quick breakdown of the three bundles below — the full list of topics to be covered can be found later on this page: Starter Bundle: A great fit for those taking their first steps towards deep learning for image classification mastery. You’ll learn the basics of (1) machine learning, (2) neural networks, (3) Convolutional Neural Networks, and (4) how to work with your own custom datasets. Practitioner Bundle: Perfect for readers who are ready to study deep learning in-depth, understand advanced techniques, and discover common best practices and rules of thumb. ImageNet Bundle: The complete deep learning for computer vision experience. In this bundle, I demonstrate how to train large-scale neural networks on the massive ImageNet dataset. You just can’t beat this bundle if you want to master deep learning for computer vision.



采用深度学习方法的Python计算机视觉,第二卷 本书循序渐进共分为3卷, 第一卷为深度学习入门,第二卷为高级技术最佳实践,第三卷结合ImageNet大规模神经网络训练 Since this book covers a huge amount of content, I’ve decided to break the book down into three volumes called “bundles”. A bundle includes the eBook, video tutorials, and source code for a given volume. Each bundle builds on top of the others and includes all content from the lower volumes. You should choose a bundle based on: (1) how in-depth you want to study deep learning, computer vision, and visual recognition and (2) your particular budget. You can find a quick breakdown of the three bundles below — the full list of topics to be covered can be found later on this page: Starter Bundle: A great fit for those taking their first steps towards deep learning for image classification mastery. You’ll learn the basics of (1) machine learning, (2) neural networks, (3) Convolutional Neural Networks, and (4) how to work with your own custom datasets. Practitioner Bundle: Perfect for readers who are ready to study deep learning in-depth, understand advanced techniques, and discover common best practices and rules of thumb. ImageNet Bundle: The complete deep learning for computer vision experience. In this bundle, I demonstrate how to train large-scale neural networks on the massive ImageNet dataset. You just can’t beat this bundle if you want to master deep learning for computer vision.



采用深度学习方法的Python计算机视觉,第一卷 本书循序渐进共分为3卷, 第一卷为深度学习入门,第二卷为高级技术最佳实践,第三卷结合ImageNet大规模神经网络训练 Since this book covers a huge amount of content, I’ve decided to break the book down into three volumes called “bundles”. A bundle includes the eBook, video tutorials, and source code for a given volume. Each bundle builds on top of the others and includes all content from the lower volumes. You should choose a bundle based on: (1) how in-depth you want to study deep learning, computer vision, and visual recognition and (2) your particular budget. You can find a quick breakdown of the three bundles below — the full list of topics to be covered can be found later on this page: Starter Bundle: A great fit for those taking their first steps towards deep learning for image classification mastery. You’ll learn the basics of (1) machine learning, (2) neural networks, (3) Convolutional Neural Networks, and (4) how to work with your own custom datasets. Practitioner Bundle: Perfect for readers who are ready to study deep learning in-depth, understand advanced techniques, and discover common best practices and rules of thumb. ImageNet Bundle: The complete deep learning for computer vision experience. In this bundle, I demonstrate how to train large-scale neural networks on the massive ImageNet dataset. You just can’t beat this bundle if you want to master deep learning for computer vision.



本书为老男孩Linux系列第二册,高清PDF版本,完整版,带书签 内容简介 资深运维架构实战专家及教育培训界顶尖专家十多年的运维实战经验总结,全面系统地讲解运维工作中Shell编程所需的知识点和Shell编程的各种企业级案例。 实战性强,不仅讲解了Shell编程所涉及的各种核心技术点,还运用Shell编程针对整个企业网站集群架构中的多个网络服务进行了部署、优化、自动化运维及监控等环节的实践,并指导你细致掌握Shell编程的运维规范和方法。 作者简介 · · · · · · 老男孩,北京老男孩IT教育创始人,畅销IT图书作者,51CTO金牌讲师及长期战略合作专家,大规模网站集群实战运维架构专家及教学培训专家,擅长大规模集群架构部署调优、虚拟化、云计算、大数据、MySQL数据库、Shell编程等技术,是IT界顶尖的Linux集群架构实战专家,著有《跟老男孩学习Linux运维:Web集群实战》、《跟老男孩学习Linux运维:Shell编程实战》等书。



本书为老男孩Linux系列第二册,高清PDF版本,完整版,带书签 本书乃偏重实战案例的 Linux 命令图书,帮助大家提升个人 Linux 运维能力,达到加薪升职的目的。 众所周知,Linux 是一个重点使用命令行来完成相关工作的操作系统,因此,对 Linux 命令的熟练使用是工程师玩转 Linux 的基础且关键的技能之一。 在长期的运维工作以及深度教学中,老男孩发现很多 Linux 入门人员对 Linux 基础命令一知半解,甚至是已经工作的部分企业运维人员也不能熟练运用 Linux 命令。而市面上关于 Linux 命令的图书大多如出一辙,或翻译帮助文档,或理论多例子太浅且落后,或结合 Shell 编程附带一些基础 Linux 命令介绍,都没有将命令结合到解决企业实战的问题中来。因此老男孩决定写一本与众不同的、比较偏重实战案例的 Linux 命令图书。 相信本书一定会让众多读者受益,会帮助大家提升个人 Linux 运维能力,达到加薪升职的目的。


CoreOS in Action. Running Applications on Container Linux

CoreOS in Action is a clear tutorial for deploying container-based systems on CoreOS Container Linux. Inside, you’ll follow along with examples that teach you to set up CoreOS on both private and cloud systems, and to practice common sense monitoring and upgrade techniques with real code. You’ll also explore important container-aware application designs, including microservices, web, and Big Data examples with real-world use cases to put your learning into perspective.


Data Structures and Network Algorithms

Data Structures and Network Algorithms - Robert Endre Tarjan(1983) 算法大师,图灵奖得主Tarjan写的数据结构专著


Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms - Joseph O'Rourke

Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms - Joseph O'Rourke 计算几何算法中,美术馆问题的专题选讲


Algorithms and Data Structures The Basic Toolbox.Mehlhorn

《算法与数据结构基础工具箱》 Algorithms and Data Structures The Basic Toolbox.Mehlhorn Springer出版社出版的基础算法和数据结构的书


Algorithms and Applications

Algorithms and Applications Essays Dedicated to Esko Ukkonen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday(2010) 算法及其应用,Springer出版社计算机科学系列:Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6060


Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs.Golumbic.2ndEd(2004)

Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs.Golumbic.2ndEd(2004) 图论算法专题讲座,包括子图和完全图的内容


A Path to Combinatorics for Undergraduates.Titu Andreescu(2004)

A Path to Combinatorics for Undergraduates. Titu Andreescu(2004) 组合数学讲义


A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization - CRC Press

A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization - CRC Press Java图算法大全,是一本介绍图算法的图书,里面的所有算法全部都有java代码实现,方便大家学习和调试。


102 Combinatorial Problems from The Training of The USA IMO Team

《102个组合数学问题》是美国奥林匹克数学集训队的培训资料,也是组合数学领域一本难得的问题集。 "102 Combinatorial Problems" consists of carefully selected problems that have been used in the training and testing of the USA International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) team. Key features: * Provides in-depth enrichment in the important areas of combinatorics by reorganizing and enhancing problem-solving tactics and strategies * Topics include: combinatorial arguments and identities, generating functions, graph theory, recursive relations, sums and products, probability, number theory, polynomials, theory of equations, complex numbers in geometry, algorithmic proofs, combinatorial and advanced geometry, functional equations and classical inequalities The book is systematically organized, gradually building combinatorial skills and techniques and broadening the student's view of mathematics. Aside from its practical use in training teachers and students engaged in mathematical competitions, it is a source of enrichment that is bound to stimulate interest in a variety of mathematical areas that are tangential to combinatorics.



如果你在维基百科上搜索关键字 数据结构 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure 其中有一个很重要的外部链接,是美国国家标准实验室的人编写的一部数据结构大辞典,上面介绍了几乎所有我们能听说过的数据结构。 本人将其打包下载,装成一个压缩包,方便大家查阅了。



IDA.pro.学习资料.Reverse.Engineering.With.IDA.Pro.(2008) 逆向工程的好资料啊,感谢看雪学院的同学分享。 小弟没积分了,请大家支持一下吧。


Python Standard Library (中文版)

Python 标准库中文版,介绍了python标准库的各个模块的特性和使用,感谢啄木鸟社区的翻译工作。


仿佛来自虚空.As If Summoned from the Void




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