
2.1. Mathematical Background

Throughout the book we will use the following four definitions:

DEFINITION: T(n) = O(f(n)) if there are constants c and n0 such that T(n)<=cf(n) when n>= n0.

DEFINITION: T(n) = Ω(g(n)) if there are constants c and n0 such that T(n)>=cg(n) when n>=n0.

DEFINITION: T(n) =θ(h(n)) if and only if T(n)= O(h(n)) and T(n)=Ω(h(n)).

DEFINITION: T(n) = o(p(n)) if T(n)= O(p(n)) and T(n) !=(p(n)).

        Thus, we compare their relative rates of growth.       

The first definition says that eventually there is some point npast which cf(n)is always at least as large as T(n),so that if constant factors are ignored,f(n) is at least as big asT(n).

        If we use the traditional inequality operators to compare growth rates,then the first definition says that the growth rate ofT(n) is less than or equal to () that of f(n). 

        The second definition, T(n)=(g(n))(pronounced "omega"), says that the growth rate of T(n)is greater than or equal to () that ofg(n). 

        The third definition, T(n) = (h(n))(pronounced "theta"), says that the growth rate of T(n)equals ( = ) the growth rate ofh(n). 

        The last definition, T(n) = o(p(n))(pronounced"little-oh"), says that the growth rate of T(n) is less than (<) the growth rate ofp(n). This is different from Big-Oh,because Big-Oh allows the possibility that the growth rates are the same.

        The important things to know are:


If T1(n) = O(f(n))and T2(n) =O(g(n)),then

(a)T1(n) + T2(n) = max(O(f(n)),O(g(n))),

(b)T1(n) * T2(n) = O(f(n)*g(n)),


If T(x)is a polynomial of degree n, then T(x) =


 =O(n) for any constant k.This tells us that logarithms grow very slowly.

        Several points are in order. First, it is very bad style to include constants or low-orderterms inside a Big-Oh.Do not sayT(n) =O(2n2)orT(n) =O(n2+ n). In both cases, the correct form isT(n)=O(n2).

        Secondly, we can always determine the relative growth rates of two functions f( n) and g( n) by computing lim f( n)/ g( n), using L'Hôpital's rule if necessary.

2.4.3 最大子序列和问题的解

        Don't compute anything more than once.

        给定整数A1,A2,… , AN, 求[jk=iAk(为方便起见,如果所有整数均为负数,则最大子序列和为0)。




       第二层:在Ax到AN的范围中,穷举该范围内的子序列:Ax, Ax+1;   Ax, Ax+1, Ax+2 ;  …  ... ; Ax, Ax+1,  ... , A



int MaxSubsequenceSum(const int A[], int N)
	int ThisSum, MaxSum=0, i, j, k;

	for (i=0; i<N; i++)
		for (j=i; j<N; j++)
			ThisSum = 0;
			for (k=i; k<=j; k++)
				ThisSum += A[k];
			if (ThisSum > MaxSum)
				MaxSum = ThisSum;
	return MaxSum;

        分析:该代码的运行时间是O(N3)。该段代码明显不符合“Don't compute anything more than once.,如A1+A2被计算了N次。



int MaxSubsequenceSum_2(const int A[], int N)
	int ThisSum, MaxSum=0, i, j;

	for (i=0; i<N; i++)
		ThisSum = 0;
		for (j=i; j<N; j++)

			ThisSum += A[j];
			if (ThisSum > MaxSum)
				MaxSum = ThisSum;
	return MaxSum;

        分析:该代码的运行时间是O(N2)。该段代码仍不符合“Don't compute anything more than once.


        The algorithm uses a "divide-and-conquer" strategy. The idea is to split the problem into two roughly equal subproblems, each of which is half the size of the original. The subproblems are then solvedrecursively. This is the "divide" part. The"conquer" stage consists of patching together the two solutions of the subproblems, and possibly doing a small amount of additional work, to arrive at a solution for the whole problem.

        In our case, the maximum subsequence sum can be in one of three places.Either it occurs entirely in the left half of the input, or entirely in the right half, or it crosses the middle and is in both halves. The first two cases can be solved recursively. The last case can be obtained by finding the largest sum in the first half that includes the last element in the first half and the largest sum in the second half that includes the first element in the second half. These two sums can then be added together.


        如何实现递归,第一章有介绍the four basic rules of recursion,就本例而言:

1) Basic cases


2) Making progress

        由1的分析知,将一组数据不断的从中间分割,最后会到达Base case;

3) Design rule; 4) Compound interest rule

        Rule 3是假设满足;rule 4是设计高效率的递归时应遵循的。

        在本例中还应考虑的是,因为the maximum subsequence sum can be in one of three places. Either it occurs entirely in the left half of the input, or entirely in the right half, or it crosses the middle and is in both halves. 而在子数组中得到的都是entirely in the left half of the input t, or entirely in the right half, 也就是还需要计算crosses the middle and is in both halves。


int MaxSubsequenceSum_3(const int A[], int Left, int Right)
	int Center = 0, MaxLeftSum=0, MaxRightSum=0;
	int MaxLeftBorderSum=0, MaxRightBorderSum=0;
	int LeftBorderSum=0, RightBorderSum=0, MaxCross;
	int i=0;
	int Max;

	//Base case
	if (Left == Right)
		if (A[Left]>0)
			return A[Left];
			return 0;

	//Making progress
	Center = (Left + Right)/2;
	MaxLeftSum = MaxSubsequenceSum_3(A, Left, Center);
	MaxRightSum = MaxSubsequenceSum_3(A, Center+1, Right);

	//Calculating the max that crosses the middle and is in both halves
	for (i=Center; i>=Left; i--)
		cout << "A[i] = " << A[i] << endl;
		LeftBorderSum += A[i];
		if (LeftBorderSum > MaxLeftBorderSum)
			MaxLeftBorderSum = LeftBorderSum;
	for (i=Center+1; i<=Right; i++)
		cout << "A[i] = " << A[i] << endl;
		RightBorderSum += A[i];
		if (RightBorderSum > MaxRightBorderSum)
			MaxRightBorderSum = RightBorderSum;
	MaxCross = MaxLeftBorderSum + MaxRightBorderSum;

	//return the Max of the three
	Max = MaxLeftSum > MaxRightSum ? MaxLeftSum : MaxRightSum;
	Max = Max > MaxCross ? Max : MaxCross;

	cout << Max << endl;
	return Max;

        分析:分治算法以O(N log N)时间运行,该算法仍不符合“Don't compute anything more than once.”,但已经必前两种算法好很多。


        An algorithm is O(log n) if it takes constant (O(1)) time to cut the problem size by a fraction (which is usually).On the other hand, if constant time is required to merely reduce the problem by a constant amount(such as to make the problem smaller by 1), then the algorithm is O(n).






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