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原创 Github remote repository command reminder
remote repositorya . SSH settings: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "bitsunlei@126.com"b. create a new repository at GIthub.comc. git remote add origin git@github.com:drsunlei/tsalearn.gitgit remote add ...
2018-10-28 21:56:11 239
原创 Github local command reminder
1. initialization:git init2. modify and add a filegit add filegit commit -m "message"3. compare differencegit diffgit statusIf you know that the remote version is what you want t...
2018-10-28 21:14:26 229
原创 Entropy of a RV:Entropy of a binary random variable
% *********************************************************************% ({'Entropy of a binary random variable','\bf(C) bitsunlei@126.com'})% *******************************************************...
2018-09-12 09:23:57 265 1
原创 二次Renyi熵的估计 Quadratic Renyi entropy estimated from samples.
二次Renyi熵的估计Quadratic Renyi entropy estimated from samples.
2018-09-12 09:15:32 1241
原创 Entropy of a random variable consisting of two discrete events
For a discrete random variable X consisting of two events {0,1}. This program shows the entropy wrt variation of the probabilities.
2018-09-12 09:08:19 186
原创 Mutual Information Invariance to Reparameterization
For two random variables X and Y, it is known that which is also known as the reparameterization invariance property. To my known, the proof was given in Kraskov 2004 as followsLet and denote the...
2018-09-11 09:25:33 389
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