

Using the LaTeX Resume Templates

A group of resume templates, originally designed by the Rensselaer Career Development Center, are available in LaTeX format.

There are two files for each style: a PDF file for viewing with your PDF Viewer (probably Acrobat Reader), and a .tex file (the source) for copying. 
There are also a few examples of cover letters.

After you have viewed all the styles and selected one (or more) you like, download the corresponding .tex file(s) to your computer and replace the text that is there with your own information.

NOTE: The templates use a resume class called "res". If you don't already have the file res.cls on your system, you can download it using the link below. You can put this file in the same folder as the .tex file you are using for your resume.

The templates use the default Computer Modern fonts. You may prefer to use a font such as Helvetica or New Century Schoolbook instead. The .tex files contain comments that show how to do this. The necessary files for New Century Schoolbook are on your system, but if you choose to use Helvetica, you will need to download (from the link below) the file helvetica.sty.

The resume and letter template files

First view the various styles by clicking on the .pdf files in the left column. 
To download one of the corresponding .tex files, right-click on the name, select "Save Target As..." and navigate to the location on your computer where you want to store it.
res1.pdfPDF file for resume style 1res1.texLaTeX file for resume style 1
res2.pdfPDF file for resume style 2res2.texLaTeX file for resume style 2
res3.pdfPDF file for resume style 3res3.texLaTeX file for resume style 3
res4.pdfPDF file for resume style 4res4.texLaTeX file for resume style 4
res5.pdfPDF file for resume style 5res5.texLaTeX file for resume style 5
res6.pdfPDF file for resume style 6res6.texLaTeX file for resume style 6
res7.pdfPDF file for resume style 7res7.texLaTeX file for resume style 7
res8.pdfPDF file for resume style 8res8.texLaTeX file for resume style 8
res9a.pdfPDF file for resume style 9ares9a.texLaTeX file for resume style 9a
res9b.pdfPDF file for resume style 9bres9b.texLaTeX file for resume style 9b
res10.pdfPDF file for resume style 9bres10.texLaTeX file for resume style 10
let3.pdfPDF file for cover letter matching res3let3.texLaTeX file for cover letter matching res3
let7.pdfPDF file for cover letter matching res7let7.texLaTeX file for cover letter matching res7
let9a.pdfPDF file for cover letter matching res9alet9a.texLaTeX file for cover letter matching res9a
let9b.pdfPDF file for cover letter matching res9blet9b.texLaTeX file for cover letter matching res9b
helvetica.styLaTeX package for using Helvetica font  
res.clsLaTeX class file for formatting resumes  

Academic and Research Computing,  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180 - 3590 
Last modified February 2007 

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以下是一份基于LaTeX的中文简历模板代码: ```latex \documentclass[zh,11pt,lineno]{resume} % zh表示中文模式,11pt表示字号,lineno表示显示行号 \usepackage{ctex} % 使用ctex宏包支持中文 \begin{document} \name{你的姓名} % 姓名 \basicInfo{ \email{你的电子邮件地址} \textperiodcentered\ \phone{你的电话号码} \textperiodcentered\ % \linkedin[LinkedIn]{你的LinkedIn个人主页} \textperiodcentered\ \github[GitHub]{你的GitHub个人主页} } % 基本信息,可以使用 \linkedin 和 \github 分别添加 LinkedIn 和 GitHub 的个人主页链接 \section{教育背景} \datedsubsection{\textbf{学校名称}}{2016 -- 2020} \textit{学位},专业名称 % 教育背景,使用 \datedsubsection 命令添加时间和学校信息 \section{个人经历} \datedsubsection{\textbf{公司名称}}{2020年10月 -- 至今} \role{职位名称}{部门名称} % 个人经历,使用 \datedsubsection 命令添加时间、公司和职位信息 \section{项目经历} \datedsubsection{\textbf{项目名称}}{2020年7月 -- 2020年8月} \role{项目角色}{技术栈} \begin{itemize} \item 项目描述1 \item 项目描述2 \end{itemize} % 项目经历,使用 \datedsubsection 命令添加时间、项目名称和角色信息,使用 \role 命令添加角色和技术栈信息,使用 itemize 环境添加项目描述信息 \section{技能} \begin{itemize}[parsep=0.5ex] \item 技能1 \item 技能2 \end{itemize} % 技能,使用 itemize 环境添加技能信息 \end{document} ``` 需要注意的是,以上代码中涉及到的 `resume.cls` 和 `resume.sty` 文件需要事先下载并放置在同一目录下才能编译成功。


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