美语听力修炼 2011.04.13~2011.05.07

A New Reason for Why the Deaf May Have Trouble Reading

it's hard to understand why the sign of paper is using one hand to tap another flat held hand which seems hard to believe it represents a paper  while movie's seems much more accurate  by moving one flat hand back forth, well , i believe for deaf people their brains lack language connection of orthography and anything else like sound etc so that it's harder for them to control the expression than normal person.


Six Building Designers Who Are Redefining Modern Architecture

all human philosophy appears to be the same, nowadays, not only scientists but also all the other craftsmen would like the arts the promotion of the technology, same with ancient Chinese, they prefer Tao to skills, try their best to pursue the extreme point. as a common point of view, we need the inheritance, make it further glittering with our creative staff, maybe it's a good way. hope more and more people acquire their tao.


A Push to Get More Indonesians to Study in US

america constantly holds the most attraction in the world, it's win-win, needs to be enlarged as quickly as possible.


American History: From Great Depression's Depths, Creativity Reached New Heights

so everything always appears to be a double-edged sword, without the influence of the money, spirits got purified and folks got used to concentrating on more mental pursuit. at last, somehow unexpectedly, maybe they would find out they got no less acquisition than the former. mental satisfaction always exceeds.


Gold Keeps Shining, 30 Years After Nixon Ended Gold Standard

as gold is unique and little, it seems to get close to the point of the perfect on this planet. only if he's mankind, he recognizes its value. it simply proves it. gold has its own rich history which this article also mentioned, yes , i admire this: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.


New Movie and Museum Exhibits Shine New Light on Civil War Events

the story of the civil war is not so attractive to me, i know about it as a normal part of the american history, but maybe i can sense some new thing out of it, a war full of meaning, a war leads to a turning point, a war of purifying, last not the least, an inevitable war somehow.


Fight Over Spending Is Just Beginning in Washington

yeah, many things to deal with, to fight over, but all within common sense.


Robert Frost, 1874-1963: Most Americans Can Quote His Poems

Inside the World of Pawn Shops

A Better Computer Mouse Cursor for the Disabled

good, only those who are always thinking of what to invent, what is more useful or how can i help those out of inconvenience would make something meaningful or useful. no matter how small or trivial it is, it's great. cuz at least it must be a great start of some real great stuff.


Beauties in the Garden: Growing Ornamental Trees and Bushes

by cutting the root ball, it instead gets a faster growth. it's really amazing though i havent ever tried it by myself. besides butterflying, i wonder how small can the root ball get cut which at least keeps its fundamental vitality.

Understanding How Tornadoes Work

tornado's apprently horrible, but there're sitll its chasers some of which are interested in chasing it just for fun. it depends on the luck wether you would be hit by the tornado. if you've avoided the path of tornado, you possibly won't be hurted, plains is the best terrain for human residing, just for the reason it arracts and traps the horrible wind. another two sides coin  example.


Kids in Britain + Online Tutors in India = Divided Opinions

it's really ought to be a supplement, and a powerful way to add sth to the regular teaching. good and appropriate resources may be splattered across a much wider scope, for the time being, it's just the great internet who helps us in fulfiling this which's impossible formerly. we'd very well take advantage of it. plus, perhaps maths is a hard subject, it depends on the teacher who might make it more interesting.

Jimmy Doolittle Set Many Records for Flying

maybe the most difficult thing for a hero like jimmy is not only to be a millitary leader or racing pilot but also to be an aviation pioneer and scientist. the scientist's supposed to be the lightspot.


What Do You Know About the Common Cold?

i know onion, garlic, and ginger may be helpful in resisting cold along with brown sugar. and doctor Ranit said drinking water or anything that gets fluids into body may also be helpful too, we've been believing this to be true, but why? besides what practices showes, it may help improve the resisting power of the body with water.

How an Allowance Helps Children Learn About Money

yeah, the compound interest power is as great as one can hardly imagine on simple thinking, exponential power's apprently drastic as time goes on. by the way, i truly agree with what's said in the article that allowances should be given to children in different ways it depends on what you the parents want your children to be and should be carefully dealt with.

Dolls Made to Look Like the American Melting Pot

throughout the whole story, what attracted most is the pleant-hearing music and picture from wiz khalifa. perhaps he's well absorbed much of the multiple culture so that he's able to make some a little bit different music, from black artists, it proves again that great creation and innovation may appear at any time, no wonder, no miracle, it's all the human being who's tried their best.

American History: End of the New Deal

it's too long, i've finished hearing it but didn't get all of it, president Roosevelt again comes into my eye, this time i think as a successful president it was really hard for him to achieve all that not only because his party rival - the Republicans would surely compete with him but also at some special time the folks within his party - some of the Democats may also be against him sometimes, i think this is one of the uneasy part of the american politics. not so continuous or steady in policy even perhaps it's good but truly democratic.

Ann Landers, 1918-2002: She Helped Millions of People Deal With Their Problems

Remembering the Gulf Oil Spill, One Year Later

Scientists Search for the Lost City of Atlantis

space exploring is my dream, how exciting it is to hear about such a news, it rearouse my sleeping interest towards it, hope everyting goes smoothly and we would get back new messages soon. but till now we still don't have too many exciting points, as first step, we need to find out whether there's microbes on Mars, if so, we maybe need to change the  atmosphere there, besides, which's perhaps a longest way among
them to go, to develop an enough quick and big spacecraft for human to use, after all, for now, we still haven't the most urgency.

Wiley Post: The First Pilot to Fly Around the World Alone

Wiley Post could represent one of the American spirits with no doubt. his great interest, obsession, toughness, braveness all have left me deep impression. it would give us power and obviously lead us to the much higher science mountain. much more efforts shall be made.

Travelers May Spread Drug-Resistance Gene From South Asia

it's just like the old saying: "While the priest climbs a post,  the devil climbs ten". tao and devil will go on fighting with each other forever. but what left to human to do is merely to continue striving.

Mobile Devices' Location Tracking Raises Privacy Concerns

Why Sleep Apnea Raises Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack

in fact, adequately reveal some extent of the scientific research results would promote the research progress itself...it's the stimulation.


Using the Internet and Social Media to Search for a Job

What Now for al-Qaida After Death of bin Laden?





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