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转载 Check if array element appears on line

I'm going through a file line by line and I want to check if that line contains any element from an array. for instance if I have:myArray = ["cat", "dog", "fish"]and the current line said:

2014-09-28 20:22:32 329

转载 Obtain Key from a Hash of Arrays using array value

I have a Hash as follows:{'a' => [title: 'ab', path: 'cd'], 'b' => [title: 'ef', path: 'gh']}Now lets say I have one title and wish to get the key from it...i.e. if I have 'ef' and want

2014-09-27 11:38:07 362

转载 Ruby converting array of hashes to array of arrays

I have a ruby array of hashesarr1 = [:a => {:name=>"Bob",:age=>"10",:city=>"NY"}, :b => {:name=>"Mike",:age=>"20",:city=>"FL"}]What is the best way to convert this toarr2 = [["Bob",10]

2014-09-26 09:00:13 333

转载 List the maximum or minimum of the elements at each position of two arrays

[a1, a2].transpose.map &:minmaxGiven a larger pair of arrays, it stores the minmax at each index.a1 = [ 10, 30, 8, 15 ]a2 = [ 17, 23, 5, 35 ]p [a1, a2].transpose.map &:minmax # => [[10, 1

2014-09-26 08:53:06 313

转载 How to group anagrams in a string into an array

I want to group anagrams in ruby from a given string and the result should be an array containing arrays of anagram groups likeGiven String: "scream cars for four scar creams"here cars and scar ar

2014-09-25 15:05:56 349

转载 Ruby, unique hashes in array based on multiple fields

I'd like to get back an array of hashes based on sport and type combinationI've got the following array:[ { sport: "football", type: 11, other_key: 5 }, { sport: "football", type: 12, o

2014-09-25 15:03:55 360

转载 Distinguish between index of a decimal number and integer inside an array in Ruby?

Since Ruby does type conversion, how do I get the index correctly?I would like this to return 1[1,2.0,2,3].index(2.0)#=> 1I would like this to return 2[1,2.0,2,3].index(2)#=> 1

2014-09-25 14:56:32 319

转载 Ruby: Multidimensional array to multidimensional hash

I have an array:a = [[1,[2,3]], [2,[3,4]], [3,[4,5]]]I want to convert it to:h = {1 => {2 => 3}, 2 => {3 => 4}, 3 => {4 => 5}}I m new to Ruby, can anybody help me to solve this?

2014-09-18 16:12:52 359

转载 get coordinates of value in 2D array

array = [["foo", "bar", "lobster"], ["camel", "trombone", "foo"], ["goat", "car", "hog"], ["foo", "harp", "foo"]]array.each_with_index.with_object([]) { |(a,i),b| a.each_with_index { |s,

2014-09-14 09:17:28 311

转载 关于字符串转换日期的问题

大家好:最近遇到一个需求必须要把字符串’20120514144424‘这个样子的转换为日期如:2012-05-14 14:44:24

2014-09-11 08:47:53 336

转载 Ruby Group Parts of An Array

I start out with a following simple array, as such:a = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]I want the below. How do I get this?a = ["ab", "cd", "ef"] a.each_slice(2).map(&:join)

2014-09-06 16:26:30 387

转载 Sorting a 2d array in ruby

arr = [[1,2,8], [3,8,4], [9,2,10], [0,1,3]]arr.sort! { |a, b| a.min b.min }

2014-09-06 16:21:34 247

转载 Sorting a mixed array of hashes and strings

What is the syntax for sorting an array alphabetically by the key of a hash or by a string? I would like to sort the following:['bob', 'apple', 'sandwich', {'lasagne' => 'munch'}, 'tangoed']to g

2014-09-06 16:10:44 346

转载 Does Ruby have a method similar to Emacs align-regexp?

Looking for a Ruby method to operate on an array of strings and align them according to a regex given as as an argument. Emacs has a defun called align-regexp that does this interactively when operati

2014-09-05 10:43:41 470

转载 Ruby hash combinations

input = { color: [ "blue", "grey" ], size: [ "s", "m", "l" ], wt: [:light, :heavy] }keys = input.keys #=> [:color, :size, :wt]values = input.values #=> [["blue", "grey"]

2014-09-05 09:35:56 493

转载 Change Hash Array keys to strings

I have this Hash:{["word"]=>1, ["cat"]=>2, ["tree"]=>1, ["dog"]=>1}But I want to have this Hash:{"word"=>1, "cat"=>2, "tree"=>1, "dog"=>1}

2014-09-05 09:26:47 302

转载 Sorting array elements by date

I have the following array.dates = ["6/23/2014", "8/5/2014", "8/19/2014", "6/26/2014", "8/19/2014", "8/19/2014","7/8/2014", "6/3/2014", "7/30/2014", "7/3/2014", "6/3/2014", "6/26/2014"]Our arr

2014-09-05 08:41:59 310

转载 How to get array from string contained identical symbols in Ruby?

I have string like this: "1112222355". How can I get array like that ["111","2222","3","55"] using Ruby?Assuming you want to group only consecutive elements, use Enumerable#chunk:> "1112222355

2014-09-03 11:21:20 335

转载 Rails mapping array of hashes onto single hash

I have an array of hashes like so: [{"testPARAM1"=>"testVAL1"}, {"testPARAM2"=>"testVAL2"}]And I'm trying to map this onto single hash like this:{"testPARAM2"=>"testVAL2", "testPARAM1"=>"testV

2014-09-03 11:20:09 322

转载 Split Ruby array into sub array with slash

I have got an Array:a = [[676, "/"], [679, "/", 680, "/"], [4, "3.7", "111.55", "/"], [668, "/"], [681, "/", 682, "/"]]Want to have an output like:a = [[676], [679], [680], [4, "3.7", "111.55"

2014-09-03 09:10:04 532

转载 Convert array of key value object to object of the key values (ruby)

I have a list of objects that have key attribute and value attribute.I would like to convert it to an object that contains attributes named as keys with the values.Example will make it clearer

2014-09-02 16:20:21 361

转载 Wobble Hypothesis - Combination or Permutation of Array of strings in ruby

I have a ruby array with 4 stringsnucleotides = ['A', 'G', 'C', 'T']I need 4^3 combinations of strings.new_array = ['AGC', 'AGT' .. 'TTT']This is the wobble hypothesis in genetics. Could s

2014-09-02 11:18:53 386

转载 How to sort an array of hashes into hashes with multiple values for a key?

am working on Ruby on Rails project using rails4.Scenario:I have an array of hashes. An array contains hashes where keys are the same. a = [{132=>[1000.0]}, {132=>[4000.0]}, {175=>[1000.0]},

2014-09-02 10:22:57 687

转载 Access nested array, where depth is unknown until runtime in Ruby

Example:array = [ [ [ [ ["foo"] ] ] ] ]array[0][0][0][0][0] == "foo" # => true

2014-09-01 11:31:21 317

转载 ruby find entry in array

I have some array[0,1,0,1,0][0,0,1,1,0][1,1,0,1,1]and some mask[1,0][0,1]What approach I should use to find sequence by mask?Sample array can be any size and mask can be any size tooI n

2014-09-01 11:16:12 279




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