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转载 out 和 ref

我看的C#入门经典,其中讲到函数中的ref和out!ref我明白,但是out的作用是什么? 我不太明白有个例子:static int MaxValue(int[] intArray, out int maxIndex) {            int maxval = intArray[0];            maxIndex = 0;for (int i

2014-12-17 09:18:01 722

原创 项目小记


2014-09-26 07:26:55 558

原创 how to convert a object to json file immediately during debug?

how to convert a object to json file immediately

2014-09-20 06:46:16 842

原创 常用网站

1. 正则表达式快速解析与验证http://regex101.com/

2014-08-22 03:30:07 521

原创 Recursion & Dynamic Programming

Recursion & Dynamic ProgrammingRecursion:Recursion solution, by definition, are built off solutions to sub problems. Many times, this will mean simply to compute f(n) by adding something,

2014-04-14 07:08:33 1169

原创 div example

Icon        Type        Massage

2014-03-30 20:10:49 641

转载 Div 的使用

http://www.cnblogs.com/Nimitz/archive/2010/04/24/1719327.htmldiv style常用属性一、常用属性:1、Height:设置DIV的高度。2、Width:设置DIV的宽度。例:

2014-03-29 13:03:56 594

转载 New TypeScript Fundamentals Course

P art 1 – Getting Started with TypeScriptPart 2 – TypeScript GrammarPart 3 – TypeScript Classes and InterfacesPart 4 – Modules

2014-03-19 09:21:58 619

原创 TypeScript: Interface vs Class vs Modules vs Program vs Function

I would like to explain the Interface,Class,Module, Program and Fucntion in TypeScript per comparing C# and hopefully the answers are useful to people coming to TypeScript from similar languages too.

2014-03-19 01:16:45 1772

转载 C# main函数详解及参数应用

http://blog.csdn.net/koself/article/details/7920881main函数:C# Main函数的概念是什么呢?C# Main()是C#应用程序的入口点,执行这个函数就是执行应用程序。也就是说,在执行过程开始时,会执行Main()函数,在Main()函数执行完毕时,执行过程就结束了。    C# Main函数的四种情况:static void

2014-03-15 03:05:29 963

转载 C#变量定义中类型后带一个问号

C#变量定义中类型后带一个问号.  变量定义中类型后带一个问号,意思是这个数据类型是NullAble类型的。用于给变量设初值的时候,给变量(int类型)赋值为null,而不是0!例子: int? i = 3 等同于Nullable i = new Nullable(3);和nullable是一样的就是值允许为空

2014-03-03 05:10:14 752

转载 数据库-脏读,幻读,不可重复读

http://blog.csdn.net/d8111/article/details/2595635脏读-Dirty Reads幻读-Phantom Reads不可重复读-unrepeated Reads数据库带来的并发问题包括:      1.丢失或覆盖更新。(幻像读)   2.未确认的相关性(脏读)。   3.不一致的分析(非重复读)

2014-02-28 12:29:35 712

原创 Given a int array, please find the sub array wich has maximum sum, return the index, length and sum

1.    Question: Given a intarray, please find the sub array which has maximum sum of these elements,return the index, length and sum2.    Solution: Let's define(sum1, index1, length1) and (sum2, ind

2014-02-17 07:30:50 709

转载 数据库设计准则(第一、第二、第三范式说明)

http://www.blogjava.net/xzclog/archive/2009/01/04/249711.html数据库设计准则(第一、第二、第三范式说明) I、关系数据库设计范式介绍1.1 第一范式(1NF)无重复的列       所谓第一范式(1NF)是指数据库表的每一列都是不可分割的基本数据项,同一列中不能有多个值,即实体中的某个属性不能有多个值或者不能有重复

2014-02-10 11:17:40 612

转载 Technical Interview Questions, Answers, and Tips


2014-02-05 11:09:39 1719

原创 PSTools

how to get the PSTools?from here:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspxAfter download the PSToos, you can extra teh PSToos, thenk you will get a set of PC tools. that cotain

2013-05-16 02:21:58 905

原创 powershell 常见数据类型之WMI class

powershell 常见数据类型之WMI class PS D:\> help *WMI*Name                              Category  Synopsis----                              --------  --------gwmi                              Alias

2013-04-17 07:17:20 1810

原创 Subnet Mask Calculator

Subnet MaskCalculator-子网掩码计算器http://bbs.szwblm.com/dv_rss.asp?s=xhtml&boardid=15&id=25017&page=6 子网掩码(subnet mask)又叫网络掩码、地址掩码、子网络遮罩,它是一种用来指明一个IP地址的哪些位标识的是主机所在的子网以及哪些位标识的是主机的位掩码。子网掩码不能单独存在,它必

2011-11-30 08:57:24 709

原创 基于Socket的网络小程序

You can get moe info about Socket class from MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.socket.aspx or from baiuhttp://baike.baidu.com/view/13870.htmHow to use udpclient:h

2011-11-28 15:12:27 819

转载 TCP三次握手及四次挥手详细图解

From:http://blog.chinaunix.net/space.php?uid=20587912&do=blog&cuid=2201855     相对于SOCKET开发者,TCP创建过程和链接折除过程是由TCP/IP协议栈自动创建的.因此开发者并不需要控制这个过程.但是对于理解TCP底层运作机制,相当有帮助.   而且对于有网络协议工程师之类笔试,几乎是必考的内容.企业

2011-09-01 16:54:43 1096

原创 How to combin 2 dictionary object to single one:

How to combin 2 dictionary object to single one: using System.Linq;using System.Linq.Expressions;  Dictionary d1 = new Dictionary(

2011-08-27 07:32:15 499

转载 单元测试FAQ-VSTS

在单元测试中方法被标记为 [ClassInitialize()], [TestInitialize()], [ClassCleanup()] 和[TestCleanup()]有什么区别?·带有[ClassInitialize()]特性的方法在执行类中第一个测试之前调用。

2011-08-23 12:58:05 506



2011-08-16 06:36:49 2287

原创 How to define an array in c#.

Static Array:typename[]=new typename[Size]{data1,data2......}; Dynamic Array:Use List or ArrayList Example:using System;using System.Collect

2011-07-19 01:38:06 688

原创 How to page using stored procudure.

USE [LBY]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[UserPaged]    Script Date: 07/15/2011 10:21:37 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENT

2011-07-16 01:33:04 463

原创 How to enable the IntelliSense of SQL Server 2008

Link:http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/03/31/sql-server-2008-intellisense-does-not-work-enable-intellisense/ While I was working with SQL Se

2011-07-16 01:24:55 593

原创 SQL--Cascading delete and update (Referential Integrity)

语法:Foreign Key(column[,...n])references referenced_table_name[(ref_column[,...n])][on delete cascade][on update cascade]注释:column:列名referenced_table_name:外键参考的主键表名称ref_name:外键要参考的表的主键列on delete:删除级联

2011-07-01 07:12:00 810

转载 BDD: 使用 SpecFlow 和 WatiN 进行行为驱动开发

Forward: http://dengbq.blog.163.com/blog/static/4634654620110283470713/This blog touch upon the following point:1.  BDD2.  TDD3.  Testing tools: SpecFlow + WatiN (like Rhino Mock)4.  ASP.NET MVC

2011-06-01 01:59:00 1817

转载 Net平台下的Mock工具---Rhino Mocks

Net平台下的Mock工具---Rhino Mocks

2011-06-01 01:44:00 1379

原创 SQL Code Coverage

SQL Code Coverage

2011-05-28 06:06:00 582



2011-05-28 01:04:00 679

原创 配置邮件服务器(SMTP简单步骤)


2011-05-26 08:11:00 8504

原创 over partition by与group by 的区别

over partition by与group by 的区别

2011-05-24 04:51:00 658

原创 使用IE Developer tool定位code source

<br />1. 在浏览器打开你需要的网页<br />2. 点击Tools -->Developer Tools (或者直接点击F12)<br />3.  Developer Tool界面弹出<br />4. 点击Find-->Select Element by Click (或者 Ctrl + B)<br />5. 选择step1 网页中的文本或者其他<br /> <br /> 

2011-05-09 05:38:00 1064

原创 /r, /n 和 /r/n的来历与区别

/r, /n 和 /r/n的来历与区别

2011-04-28 04:48:00 1437

原创 Round & Roundup

Round & RoundUP 函数

2011-04-23 06:39:00 1392

原创 A network-related or instance-specific error occurred when applicatoin connect to a DB

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (pr

2011-04-22 16:20:00 10736

原创 The deployment script about Databasee project

The deployment script about Databasee project

2011-04-09 05:59:00 766

原创 SQL中, ISNULL() 用法


2011-04-08 07:51:00 1117

原创 How to update Database version via script?

How to update Database version via script?

2011-04-07 05:49:00 767



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