Dynamics CRM 电子邮件模板揭秘

Email Template Demystified


In this blog I am going to cover below:

  1. Using HTML in email template. I.e Adding a table, border etc.
  2. Adding images to email template, prerequisites, limitation etc
  3. Using desired fonts


Quick Tips:
1. Always use Internet Explorer when creating email template
2. Adjust IE settings to be in compatible mode with your CRM. (i.e adding CRM url to compatibility mode)


Using HTML in email template. I.e Adding a table, border etc..

The first question would be , what is the need to use html in email template? If you know email template has very limited option available from the designer such as limited number of fonts, Colors, font size etc. So using html to provide rich look to your email content can be a good choice. I have used them personally and customer loved them.

In this blog I will quickly create a basic html email template which will have a table with some information from CRM record and we will beautify it. Lets say i would like to create table with custom loyalty reward information. I can do something like below:


You can use any online html editor to create the required content like the one I used here: https://html-online.com/editor/  

Now save the template and go to a contact > activities > add an email and insert this email template:

This is just to show the capability. You can do a lot with HTML in your email template.

Adding images to email template, prerequisites, limitation etc.

Adding images to a email template has been very tidy work. However with correct knowledge its quiet easy.  Keep below in your mind when you want to add an image to an email template:

  1. Email template is not a container/storage. The image can only be referenced from a public source. Meaning image must be available/accessible public ally.  i.e located on sharePoint, company website, social network public image etc.
  2. You should set the image size using html rather then manually dragging the corners.

Lets take an example below. I would add an image to my email template showing my recent accomplishment which is available on my blog page:

Now if I need this image in email template. There are two options.

1. Copy the image directly by right clicking on the image from website or create an html using image. Open in browser and copy from there and paste in your email template:

however this method is risky as your image might vanish anytime.

2. Copy image hyperlink or image address and paste it and create html by proving the image source:

Save the template and insert into email and you will see image has been populated.

Quick Tip : You can store images as Image web resource within your dynamics CRM and use them like I have used above by simply taking the image web resource url.

Using desired fonts

Though template editor gives you very limited option on fonts and size. You can very add other fonts and desired size or any colour to your content.


Here is what you can do:

  1. Format your content on a word document and copy paste from there into your email template. It should retain the fonts, size and color.
  2. Set the formatting within your HTML.


<p><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;"> Rawish Kumar</span></strong></p>

I hope this helps!

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Dynamics CRM是Microsoft的一款客户关系管理软件,旨在帮助企业有效管理和提升客户关系。下面是一些入门的要点: 1. 功能概述:Dynamics CRM提供了一系列功能,包括销售管理、市场营销、客户服务和客户分析等。通过这些功能,企业可以更好地跟踪潜在客户、管理销售流程、提供卓越的客户服务以及分析客户数据,从而增强客户关系。 2. 数据中心:Dynamics CRM数据中心是存储和管理企业客户数据的地方。通过数据中心,用户可以创建、编辑和查看客户信息,包括联系人、交易记录、合同等。数据中心还提供了一套强大的搜索和过滤功能,以便快速查找所需的信息。 3. 个人定制:Dynamics CRM允许用户根据自己的需求进行个性化定制。用户可以自定义工作区、报表和仪表盘,以便更好地满足其工作流程和业务需求。个性化的设置可以提高工作效率,并使用户更加舒适地使用系统。 4. 自动化工作流程:Dynamics CRM的一个重要功能是自动化工作流程。用户可以设置流程,以便在特定条件下触发自动化操作,如发送电子邮件、创建任务或生成报告。这些自动化工作流程可以帮助企业提高工作效率,并减少人为错误。 5. 数据分析和报告:通过Dynamics CRM的数据分析和报告功能,用户可以深入分析客户数据并生成相关报告。这些报告可以提供有关销售绩效、客户满意度和市场趋势等方面的关键指标,帮助企业做出明智的决策并优化业务流程。 总之,Dynamics CRM是一款强大的客户关系管理软件,可以帮助企业有效管理客户关系并提升业务绩效。通过了解其功能和使用方法,用户可以更好地利用该软件,并在实际工作中取得更好的成果。


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