

PYANG是个github上的开源项目。作者是Martin Bjorklund。NETCONF、YANG的RFC都是这哥么写的,还是唯一作者,其他人只是“有贡献”。有多牛叉不用说了吧。他的名字就是权威。



  • Validate YANG modules.
  • Convert YANG modules to YIN, and YIN to YANG.
  • Translate YANG data models to DSDL schemas, which can be used for validating various XML instance documents.
    将 YANG 数据模型转换为 DSDL 模式,可用于验证各种 XML 实例文档。
  • Generate UML diagrams from YANG models.
    从 YANG 模型生成 UML 图。
  • Generate compact tree representation of YANG models for quick visualization.
    生成YANG tree,以便于YANG的快速可视化。
  • Generate a skeleton XML instance document from the data model.
    从数据模型生成框架 XML 实例文档。
  • Schema-aware translation of instance documents encoded in XML to JSON and vice-versa.
    将用 XML 编码的实例文档的模式感知转换为 JSON。
  • Plugin framework for simple development of other outputs, such as code generation.

本人最常用的几个功能是:YANG语法白盒验证、YIN/YANG转换、YANG tree可视化。YANG/XSD模型转化、YANG模型UML生成用的比较少。PYANG可以作为其他开发的框架插件,YANG语法白盒检查很容易包装成定时任务,用于每天检查自己项目代码中的YANG模型语法问题。




进入项目链接:https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang。下载全量源码。你可以git clone;有的公司可能有权限管理,也可以像我一样,直接download zip。






执行:pip install -e .


检查安装结果:pyang -v


查看帮助信息:pyang -h

-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --version Show version number and exit
-V, --verbose
-e, --list-errors Print a listing of all error and warning codes and
–print-error-code On errors, print the error code instead of the error
On errors, print the basename of files of the error
Template used to display error messages. This is a
python new-style format string used to format the
message information with keys file, line, code, type
and msg. Example: --msg-template=‘{file} || {line} ||
{code} || {type} || {level} || {msg}’
-W WARNING If WARNING is ‘error’, treat all warnings as errors,
except any listed WARNING. If WARNING is ‘none’, do
not report any warnings.
-E WARNING Treat each WARNING as an error. For a list of
warnings, use --list-errors.
–ignore-error=ERROR Ignore ERROR. Use with care. For a list of errors,
use --list-errors.
–ignore-errors Ignore all errors. Use with care.
–canonical Validate the module(s) according to the canonical YANG
Ensure that all old revisions in the revision history
can be found in the module search path.
Apply transform TRANSFORM. Supported transforms are:
-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
Convert to FORMAT. Supported formats are: yang, yin,
dsdl, capability, depend, flatten, identifiers,
jsonxsl, jstree, jtox, name, omni, sample-xml-
skeleton, tree, uml
-o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE
Write the output to OUTFILE instead of stdout.
Features to support, default all.
Features not to support, default none.
Max status to support, one of: current, deprecated,
Deviation module
-p PATH, --path=PATH ;-separated search path for yin and yang modules
Load pyang plugins from PLUGINDIR
–strict Force strict YANG compliance.
–lax-quote-checks Lax check of backslash in quoted strings.
–lax-xpath-checks Lax check of XPath expressions.
–trim-yin In YIN input modules, trim whitespace in textual
-L, --hello Filename of a server’s hello message is given instead
of module filename(s).
Attempt to parse all deviations from hello message
regardless of declaration.
–keep-comments Pyang will not discard comments;
has effect if the output plugin can
handle comments.
–no-path-recurse Do not recurse into directories in the
yang path.
–bbf Validate the module(s) according to BBF rules.
Verify that upgrade from OLDMODULE follows RFC 6020
and 7950 rules.
-P OLD_PATH, --check-update-from-path=OLD_PATH
;-separated search path for yin and yang modules used
-D OLD_DEVIATION, --check-update-from-deviation-module=OLD_DEVIATION
Old deviation module of the OLDMODULE. This option can
be given multiple times.
Check sx:structures.
–ieee Validate the module(s) according to IEEE rules.
–ietf Validate the module(s) according to IETF rules.
–ietf-help Print help on the IETF checks and exit
–lint Validate the module(s) according to RFC 8407rules.
Validate that the module’s namespace matches one of
the given prefixes.
Validate that the module’s name matches one of the
given prefixes.
No upper case and underscore in names.
–mef Validate the module(s) according to MEF rules.
–3gpp Validate the module(s) according to 3GPP rules.

YANG output specific options:
–yang-canonical Print in canonical order
Maximum line length

YIN output specific options:
–yin-canonical Print in canonical order
Pretty print strings

Hybrid DSDL schema output specific options:
No output of DTD compatibility documentation
No output of Dublin Core metadata annotations
–dsdl-record-defs Record all top-level defs (even if not used)
Try to translate modules with unsupported YANG
versions (use at own risk)

Capability output specific options:
Write ampersands as XML entity

Depend output specific options:
Makefile rule target
Do not generate dependencies for included submodules
Generate dependencies from included submodules
–depend-recurse Generate dependencies to all imports, recursively
YANG module file name extension
Include file path in the prerequisites
(sub)module to ignore in the prerequisites. This
option can be given multiple times.

Flatten output specific options:
Do not emit the CSV header.
–flatten-keyword Output the keyword.
–flatten-type Output the top-level type.
Output the primitive type.
–flatten-flag Output flag property.
Output the description.
–flatten-keys Output the key names if specified.
Output the XPath with keys in path.
Output the XPath with prefixes instead of modules.
Output the XPath with qualified in path
Output an XPath with both module and prefix i.e.
–flatten-deviated Output deviated nodes.
Flatten all data keywords instead of onlydata
definition keywords.
Filter output to only desired keywords.
Filter output to only desired primitive types.
Filter output to flags.
CSV dialect for output.
Ignore error if primitive is missing.
–flatten-status Output the status statement value.
Output the XPath of the leafref target.

JSTree output specific options:
–jstree-no-path Do not include paths to make
page less wide
Subtree to print

Name output specific options:
Print the name and revision in name@revision format

OmniGraffle output specific options:
Subtree to print

Sample-xml-skeleton output specific options:
Type of sample XML document (data or config).
Insert leafs with defaults values.
Add annotations as XML comments.
Subtree to print

SID file specific options:
–sid-help Print help on automatic SID generation
Generate a .sid file.
Generate a .sid file based on a previous .sid file.
Check the consistency between a .sid file and the
.yang file(s).
–sid-list Print the list of SID.
–sid-finalize Mark current allocations as non-provisional.
Print the information required by the SID registry.
Add an extra SID range during a .sid file update.

Tree output specific options:
–tree-help Print help on tree symbols and exit
Number of levels to print
Maximum line length
Subtree to print
Print groupings
Do not expand uses of groupings
Prefix with module names instead of prefixes
Print ietf-restconf:yang-data structures
Print ietf-yang-structure-ext:structure

UML specific options:
–uml-classes-only Generate UML with classes only, no attributes
Generate UML output split into pages (separate .png
files), NxN, example 2x2
Put generated .png or .png file(s)<br/> in OUTPUTDIR (default img/)<br/> –uml-title=UML_TITLE<br/> Set the title of the generated UML, including the<br/> output file name<br/> –uml-header=UML_HEADER<br/> Set the page header of the generated UML<br/> –uml-footer=UML_FOOTER<br/> Set the page footer of the generated UML<br/> –uml-long-identifiers<br/> Use the full schema identifiers for UML class names.<br/> –uml-inline-groupings<br/> Inline groupings where they are used.<br/> –uml-inline-augments<br/> Inline augmentations where they are used.<br/> –uml-description Include description of structural nodes in diagram.<br/> –uml-no=UML_NO Suppress parts of the diagram. Valid suppress values<br/> are: module, uses, leafref, identity, identityref,<br/> typedef, import, annotation, circles, stereotypes.<br/> Annotations suppresses YANG constructs represented as<br/> annotations such as config statements for containers<br/> and module info. Module suppresses module box around<br/> the diagram and module information. Example --uml-<br/> no=circles,stereotypes,typedef,import<br/> –uml-truncate=UML_TRUNCATE<br/> Leafref attributes and augment elements can have long<br/> paths making the classes too wide. This option will<br/> only show the tail of the path. Example --uml-<br/> truncate=augment,leafref<br/> –uml-max-enums=UML_MAX_ENUMS<br/> The maximum number of enumerated values being rendered<br/> –uml-filter Generate filter file, comment out lines with ‘-’ and<br/> use with option ‘–filter-file’ to filter the UML<br/> diagram<br/> –uml-filter-file=UML_FILTER_FILE<br/> NOT IMPLEMENTED: Only paths in the filter file will be<br/> included in the diagram

Edit transform specific options:
Set YANG version to the supplied value
Set YANG namespace to the supplied value
Set import/include revision-date statements to match
imported/included modules/submodules
Delete import/include revision-date statements
Set module/submodule organization to the supplied
Set module/submodule contact to the supplied value
Set module/submodule description to the supplied value
Delete any revisions after the supplied yyyy-mm-dd
Set most recent revision date to the supplied yyyy-mm-
Set most recent revision description to the supplied
Set most recent revision reference to the supplied




最基本的命令是pyang --lint xxx.yang,一般YANG模型放在modules目录下。pyang会内置一些标准YANG。

pyang --lint  modules\ietf\ietf-inet-types.yang



pyang -f yin -o ietf-yang-types.yin ietf-yang-types.yang
pyang -f yang -o ietf-yang-types.yang ietf-yang-types.yin

YANG tree可视化

pyang -f tree modules\ietf\ietf-interfaces.yang -o ietf-interfaces.txt

转换出来的YANG tree大概是这个样子的:

module: ietf-interfaces
  +--rw interfaces                            //rw是config true;ro是config false
  |  +--rw interface* [name]                         //*表示list,[]中的是key
  |     +--rw name                        string
  |     +--rw description?                string     //?是可选节点,不带?是必选节点
  |     +--rw type                        identityref
  |     +--rw link-up-down-trap-enable?   enumeration {if-mib}?   // {if-mib}? 是if-feature
  |     +--ro oper-status                 enumeration
  |     +--ro last-change?                yang:date-and-time
  x--ro interfaces-state                // x是deprecated节点,不推荐使用的节点
     x--ro interface* [name]
        x--ro name               string
        x--ro type               identityref
        x--ro admin-status       enumeration {if-mib}?
        x--ro oper-status        enumeration
        x--ro last-change?       yang:date-and-time
        x--ro if-index           int32 {if-mib}?
        x--ro phys-address?      yang:phys-address
评论 4




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